Wu Long also looked at An Jili, his eyes clearly said: "Why did you say it?"

Of course, Wu Long didn't mean to blame.

Then, everyone turned their heads to look at Wu Long, and their movements were in unison.

"Don't talk about that, let's start work." Wu Long smiled.

"I said, how is it possible?" Ross shook his head: "Drifting to load people into the car, the first rotation does not have the power and trajectory to throw people out, so it is impossible to put people into the car. It takes a second rotation to appear laterally. It is possible to bring people into the country with the power and trajectory of the country.”

His subordinates immediately said: "If this is the case, it will be a 360-degree rotation drift. When the front of the car turns back to the original direction, put people into the car, then quickly turn the steering wheel back, and continue to drive forward in the right direction."

A partner from another team said: "It's too difficult. The timing of turning the steering wheel is wrong, another mistake. This stunt not only requires good eyesight, but also requires fast coordination of hands and feet, and the operation is fast and accurate."

Ross still shook his head: "I can't do it even if I don't set the direction and continue to drive forward. I believe that no one in this world can do it."

"Drifting into the warehouse is just a 180-degree drift. During this process, the car is still within the control range. Once the car drifts and rotates more than 360 degrees, the chance of accidents will greatly increase, and many uncontrollable factors lead to accidents."

"Even if there is no accident and the car is within the control range, it will not be able to achieve precise and absolute control."

"If you want to put a person into a drifting car, not only do you need to turn the person, the door position is just facing the person, but you also need to have a state of pushing forward instead of rotating."

"Only by rotating, maybe it will turn around people. The opened door will still hit people, and accidents will happen."

"Whether it's earlier or later, an open door will bump into someone."

"It was an impossible stunt."

The members of Rose's team all agreed.Even the cameramen and other staff around him agreed with Rose's statement.

As a professional car stunt master, Rose's words are authoritative and convincing.

Everyone believes that Wu Long's design of this shot is very wonderful, but it can only appear in the movie, and it cannot appear in reality.

"Long, you are the king of kung fu. I am not as good as you in the boxing ring, and I am not as good as you in marksmanship. But if you want to compete in driving skills, you are definitely not as good as me! Even if you are a director, you can't do it. Professional things must be left to the professional. .”

"Bizha, forget it, don't talk about it." Rose's companion shook his head at him.

Someone reminded Rose in a low voice: "The dragon is just bragging in front of women, you don't need to make him ugly."

Angeli didn't hear what the other party was saying in a low voice, and based on her own guess, what the other party said was definitely not good.

"Long, why don't you show them? You are the director, and the director cannot be questioned." Angeli persuaded Wu Long.

She really thought that Wu Long could do it, and never thought that Wu Long was bragging.

If Wu Long is only good at kung fu, Angeli is not so obsessed with Wu Long.But when Wu Long beat those shooting coaches in the shooting club competition, Angeli really became Wu Long's fan girl.A fan girl who is willing to sacrifice everything for Wu Long.

A chance encounter at a shooting club, not really a coincidence.She saw Zhu Di's rise and Wu Long's star-making ability. She wanted to become a star quickly, and making Wu Long's film was the best shortcut.

The entertainment circle, so come and call, that's all.

Those who have the ability to operate the actor and queen, and those who have the ability to make popular actors, will never lack female stars.Even if you don't ask for it, someone will deliver it to your door.

Taking advantage of her father's relationship, Angeli found out that Wu Long was going to play in the shooting club, so she created that chance encounter.

As a result, that chance encounter made her fall into it completely and fell in love with Wu Long.

Wu Long himself is handsome, strong and young.Such a man is many times better than those ugly and old people who are powerful.

Since they are all top, why not choose a high-quality man?

She didn't want the man she liked to lose face, she hoped that Wu Long would show his strength and make people like Ross submit.

Wu Long is not only a capable director, but also an actor with superb acting skills, a powerful action director, and a knowledgeable screenwriter.

However, Angeli thinks this is not enough, Wu Long can also be a superb car stuntman.

Wu Long should be the almighty king in the film and television industry!

And what an honor it is for her to submit to the king.

Wu Long nodded: "Okay, I'll just perform once. Would you like to perform with me?"

"I am willing." Angeli agreed excitedly.

She felt every cell in her body start cheering, stomping and jumping wildly.

Excited, almost uncontrollable.

Wu Long took Angeli to the predetermined position and asked her to pose.

"You have to hold your head, bend over, and knees in fright, so that it is easy to fall into the car. And you have to face this way, so that when my car comes from the other side and puts you in, you will just sit on the seat."

It wasn't until he saw Wu Long teaching Angeli to pose that Ross suddenly realized it.He hurried over to apologize:

"I'm sorry, Dragon, I was wrong. You don't need to act, I trust you."

If Wu Long really performs and fails, Angeli may be injured.Angeli was injured, what would the whole circle think of it?

There must be some directors and actors who think that such a stunt is impossible to complete, but Ross deliberately stimulated Wu Long, forcing Wu Long to try such a dangerous action.

Those who engage in special effects should serve the director and make the special effects required by the director. This is their job and content.Instead of stimulating the director to let the director and actors do the stunts themselves, as it is now.

Wu Long patted Ross on the shoulder.

"In the movies I make, many actions can be done in reality. This is the highlight of my movies."

"So, in my movie, this stunt is the selling point. This was originally a performance at the premiere, so it was just a practice."

"Everyone, please be careful to keep what you saw today confidential. If the secret is leaked in advance, it will affect the box office of my movie, and everyone will not watch it."

The movies made by Wu Long have a high box office.If the movie does poorly at the box office, Wu Long blames it on the leaker.Once compensation is proposed, it will be a large sum of money.

No one would risk leaking secrets, and besides, there is a non-disclosure agreement, which is professional ethics.

After Wu Long finished speaking, he walked towards the red sports car used for filming.

"My God, is he crazy?"

"It's simply impossible!"

"Oumaiga, we've gotten into a big disaster!"

"You shouldn't laugh at him, he's the director!"

"It's over. The dragon was just bragging in front of women, and now he's taking it seriously."

The cameraman turned on the camera silently, pointed at Wu Long who got into the car and started shooting.



The sports car made a deafening roar.Wu Long started to go around the field to familiarize himself with the performance of the car.

Among the skills exchanged by the system, driving specialization, even if it is incomplete, requires a lot of reputation points, just like weapon specialization, which costs a lot of reputation points.

Flying a plane counts as driving, driving a tank counts as driving, driving a ship counts as driving, driving a train counts as driving...

The deficiency of driving specialization means the lack of driving skills of transportation or moving vehicles that are not available on this planet.Wu Long doesn't need to be able to drive other things, he only needs to drive a car, so the prestige value required is not so much.

Besides, driving skills such as driving fighter jets and tanks are repeated with weapon specialization.

The skill car driving specialization that Wu Long exchanged for now is still incomplete.The incomplete, meaning the same thing, lacks a car that the planet doesn't have.

, It can make the stunt of drifting and rotating people into the car in the movie.


Familiar with the performance of the car, Wu Long also specially exchanged for a prop card to evaluate the stunt performance for the sake of insurance.Seeing that nothing would go wrong, he confidently and boldly drove the car towards Angeli.

Angeli saw the sports car rushing up, the headlights were like the eyes of a monster, and the roar of the engine was like a monster roaring, which made her heart beat faster.

Is excited, but also afraid.

Just now she was so confident and believed in Wu Long, but now it is another matter to actually face the oncoming sports car.

The cameraman filmed nervously, recording this thrilling moment.He seemed to hear the sound of his own heart beating and pulsating.

He heard the beating hearts of other people around him one after another.They knew it without looking, they were as nervous as he was.


Plop plop!

Thump Thump Thump Thump!

Sweaty palms!

Ross and his team, as well as the other staff on site, one by one, watched nervously as the scene unfolded.

The more such a thrilling moment came, the more guilt and regret Rose felt.

Which director doesn't want to lose face?


Especially directors who have won awards need to save face.

What Ross said just now really hurt Wu Long's face, which forced Wu Long to make such a dangerous move.

Surely Wu Long can do it?

No, no one believed it.

Everyone believed that Wu Long had to do this for the sake of face.This is also what a director must do to maintain his prestige in the crew.

As long as you do it, even if you don't succeed, the stunt fails and Angeli is injured, the prestige is still there.

Such a difficult thing, Ross, as a big name in the professional field, said he couldn't do it.Wu Long made a mistake, which is normal.If you don't dare to do it, you will lose your prestige.

In other words, everyone believed that Wu Long was using Angeli's personal safety to save his own face.

It would be fine if Angeli was an ordinary actress.But Angeli's father is a famous director!How would he think about the harm this incident caused Angelie?

The tires screeched against the ground.

With a shake of the sports car's head, the whole car immediately spun and drifted, and the door opened at the same time.

Very fast, very short time.

Before everyone could see clearly, the sports car had already made a 360-degree turn.The opened car door spread its wings like a hovering bird of prey.

When she came to her senses, Angeli had disappeared from where she was.

What about people?


The sports car drove to the other end, and the screeching brake sound sounded again.

Drift turned around, then drove back, and stopped in front of Ross and others.

The door was left open, and Angeli got out of the car.After she got out of the car, her body swayed and almost fell.Fortunately, she held on to the roof of the car immediately, so she didn't fall down.

"Don't go, I'll help you."

Wu Long got out of the car and came to support An Jili.Angeli's feet were obviously soft, and her entire body weight was on Wu Long's arms.

"I was very lucky and succeeded." Wu Long said casually when passing Ross.

He helped Angeli to a chair to rest.

At this moment, the crowd let out an exclamation.

"My God!"

"I can't believe it!"

"Omega, he did it!"

"how can that be!"

"The God of Riders, Kung Fu King Wu Long must be the God of Riders!"

"Long, I just took a picture." The cameraman told Wu Long.

"Thank you, well done. Don't spread the word, save it for future publicity."

Ross came to Wu Long and bowed his head to Wu Long.

"I'm sorry, Long, I sincerely apologize to you. You conquered me, and your driving skills are countless times better than mine."

"You are a well-deserved car god!"

People from his team also came over, sincerely apologized to Wu Long, and asked Wu Long to forgive him.

"I forgive you. Let's work together to make this movie a good one!" If you don't say forgiveness, I'm afraid these people will feel uneasy.

"Definitely, I swear!" Ross quickly promised.

Rose's team has also vowed to guarantee.

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