I'm not just an action star

Chapter 361 is not favored

On the stage, Wu Long threw the short knife back and forth after finishing cutting the sugarcane.

"I know, some people wonder if my knife can be retracted so that when I put it in my mouth, it doesn't stab the throat."

After speaking, Wu Long raised his head again and put the short knife into his mouth, leaving the handle of the knife outside his mouth.After taking the dagger out of his mouth, he said:

"I can show you if this knife is retractable. Get the tools, please!"

Under the camera, Wu Long used a tool to remove the handle of the knife on the spot.After the handle is disassembled, you can see that there is a section behind the blade body that is the tongue that is put into the handle.The knife handle is also solid and not hollow, and there are no springs or the like.

It proves that Wu Long's knife cannot be retracted.When he inserted the short knife into his mouth, he really inserted it, relying on skills, not props to cheat.


"Sure enough, Brother Long can't ruin his reputation for a performance!"

"Brother Long is amazing, and swallowing swords is also a real game."

"It's a short knife, not as long as a sword, it's easier."

"It's easy to say, post a video yourself."

The premiere ceremony is over, and the premiere is about to begin.The audience who bought the premiere began to walk into the cinema, guessing how Wu Long's performance would be presented in the movie.

When the film was shown to arrest Wang Bao, the first wonderful fight scene appeared.

Wu Long's movies, besides being modern dramas, exorcising demons, and ancient costumes.

Although it is a modern fighting scene, it is only the last part of the battle with the wok and the frying spoon.The rest are performances of kung fu through cooking and knife skills.

Only modern play.But in this film, Wu Long uses flying knives too much to deal with modern firearms.

Or show kung fu by running away from the chase, by jumping over obstacles, or by avoiding being hit by a car.

In the end, there is also a fight with the villain, but the style of play is slightly different.

The villain Wang Bao is stronger, and the two fight regardless of the outcome.In comparison, it is sharper.

Finally, the appearance of Killer Jie was ushered in.

The killer Jie played by Zeng Zihong has already appeared in the car accident at the beginning of the movie, but he did not show his ferocity.

Now to kill Ale, he ran suddenly, turned around halfway and threw a short knife while jumping, and this series of actions all showed the ferocity of the villain.

Ale resisted, and Killer Jie moved fiercely. Even a one-sided killing can still be fascinating.

Killer Jie killed the other two, which also showed Killer Jie's professionalism and strength.Leave a deep impression on the audience.

Then, it was the fierce battle in the main alley.

Swing stick vs short knife.

From everyone's point of view, in such a long shot, Wu Long is really beating Zeng Zihong, and Zeng Zihong really wants to kill Wu Long.

When Zeng Zihong's right hand was restrained, he threw the short knife to his left, and received the knife with his left hand. Everyone finally saw this classic shot.

Wu Long hit Zeng Zihong on the head with a stick, and the audience seemed to see that he was really hitting hard on the forehead.The sense of substitution of the long lens is unmatched by other lenses.

Everyone was wondering how such a brutal fight was filmed.

Under the long shot, Wu Long's body was cut and bled.Wu Long hit Zeng Zihong on the head with a stick, why did Zeng Zihong bleed again.

After killing Killer Jie, Ma Jun went to save people and had a final confrontation with the villain Wang Bao.

In this duel, the fight was full of punches, hitting people and things.

As if, two people were fighting a ufc championship battle that was not in the octagonal cage.Ma Jun whipped and kicked Wang Bao's waist. Wang Bao didn't seem to know the pain, and the attack in his hands didn't stop.

Wang Bao kicked Ma Jun on the waist with a whip kick. Ma Jun suffered from pain and could only resist and continue to fight back.

Ma Jun jumped up and kicked with a backspin, Wang Bao twisted his waist and carried it with his back shoulder.After Wang Bao fought back, he was punched by Ma Jun.He became angry and punched Ma Jun back.

The two threw each other, picked each other up and smashed each other.

Will justice finally triumph over evil?

Ma Jun wanted to drink to celebrate, but Wang Bao woke up and knocked Ma Jun downstairs.

Such a match made the audience unexpected.

At the end of the movie, Wu Long and others came to the stage to thank them.When the audience left, they all commented that the ending did not satisfy them.

Ma Jun doesn't deserve to die.


It was the director who killed Ma Jun.

"Does it look good?"

"Did you play well?"

"How about it?"

The audience who were waiting to watch the second scene, saw the audience who came out of the premiere scene, and asked questions one after another.


"Great play!"

"Better looking!"

"It's just that the ending is a bit disturbing."

Many netizens, including the film critics written by "Yingguo Liusheng", believe that Ma Jun's death was undeserved.Some people say that Wu Long filmed like this in order to forcibly sensationalize.

Some people think that such an ending is a novelty, some people think it is force-feeding shit, and even made a lot of hype on the Internet.

Among Wu Long's fans, the Hong Kong Island Land Company disliked this ending the most.In their view, Wu Long is the God of War, who cannot be defeated or die.

They begged Wu Long to make another film one after another on the Internet, and they couldn't make such an ending.Some of them used Wu Long's photo as a talisman, and this ending was not good for them.

No matter how the two sides argued, Wu Long did not explain.

At the premiere, the leading actor invited the audience to eat sugarcane, which is considered a miracle in the film and television industry.However, is there anything else for the audience to eat?


Is there a leading actor who personally cuts sugar cane for the audience?


Even if it wasn't the premiere, who has ever seen an idol peel sugar cane and oranges for his fans?


There are signed souvenirs.But, to be honest, if that signature is signed by the idol himself, then hehe.

Fans will trust their idols without thinking.

But will idols sign on the spot like a book signing?

Wu Long should cut sugar cane on the spot for the audience and fans to eat!

The Internet has called "Lu Zhuanfan" and "I love this idol, I love it."

Fans in Hong Kong Island were not reconciled, and they blasted Wu Long's Weibo overnight, and even petitioned online, begging Wu Long to distribute sugar cane in Hong Kong Island.

In fact, Wu Long arranged for a performance on Hong Kong Island, but because it was screened at the same time, the premiere was not held on Hong Kong Island.

The performance on Hong Kong Island did not have Wuling's miniev electric car. Wu Long's performance of peeling sugar cane ended after throwing sugar cane chunks in a big pot.

The audience shouted Tun Dian Dao. Wu Long didn't intend to perform this at first, but seeing the enthusiasm of the audience, he performed Tun Dian Dao conveniently.Just no longer dismantling the handle proof.

It was also screened globally through Weiner Films, and Wu Long did not perform abroad.In foreign countries, you can't cut sugarcane for the audience on the spot. If the health bureau makes trouble, it will be really troublesome.

From the perspective of foreign audiences, the duel in the alley is a bit worth seeing, and the rest are not much different.They think it's not even as good as and.

Looking at it this way, the global film market is worried about Wu Long.

People cannot always win, no one is always victorious.

There is no director who has not rushed across the street and made bad movies.

There is no star who has not rushed across the street and made bad movies.

Even though some people have won the Oscar Award, they are called box office poison.

Therefore, everyone feels that Wu Long has begun to experience a trough and is likely to hit the street.

Under such speculation, many media began to bad-mouth Wu Long.

No matter how you shoot an action movie, can you still shoot new tricks?

Wu Long's is already the ceiling and the highest height of action movies, which cannot be surpassed by others, and neither can Wu Long himself.

Just look at it and you will know that it still needs depth.Blindly fighting and killing will eventually become a bad movie and hit the street.

Even many high-level executives in Weiner Pictures have doubts about Wu Long.

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