I'm not just an action star

Chapter 372 Investment should be cautious

, i'm not just an action superstar

chance encounter?

Eat together, drink at the bar together, go home drunk together, go to bed together...

Really met a fan girl?

In the entertainment industry, never be so naive.

Wu Long sees through but doesn't tell the truth.

Call Angeli and ask her if she is free, and if you are free, we can deepen the friendship together.During the day, deepen friendships and discuss business by the way.

Angeli is really wild, and she can communicate in depth anywhere.

She doesn't know much about converting properties or selling them and buying them again, and she doesn't have any connections or contacts.However, Wu Long guessed right, her father had.

I know people who specialize in this industry, and there are many types of housing sources.The quality and service are guaranteed, but the fees are relatively expensive.However, the tail of the hand must be clean and no problem.

For a smaller place, at least not so remote.The surrounding environment is good, not like a den of thieves.

The office location has been settled, and the investment for new films has also been settled.

With an investment budget of [-] million, Wu Long told Tom that if Weiner Pictures has concerns, they can consider joint investment with Lion Pictures.

When Tom submitted the script, the high-level meeting really disagreed.

"No martial arts?"

"No katana?"

"Playing with guns?"

"No, no, this won't work. If we invest tens of millions, we'll throw the money at him without blinking. But the budget is hundreds of millions. Even if it's not a loss, it's not worthwhile to take up too much money."

"I think it's okay. With Wu Long's reputation, even with an investment of hundreds of millions, the profit can exceed [-] million."

"No no no. Wu Long leads and starred in it. If his movie doesn't triple the profit, it will be a failure!"

Seeing that the top management was arguing endlessly, Tom secretly lamented that Wu Long had the foresight, knowing that the top management was not willing to make such a large investment.

After all, Wu Long's previous films were not big investments, and they were mainly about fighting.Now this film abandons the fighting that Wu Long is best at, and uses special effects and gun battles. For the film company, it is Wu Long's transition film, and it is undoubtedly an adventure.

After the high-level debate was fruitless for a long time, Tom said:

"If we don't invest, Wu Long will talk to Lion Films tomorrow."

Responses from top management were mixed.

"Lion Pictures? Hehe, if it's an investment of tens of millions, Lion Pictures will invest. If it's an investment of hundreds of millions, it's impossible for Lion Pictures to invest."

"Lion Films also has other films, so it is impossible to risk another [-] million."

"What if Lion Films is willing to take the risk? It's just to enhance the relationship with Wu Long. If this film loses money, Wu Long will definitely feel that he owes Lion Films. If he makes a film in the future, he will definitely find Lion Films first .”

"It's possible. So if I say, give Wu Long [-] million to shoot, even if it's a loss, Wu Long can be tied to our boat."

"Impossible. Our current budget cannot give Wu Long [-] million."

"If the budget is sufficient, we can do it. But the timing is bad, money is a bit tight."

Tom secretly rolled his eyes, saying that money is tight at this time?If no one thought of co-investing with Lion Films, he was the only one to speak up.

He didn't want to say it himself, throwing out Lion Films was to let the people in the top management raise it by themselves.He mentioned that it is easy to be misunderstood.

Just when Tom was thinking about finding a suitable opportunity to speak, someone finally brought it up.

"Since it is impossible for Lion Films to be wholly-owned, and it is impossible for us to be wholly-owned, it is better to talk to Lion Films and jointly invest."

The meeting discussed the results and agreed to discuss joint investment with Lion Films.

In the end, the three parties agreed that Weiner Films and Lion Films would jointly invest.Although Lion Pictures said that Wu Long should find them first, they will definitely let Wu Long fully fund the filming.However, this is just a scene.If you really dare to invest in full, you can talk to Wu Long in private.

We are competitors, this kind of thing is normal.Since Weiner Pictures couldn't afford the full amount, Wu Long had to find a film company that could invest the full amount, and no one could say anything.

Lion Pictures' failure to do so proves that they have the same concerns.

The concern is still because of Wu Long's personality.

Wu Long is the King of Kung Fu,

All of a sudden, there are no exciting fights in the movie. If the audience doesn't buy it, it will definitely hit the street.

If it's only tens of millions, or sixty or seventy million, no matter if it's Weiner Pictures or Lion Pictures, they dare to take risks.

With a budget of hundreds of millions, who knows if there will be additional shots during the filming?

This kind of situation is not unheard of in Haolaihu.

The filming period was extended, or additional investment was required, because of sunk costs, the final box office failed disastrously.

If it happens to Wu Long, it is this time, then whether it is Weiner Films or Lion Films, as long as they invest alone, they will be laughed at.

Obviously, Wu Long's situation is too special, because he relies on kung fu and fighting to attract people.To put it another way, such a situation is the easiest to rush to the street.

When Wu Long told Angeli that the heroine of this movie was her and it was specially made for her, Wu Long received warm rewards from Angeli.

"Wanted / Assassins League"!

Angeli rested her head on Wu Long's stomach to read the script.

"What? Bullets bend?"

"Honey, what's going on in your head, how can the bullet turn around?"

Wu Long is serious about science.

"Have you ever seen football? When football is shot, there is a kind of ball called a curve ball. Since the football can fly out of the arc, why can't the bullet fly out of the arc? As long as you can give the ball at the end of the bullet the moment the bullet flies out of the muzzle With a side force on the bullet, the rotating bullet will fly out of the arc because of an additional force."

Angeli sat up in shock.

"can you do it?"

Wu Long shook his head: "I know the principle, but I can't do it. Didn't you read the script to indicate it? The person who does this has an ability."

Before filming starts, there is one more important thing to do.In "Bullet Time" in the movie, bullets turn and collide, and CG special effects can be used directly, but some scenes must use special equipment.

For example, "three-dimensional digital scanning technology", that is, 3-dcyber-sca


Use a 3D photocopier to scan and shoot around the actor to generate a [-]D model of the actor.Input this model into the computer for cg modeling. The cg special effects artist then uses this model to make muscles, pastes the skin, and then scans the material of the clothing to put on the model. uureading

In this way, a realistic virtual actor with flesh and blood is produced in computer special effects software.

Then capture the actors' movements and facial expressions, and give them to the virtual actors.You can control the virtual actors in the computer to perform performances that cannot be done in reality.

This is actually one of the reasons why Weiner Films and Lion Films did not dare to invest heavily in Wu Long after reading and evaluating the script.

One of the most important selling points of Wu Long's previous action movies is authenticity.Many actions that are difficult for ordinary people to perform, Wu Long uses actors to perform them in reality, and even seldom uses stand-ins.

Long action shots are one of the hallmarks of Wu Long's fame.

Now Wu Long gives up this advantage and engages in CG special effects.Without the selling point of real fighting, will the audience buy it?

According to the evaluation, the audience will not buy it.The audience will not buy it, which means that the film hits the street.Maybe the box office was good on the first day of the screening, but the audience found that without the long action shots or real fights that Wu Long is good at, and reduced to the same special effects as other films, then Wu Long's movies no longer have advantages, and the audience does not find it new.As word-of-mouth declines, the box office will naturally decline, or even plummet.

In addition, the two places in the script may be bright spots or poisonous spots.

One is the loom.Relying on the secret code hidden in the cloth woven by an ancient loom, it is explained that it is God's will to order a person to die.

It's so fucking bullshit!

Another thing is, the bullet will bend.Maybe it's a bright spot, maybe it's a poisonous spot.

Bullets like banana balls?

This is also bullshit!

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