I'm not just an action star

Chapter 366 Movie Emperor!

It was released in China, allowing domestic audiences to understand what it means to not have many appearances, which is deeply impressive.

When it was screened on Hong Kong Island, "Shadows of Shadows" went to Hong Kong Island to see it.His film review was dug out:

"Brother Long has played three villains in total.

Sitting on a mountain tiger, the bandit leader who kills people like hemp is frightening.I still remember when he appeared on the stage, that fierce gaze often flashed in my mind.

Ximen Qing in the novel, a bully villain.When he kicked Wu Dalang, his eyes also showed a fierce look.A villain who has done all the bad things, performed to the fullest.

But the badness and fierceness of these two people are actually written on their faces.

Sitting on a mountain tiger, one can tell at a glance that he is not a good person.

Ximen Qing had a lecherous look on his face, even though he was handsome, he still knew that he was not a kind person.

Hannibal was different.Even when he was in prison, he was as polite as a gentleman.At the end of the film, if you don't know who he is, just listening to the conversation, you really think he is going to have dinner with an old friend.

Looking at his appearance after he was released from prison, who would associate him with a perverted murderer?

Hannibal is a character with a very contrasting appearance. Brother Long perfectly presents such a character to the audience...

I wish Brother Long the best actor award. "

On the Internet, after discussing the role of Hannibal last time, another round of Hannibal craze has been set off.The Hannibal in the movie theater is more vivid than the Hannibal on the computer screen, and it makes people feel the horror of Hannibal.

Come January, the Golden Hill Awards begin.

Surprisingly, it was favored by many people in advance, but it didn't get a single nomination.

It really surprised many people.

In terms of box office, it ranked second in the annual box office.

In terms of style, the oil painting-like texture and style make people feel very fresh, and there has never been such a shooting.

However, it just didn't get any nominations.

This made many people wonder whether Wu Long had offended someone.Or, something happened that everyone didn't know?

If it is said that it is good to exclude Wu Long, that is wrong.

Because Wu Long played it, he was nominated for Best Actor in the Golden Hill Awards!

On the red carpet, Wu Long was interviewed.

"Hey Long, you know what? They asked me to interview you, so I quickly bought myself extra insurance."

"Why? Are you afraid that I will hit you?" Wu Long also joked.

This is why the show and the host like Wu Long, he can joke, come to things, and has the talent for hosting and variety shows.

The host said with an exaggerated expression:

"Aren't you afraid? You didn't get a nomination, but they asked me to interview you. Shouldn't I be afraid?"

The guests around and the audience watching the live broadcast all laughed.

Before the host finished, he continued:

"Even if you don't hit me, each of your three hundred strong men only needs to punch one. I'm afraid I'll have to lie in the hospital for half a year. Tiger!"

At the end, the host specially imitated the Spartan warrior and shouted "Tiger".

"You didn't bring three hundred men to call, did you?" The host decisively looked to the sidelines.

"No." Wu Long raised his fist. "But they asked me to beat you for them. Three hundred men, three hundred punches. Excuse me, are you ready to be beaten?"

The host pretended to hold his head:

"My God, my insurance is worth buying."

After the jokes are over, let's start talking about serious things.

"Dragon, I'm not really afraid of the Three Hundred Warriors of Sparta. I'm afraid of Hannibal. The Warriors of Sparta are history and have been for many ages. And Hannibal, it happened in modern times. So I beg you , don’t ask me to eat, okay?”

All the guests at the scene and the audience watching the live broadcast laughed.

"Why? Isn't it my sincerity to invite you to dinner?"


"Don't, Long, you didn't invite me to dinner, you treated me like a meal!"

Everyone laughed again.

Wu Long intentionally imitated Hannibal's voice and said to the host:

"However, your liver is more delicious with broad beans and red wine when you eat it."

This is a similar line that Hannibal said, Wu Long changed it a little.However, everyone can hear which part of the movie it is.

In an instant, whether it was the guests on the red carpet, the staff on the red carpet, or the audience watching the live broadcast, they all felt a cold chill drifting into their ears.

Someone suddenly felt a tremor all over his body.

Someone subconsciously backed away.

The host was really taken aback. He stepped back and wanted to distance himself from Wu Long. He dropped the microphone in a hurry, and was very embarrassed.

Fortunately, he reacted quickly and immediately bent down to pick up the microphone.

"It's too scary. When I heard Long's words just now, I almost wanted to ask the director for help and tell him that I quit. I just want to survive."

The host's words were not exaggerated, and they were also recognized by the guests and staff at the scene.Guests and staff all applauded in admiration.

"This acting skill is too flattering!"

"I was really terrified by the dragon's words!"

"If I wasn't there, I would have thought that the host was coordinating with the dragon's performance. But I was right next to them. If I were the host, I'm afraid I would lose my composure too."

At this year's Golden Hill Awards, Wu Long's interview undoubtedly became a highlight.Various media immediately spread these reports, focusing on praising Wu Long's acting skills in reality.

The awards ceremony officially began, and Zhu Di, who was sitting next to Wu Long, felt uneasy.Her hand quietly grabbed Wu Long's.

"Long, do you think I can win the prize?" Even the voice trembling slightly.

"Be confident, have you brought your acceptance speech?" Wu Long comforted the other party.

"I did. But do I really have a chance to say it?"

"must be able to!"

This year's Golden Hill Awards, shortlisted for five nominations.

"Wu Long is the winner of this year's Golden Hill Awards for Best Screenplay in the Drama category!"

The crowd applauded.

Judy shot very hard, and she felt that the momentum was good, which indicated that she could win the Best Actress Award.

Wu Long went up to accept the award, and also talked about the scene when director Demi asked him to play the role.

"Wu Long won the Best Actor in this year's Golden Hill Awards!"


Wu Long finally won the Best Actor!

Everyone applauded enthusiastically.Regardless of Wu Long's young age, his acting skills are indeed qualified for this award.

Best Actor is followed by Best Actress.

"The winner of this year's Golden Hill Awards for Best Actor is Judy!"

Judy calmed down when she heard her name.I hugged and celebrated with Wu Long, thanked the crew and the director, and went up to accept the award.

"...I am very happy to win the award. Thank you, Long. Without you, I might not have won this award..."

Where there is joy, there is sorrow.

The remaining shortlisted nominees, Best Picture in Drama and Best Director in Drama, failed to win the award.

"Demi, there is also Hauska. The Golden Hill Award has always been regarded as the weathervane of Haoska. I won the Golden Hill Award for Best Actress, but it is very likely that I will not be able to win the Hauska's Best Actress Award. You The best drama film and best director that failed to win the Golden Hill Awards have a great chance to win these two awards at Hauska."

Demi and the rest of the crew, who were comforted by Judy, can only hope so.

"Long, what do you think?" Demi asked Wu Long, after all, Wu Long had won the Hauska Best Director Award.

"I think so too. Demi, don't worry, if nothing happens, the best director will definitely be yours." Wu Long comforted Demi.

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