The filming started, let's shoot some interior scenes first.

According to Wu Long's request, Tom went to find a location to shoot the textile factory of "Destiny Loom".

Through Wu Long's description and hand-painted renderings of the inside and outside of the textile factory, Tom found an old sugar factory built in 1914.

According to Wu Long's intention, the art director took Wu Long's renderings and began to decorate the old sugar factory in preparation for filming.

In the special effects of the movie, the scene of Fox, played by Angeli, driving into the train, the part outside the train is completely CG special effects.

A railway crossing filmed a train speeding past, and then Shi Lei led his men to work with a well-known special effects company, and used CG to make a virtual car to rush onto the train.

The shot of crashing into the train is a fake carriage, there is a slope outside the carriage, the car slides down the slope and crashes into the train.

In some other shots, for example, the train derailed and fell off the cliff, and some carriages were hanging on the cliff, and Wesley played by Fox and Wu Long climbed up.

Fox is climbing up outside the compartment.

In the actual shooting, Angeli climbed outside the prop car, and the background was a green screen.After the special effects are replaced in the later stage, it becomes climbing outside the train compartment on the edge of the cliff.

Wu Long climbed in the carriage, and in order to cooperate with everyone in the filming, he also used the green screen and post-production special effects.

The shots shot in these studios started shooting after the indoor literary drama was shot.

Angeli is also very hardworking, and she doesn't play big or become arrogant just because of Wu Long's relationship to get the heroine.

After getting the script, she immediately asked a personal trainer to learn freehand rock climbing.Because I have studied the video of the Condor Heroes Martial Arts Academy and heard Wu Long talk about the training camp, I know that even if the strength is not good, the movements must be in place.

So when she practiced, she asked a personal trainer to correct her posture first to ensure that her climbing posture looked professional.Wait for the posture to give people a sense of professionalism before practicing the power of climbing skills.

In order not to worry Wu Long, she told Wu Long that she hired a female coach.

Green screen shooting in a studio is pretty common, and a lot of movies are shot that way.Even if it is climbing, there are safety ropes and sponge pads to protect it, so it is not difficult.

In the original shooting of the system exchange, the director specially made a rolling car in order to shoot the scene of the rolling car.In fact, the scene where the carriage rolls and the passengers in the carriage roll along with it only occupies one second in the movie.

For Wu Long, there is no need to spend such a waste of money.This movie is not a disaster movie, and the highlights are not these.

Wu Long let the group performers fall to one side, and the camera rotated in the opposite direction, so that he could easily take the desired shot.

The special effects in the movie are just like this.

For example, filming Fox lying on his back on the roof of the rail car and entering the tunnel.The actual filming was done with a green screen in the background, with the fake car roof not moving and the fake tunnel moving towards Fox.

Another example is Fox taking Wesley to jump down from the wall-like roof to the roof of the track car.The actual filming took place on a fake roof with a green screen in the background.

Not long after the movie started, there was a shootout.This shootout took place in a small supermarket, and it was an ordinary shootout.The only bright spot is the turning gun in Fox's hand.

A corner gun is to clamp the pistol on a butt or a gun mount, and this gun mount is also called a corner shooting operating platform.

It's a pity that the appearance of this turning gun failed to give Fox an advantage.

However, in order to make Fox played by Angeli more like a professional killer, Wu Long personally trained Angeli to hold a gun, hold a gun, and the temperament that a killer should possess.

In the film, Fox pulls Wesley to hide beside a shelf. Wesley wants to escape, but is stopped by Fox's hand holding a gun.

Here is a close-up of a gun.

"When you stop, you have to have a feeling of Chinese kung fu. It's the kind of slap, and a movement comes out very cleanly."

Wu Long demonstrates to Angeli.After a few times, Angeli did well.Affected by Wuxiang Gong, it immediately showed a more heroic and heroic aura than the original version.

After the whole scene was filmed, the cameraman and other staff seemed to think that Angeli was an extraordinary female killer.

Calm, always showing disdain for ordinary people in his eyes.It seemed that in her eyes, even men were weak chickens who were crushed to death by her.

Such an expression is different from Miren Ishii's.

Ishii Yulian carries the nobility of a queen.Others seem to be air, unworthy to exist in her eyes.

Fox looked down with indifference and ridicule.It seems that everyone is an enemy, but no one is her opponent.

After the supermarket shootout, comes the film's first exciting scene, the car chase.There are three highlights in this car chase scene, making this car chase significantly higher than ordinary car chases.It attracts the audience's attention more, makes the audience feel nervous and exciting, and applauds it.

The first highlight is that Wesley was hit by his father Carlos with a flat-top van. He was so frightened that he hugged his head and was drifted by Fox with a sports car, and he was directly loaded into the sports car.Get away before the truck hits you.

Such a bright spot has never appeared in car chase scenes in previous movies.The audience will feel novelty and feel more exciting.

In the second highlight, Fox smashed the front windshield, lay on his back on the front cover of the sports car, and shot at the chasing car with a gun.There was a car coming from the opposite direction, so she lowered her waist and put her head on the side of the car to avoid being hit by the opposite car.

There have been shootouts in car chases in past movies.The vehicle in front shot back at the vehicle behind, and most of them stretched out the windows and shot backwards.

There has never been such a thing as Fox sticking his body out of the front windshield and shooting backwards.

The third bright spot is that the front was blocked, the sports car rolled and flipped over, and the four wheels hit the bus that happened to be coming.Hit the bus and turn it over, drive the sports car over the overturned bus and get away.

Such stunts can be described as bold and innovative.

Usually, when you encounter an obstacle in a movie, you either run straight into it, or there is something forming a slope next to it, and you drive up the slope, the car flies into the air, and escapes over the obstacle.

The highlight of Wu Long's design is not such a direct leap, but a rolling and flying across the sky.With the help of the side of the bus just passing by, the bus was bumped and turned over to slow down the damage of the sports car when it fell, making this stunt double exciting.

Angeli admires Wu Long's imagination very much.


"Long, your imagination is amazing, but it's a pity that it's impossible to do it in reality. No one can make a sports car spin and put a person in it."

"Actually, I can do it. It's a pity that in the movie I'm the one who gets put in the car, not the driver."

"Really?" Angeli couldn't believe it.

"Have I lied to you?"

Angeli thought for a while, and it seemed that Wu Long hadn't really lied to her.She has fallen in love with Wu Long. Since Wu Long made such a promise, it must be true.

"But, now that I'm driving the sports car, how are you going to shoot these shots? You're driving the sports car, using a stand-in?"

"Although I can do it, I don't plan to do it. I still need to invite the car stunt team to participate and work together to shoot such shots."

The method Angeli said is feasible, Wu Long drives, find a double to play Wesley.But this is not just a stunt, does Wu Long have to do it himself?

Wu Long dared to do such a stunt, but what about acting as Wesley's stand-in for him?Facing a collision with a sports car that is equivalent to out of control, how many people can still stand still and follow the shooting requirements?

If the stand-in gets scared, runs away at the last minute or doesn't move properly, it may cause an accident.

Therefore, there is no need for Wu Long to take risks.

Come and call the famous car stunt team.Its captain is named Biza Ross, who is well-known in the car stunt circle.This car stunt team, many blockbuster car stunts are done by them.

In order to maintain safety and film progress, Wu Long invited Ross and his car stunt team to do stunt shooting.

Wu Long told Biza Ross about the car chase, and wanted to see how the other party solved it.If the method devised by Ross's team is cheaper or better, use Ross's method.

It turned out that Rose devised a method that was much the same as the original filming method.

A red sports car, Angeli is driving in it.Some routine shots, followed by trick shots.

The shot of the sports car spinning Wesley into the car was shot in multiple sequences.

Shot of Wesley running away.

Shot of Wesley holding his head in shock when he saw Carlos' car hit him.

Wesley was shaking his head in fright, and the car stuntman rushed over in a sports car, drifting and spinning towards Wesley.The drifting sports car just approached Wu Long and stopped.

The most important shot, Angeli sitting in the sports car.Below the sports car is a movable shelf that can rotate.

The staff pushed the sports car and used the rack to make drifting and rotating movements.Wu Long stood there bent over with his head in his arms, the opened car door was facing Wu Long, and Wu Long was put in.

Take two more sets of shots.Driven by car stuntmen, one in Carlos' car, one in a red sports car doing a drift spin, drifting past Carlos' car.Wu Long sat in the sports car that drifted and rotated, proving that Wesley had been loaded into the sports car.

The post-production special effects erased the rotating base under the sports car, and then edited all the shots together to form a tense and classic, drifting and rotating people into the sports car, almost being hit and passing in front of the truck.

"Okay, I will shoot according to the method you said!" Wu Long agreed.

Ross smiled smugly, turned his head and said to his team:

"Look, when it comes to fighting and fighting, I am not the opponent of the Kung Fu King. But when it comes to playing cars, the Kung Fu King has to listen to me."

"You can't even play with guns." He also has Wu Long's fans, arguing for Wu Long.

Ross raised his hand.

"I admit, watching the video, his marksmanship is better than mine. You can play with cars and car stunts, but you have to be me and you."

Wu Long smiled and said nothing.

Leaders in every industry have their own personalities. For others, Ross does have such a qualification to speak.Well, those big directors have asked him to do car stunts, which is proof.

Even the UFC champion and boxing champion, Ross dared to say that to them.You guys are great in the ring, but I'm the king in the lane.

Is there something wrong?

No problem.

But Angeli on the side was upset, that's her character.I thought to myself, why should the man I like be ridiculed by you?In order to protect Wu Long, she asked Ross directly.

"If you shoot directly and the real person stands in place, can you drive the drift and put the person directly into the car and continue to drive forward?"

Ross and his team stopped joking immediately and looked at Angeli.

"No one can do it?" Rose's men replied.

Ross thought for a while, and a simulated scene appeared in his brain.

The first time, the second time, and the third time, the eyes were closed, and the hands simulated the appearance of turning the steering wheel.

He opened his eyes and shook his head: "It can't be done. I can drift into the warehouse, but it is impossible to put people into the car during the drift."

"No one in this world can do it," Ross added.

Angelique smiled.

"Brother Long can."

The audience suddenly fell silent, and everyone looked at Angeli.

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