I'm not just an action star

Chapter 368 Something is wrong with this movie

There has been no news about the review of "Kill Bill" in China.It wasn't until Wu Long won the Golden Hill Award and Hauska that the news that "Kill Bill" had passed the trial came out in China.

It is still required by rating restrictions, and the following are not allowed to watch.

Speaking of being able to screen in the Mainland, there is another anecdote.Before Wu Long sent "Kill Bill" to the mainland for review, he specially contacted Weina Films to sign an additional agreement.This agreement is for the screening rights in Wu Long's country and belongs to Wu Long.

That is to say, Weiner Pictures does not take a penny of the box office revenue of "Kill Bill" in Wulong's country.

Wu Long originally did not expect Weiner Pictures to sign this agreement.After all, this is a bit of a villain.

At the beginning, no one knew that this kind of R-rated film could be screened in the mainland. Wu Long came up with the idea of ​​"Kill Bill" only after "300 Spartans" and "The Silence of the Lambs" were released in the mainland.

He thought it didn't matter if he didn't agree, he would put this condition in advance in future filming.

Unexpectedly, Weiner Pictures agreed to Wu Long's new agreement after a few days of meeting and discussion.

Tom also participated in the meeting. After all, he has a good relationship with Wu Long and knows Wu Long well.Afterwards, when he and Wu Long were drinking, he told Wu Long that the high-level executives did not agree to such a supplementary agreement.Even if he disagrees, Wu Long can't say anything, and the outside world won't say anything about Weiner Pictures.

After the movie was made, there was never such an exorbitant agreement signed again, taking away such a large market.Whoever it is, will not support Wu Long.

While drinking, Tom told Wu Long that he was the one who persuaded the company to agree to sign this supplementary agreement.

"Dragon, do you know how I persuaded them?"

"I said to them, your country will not agree to import this film. Because "Kill Bill" is much bloodier than "300 Spartans" and "Silence of the Lambs."

""300 Spartans" is a war film and a historical film. It is normal to die and bleed in war."

""The Silence of the Lambs" is a gangster film, the blood is not so bloody, and it is mostly psychological hints."

"But "Kill Bill" is a gangster film, a private fight and murder. Your country will not allow such a film to pass the review. Needless to say, the content of the film is bloody, but the title of the film cannot pass the review."

"I'll let them look at your online novels and they'll know. No matter what kills or dies, such novel titles cannot appear. Even in chapter titles, they cannot appear."

"So, I advise them not to make things difficult for you. I agree to sign this supplementary agreement with you and take a favor."

Wu Long patted Tom on the shoulder in turn to express his gratitude and clinked glasses with him.

"One day you don't want to work in Weiner Films, but you want to do it yourself, you can find me. You can help me handle the business of the global film market."

Tom froze, smiling and shaking his head.

"I will not leave Weiner Pictures. Without Weiner Pictures, I would not be able to meet you. Everything I have now is given by you, and it is also given by Weiner Pictures."

On the first day of its premiere, "Kill Bill" won the No. [-] box office at the premiere of McCann Country this year, the No. [-] at the box office of the premiere in the global film market this year, the No. box office champion.

On the second day after the premiere, it set a record for this year's single-day box office champion in McCann, set a record for this year's single-day box office champion in the global film market, and won this year's single-day box office champion in this country.

This is a female-dominated action movie.

The women inside are no worse than men.

Quite right.

Women have Amway this violent and bloody film.Tell them women can beat men too!

As for the women killing each other in the film, I chose to turn a blind eye.

Plastic sisters, girlfriends backstab, boyfriend and girlfriend cheating, isn't it very common?Mutual tearing is the norm.

After "300 Spartans", another bloody and violent movie is praised by women, and that is "Kill Bill".

In Benzi Country, Ishii Yulian played by Meng Lu quickly became popular, and even Guoguo played by Takako Kuriyama also gained popularity at an alarming rate.

Many people, even men, as well as the underworld men unique to this country, think that Ishii Miren is worthy of a samurai and a master of swordsmanship.

As far as her temperament is concerned, she is really a convincing big sister.And because Wu Long is known as the big brother in Hong Kong Island, some people in Hong Kong Island think that Meng Lu is the big sister-in-law.Only a woman like Ishii Yulian is worthy of Wu Long.

Chiba Kendo Gym has become the most famous kendo gym in the country.

Once being reviled, it is ignorance of the person who is reviled.

Kneeling Wu Long once was the most wise decision.


Now, whether it is Merikan or Europe, they are re-understanding Benzi's swordsmanship.Kendo halls around the world have seen a significant increase in the number of people signing up to learn.

This kneeling by Qianye Huasui not only showed the improvement of his own strength, but also the glory of Chiba Kendo Hall, and also the prosperity of Benzi Kendo!

Benzi Kendo is famous all over the world, because Qianye Jiasui knelt down to Wu Long, gained Wu Long's knowledge, and gave Benzi Kendo a chance.

Now, who dares to scold Chiba Huasui and the people of Chiba Kendo Hall, the people who learn kendo first help Chiba Huasui spray back, and then come back to please Chiba Huasui.

People in Chiba Kendo Gym, even if they are just students, are respected by me.

As if the former beggar was reviled by others.Now he has become a saint and is admired by others.

It is said that this phenomenon made the neighboring country of Benzi very angry, claiming that kendo actually originated in their country, not the native country.

Lily Dylan went to see Kill Bill, despite the advice of her doctor and Freeman.She thinks there is no Wu Long in "Kill Bill", so why can't she watch it?

As a result, after watching it that night, she was awakened by a nightmare.

Freeman beside him hurriedly comforted her.

"Lily, it's okay, it's just a nightmare with me here."

"Joseph, you don't know, it's terrible. I dreamed that she didn't die, she came back to life. She must be practicing martial arts with Wu Long now, and when she is good at practicing martial arts, she will definitely come to kill me with a samurai sword! Those bodyguards are not Not her opponent!"

"Don't worry, I'm her father, and she doesn't dare to mess around with me."

"So, you've been hiding it from me, right? She's not dead at all!"

"She is dead, and many people at the scene proved it. I just followed your dream. You are dreaming, and she will not come to revenge at all."

Freeman didn't expect that Wu Long's influence would be so great. With only one movie, and Wu Long himself hadn't appeared in the movie, he could drive Dylan, who had improved, to crazy again.

This is a good thing.

He is still regretting, but because of his reassurance, Dylan transferred his feelings to him, and his condition improved.When his condition improved, Dylan's property could not be returned to him.

Well now, Dylan is going crazy again, and it's bound to get worse.When the news spreads, Dylan will definitely not be able to bear the pressure and leave this world no matter how hard the words force Dylan.

Well, what is the best way to leave?

Freeman comforted Dylan with his hands, a conspiratorial smile appeared in his eyes and the corners of his mouth.

"Joseph, I want to open the coffin for an autopsy!"

Hearing what Dylan said, Freeman was even more sure that Dylan could not be saved, and now all he needed was a psychiatrist to prove it.

"how can that be!"

"Are you guilty?"

"No. Now the body is decomposed and disgusting."

"You have to promise me."

"Shall we ask the doctor first?"

"Okay, I'll ask the doctor at dawn tomorrow."

The psychiatrist frowned and shook his head when he heard Dylan's request.

"No, no, from the perspective of hygiene and epidemic prevention, it shouldn't be done..."

Dylan interrupted.

"You are not good as a doctor, I want to find another doctor!"

Dylan quarrels in the doctor, and finally Freeman agrees to open the coffin for Dylan to see.

They came to the cemetery and asked someone to dig the tomb and open the coffin.There was a stench, and Dylan saw the rotting corpse in the coffin.

Suddenly, Dylan was horrified to find that the corpse opened its eyes, which were a pair of frightening eyes like Hannibal!

"Ah!" Dylan was so frightened that he passed out on the spot.

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