After the Golden Hill Awards, Wu Long returned home.Xing Zhongfei asked him if he had plans to make a new film, Wu Long shook his head.

The domestic film will not be shot for the time being, he needs to concentrate on practicing for a while.

Having said that, it is actually to give Luo Chang, Qi Ke and the others some time to take on outside scenes.It's not good for them if they just follow him.

It is good for them to let them go out and stand alone.

You can't always be the younger brother, the younger brother should also have a bright future.

During this period of time, he played with cars at various racing tracks in the imperial capital.It can no longer be like shooting a gun, there is no step-by-step process.

After the Spring Festival, I flew to attend the Hauska Awards Ceremony in March.

Not only the annual box office champion, but also a strong nomination for Hauska.

Hauska's Best Picture, Best Director, Best Actor, Best Actress, Best Original Screenplay, Best Sound, Best Editing, a total of seven nominations.

On the red carpet, Wu Long was not invited to be interviewed, but Judy and Demi were both interviewed by different hosts.

Well, now everyone has a clue.Wu Long probably won't get the best actor, Judy and Demi should be able to win the award.

The award ceremony officially began, and when it entered the award announcement link, many people began to get nervous.

The best editing award, failed to win the award.

The Best Audio Award also failed to win the award.

"The winner of this year's Hooska Best Original Screenplay Award, Wu Long!"

Wu Long received applause and congratulations. He shook hands with the crew, hugged Zhu Di, and then went to the stage to accept the award.

He won the best original screenplay award, and the chances of winning the best actor award continued to decline.

When Wu Long stepped down after receiving the best original screenplay award, he thought to himself: In the previous world, the best actor was won.My acting skills are higher than Hopkins, but I can't get it?

It seems that some people don't want to look too good at him.

Best Supporting Actor Award, no shortlisted nominations.Then, on to the big four awards that everyone was looking forward to.

First came the Best Actor Award. After the shortlist was announced, everyone nervously waited for the announcement of the result.

Some people turned their heads to look at Wu Long from time to time, and saw that Wu Long didn't look nervous at all.Even the cameraman pointed the camera at Wu Long.Viewers who watched the live broadcast found that Wu Long's indifferent expression in this flashing shot gave people a very confident look.

"The winner of this year's Hauska Best Actor Award is Wu Long!"


The applause was a little slower for a beat before it sounded.

Because everyone thought that Wu Long would not get this award.Wu Long won the Best Actor Award at the Golden Hill Awards, and Hoska did not accept an interview on the red carpet. He also won the Best Original Screenplay Award before. Such factors made everyone misjudge.

Even the people in the crew think so, but they can't say it out loud.

In the end, Wu Long actually won the prize.Some people in the crew were secretly glad that they didn't comfort Wu Long in advance, otherwise they would be slapped in the face by Wu Long.

Wu Long didn't look surprised at all.He is the film king, how could he express his surprise in his heart, he naturally had to act as if he had the chance to win.

Hugging with Judy and Demi, Wu Long felt their bodies trembling slightly.

He understands that if he wins the award, it is very likely that the two of them will not win the award.

Published a testimonial, won the award and stepped down.

Then came the Best Actress award.

"The winner of the Hauska Best Actress Award this time is Judy!"

"Ah!" Judy couldn't help screaming.

She almost thought she couldn't get the award, but she still got it.Excited, she no longer controlled her emotions, and let her excitement be completely released at this moment.

Wu Long hugged her and heard her whispering in her ear to celebrate together.

Gu Yang

Thank you on the stage, win the award, until after the interview and return to your seat, Judy's excitement has not subsided.

"The winner of this year's Hauska Best Director Award is Demi!"

"Ah!" Demi was more excited than Judy, and jumped up immediately, dancing and hugging Wu Long vigorously.

"Thank you, Dragon!"

He was just a b-movie director before, how many people know him?If it wasn't for Wu Long, he would have no chance of winning the prize.

When he came to the stage to give a speech, he expressed his gratitude to Wu Long many times.He also expressed his cautious thoughts at the time, wanting to find Wu Long to rub Wu Long's enthusiasm, but Wu Long saw through.

Then Wu Long gave him a new script, and only then did he have the current one.

Demi's speech made many directors and actors cast their eyes on Wu Long.Wu Long has made several actresses popular in China and Hong Kong Island.

Also held out a queen.

Now, even Wu Long, the director, can be promoted.

It seems that as long as you can get in Wu Long's car, you can become popular!

Even if you can't win the award, your coffee status and social status will go to Hong Kong.Look at the hunks in the movie, not only are their prices rising, but there are more and more film appointments, and there are also advertisements one after another.

He even directly praised Judy as a double actress.There are not many people who can win the Golden Hill Award and the Hauska Award at the same time. Judy has jumped from an unknown actor to a double-award actress. It is really an ugly duckling turned into a swan.

Of course, Judy's acting skills are indeed worthy of her status as a queen.

However, is it true that Judy Hu is the only one acting in the whole thing?of course not.

For many actors with good acting skills, all they lack is an opportunity to perform.If you have the opportunity to perform, you need to have the strength to operate in order to be on the throne of the actress.

The final best picture, still awarded to.

All the four major awards have been taken away, which can be said to have swept this year's Hoscar.

This is another sensational news in the entertainment circle, and it also makes Wu Long a celebrity in the global entertainment circle.Some people even regard him as the godfather of the new generation of film industry.

How many people are staring at Wu Long, wanting to act in Wu Long's next play, or ask Wu Long to act in his own play.

Conditions, remuneration, Wu Long can do whatever he wants.

Even if Wu Long's new film hasn't been released yet, some people can't wait to see the results.

The so-called first come, first served, wait for the release, if the box office sells well, then there will be more people playing or filming Wu Long, and the competition will be fiercer.

It's better to take the first step, maybe Wu Long will agree.

No one will worry about rushing to the street.

On the contrary, some people will think so, it is better to rush to the street.

A director or actor cannot always be on the rise, life will always have ups and downs.Fortunately, many directors and actors have proved this point.

The box office of the previous movie was a big hit, and the box office of the next movie hit the streets.

If it hits the street, Wu Long will definitely cherish the next play.In this way, Wu Long has a greater chance of re-emerging in his next play.

This kind of opportunity can also make Wu Long feel grateful and owe favors.Therefore, many people contacted Wu Long one after another.

Under such circumstances, it will be released worldwide!

There was no premiere.Qianye Huasui invited Wu Long and Meng Lu to the premiere in their home country, but Wu Long did not go.But I agree with Chiba Huasui to find someone to hold the premiere, which means that Chiba Huasui has Wu Long's authorization.

In fact, when Aoba House opened, Qianye Xiangsui also wanted to invite Wu Long, but Wu Long didn't go.

At the premiere of Benzi Country, people from the Chiba Kendo Hall wore Crazy 88 costumes and performed kendo battles.

This battle formation is different from the ones fought with Yamamoto in Aobaya, and it is a square formation that is more suitable for performance.

However, the uniform operation.The cooperation between the front and rear rows really made my eyes shine.The battle between Chiba Kendo Gym and Yamamoto at Aoba House made Chiba Kendo Gym famous.

The performance at the premiere made their reputation spread even wider.

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