I'm not just an action star

Chapter 360 Really Peel Sugar Cane

The melody continues, and the singing is still there.

Wu Long held the knife in his right hand, and when he turned to face the audience, he took the sugar cane on the table with his left hand.

In keeping with the singing and rhythm, Wu Long peeled the sugar cane.

The movements of the left and right hands are facing the drum every time.

In the rhythm of peeling sugarcane, the first peeling is on the spot.Every time the drum beat, a long piece of sugarcane skin was peeled out, flew in the air, and fell one meter away.

Just like a soldier listening to the order of a drum, when the drum sounds, a soldier flies out.

The sugarcane is spinning in the left hand, the short knife is peeling in the rhythm, and the sugarcane skins are flying out one by one under the melody.

Like a beautiful scroll.

In the music and singing, everyone heard Wu Long speak:

"Everyone remember what I said, don't crowd! Don't make a mess! Don't cause riots and stampedes, just stand where you are."

Immediately, the lyrics sing:

"Aloha hey hey aloha hey ah hey aloha hey..."

Wu Long faced the audience with the peeled sugar cane, and quickly peeled the sugar cane repeatedly with the short knife in his hand.

Pieces of sugar cane that could just be bitten off flew towards the audience below with the singing of "Aloha hey ah hey ah ah ah hey ah ah ah ah hey".

Many viewers who were watching the live broadcast jumped up immediately.


"Good guy!"

"It's like a machine gun!"

"What shoots is not a bullet, but a block of sugar cane!"

"The scene was so exciting, I really regret it!"

"Why am I not there!"

"Because I can't get tickets!"

The audience at the scene was excited.

Wu Long walked along the edge of the stage and cut sugarcane pieces into the crowd along with the singing.Every piece of sugarcane, like having eyes, falls accurately in front of people.

No need to move, just raise your hand to catch the sugarcane block.

Although the audience behind was very sorry, they didn't squeeze to the front.Instead, follow the melody and clap rhythmically.

Envious and excited at the same time.

It is very satisfying to see such a scene.

A sugarcane was cut by Wu Long.

"and also!"

The staff lifted up a bundle of sugar cane and a large stainless steel basin.

Wu Long continued to peel the sugarcane according to the rhythm, and cut the sugarcane pieces into the big pot.This time, the speed is twice as fast as before, still stepping on the beat.

After the sugarcane blocks were cut, the staff lifted the table with the large basin to the front edge of the stage.

Wu Long put on disposable gloves, and pressed his hands in front of the pile of sugarcane blocks like a hill.

At this time, the song was played in a loop for the second time, and it happened to come to the sentence of brainwashing again:

"Aloha hey hey aloha hey ah hey aloha hey..."

Wu Long's hands became blurred with this song.

Whoosh whoosh!

The pieces of sugarcane flew out like cannonballs, and each piece fell in front of a spectator who hadn't got a whole body of sugarcane pieces.

It can be received by raising your hand, and there is no deviation.

Gu Yao

Wu Long's Xiao Li Fei Dao hits every shot within 20 meters, but it doesn't mean that he can only throw 20 meters.More than 20 meters, he can also throw.He can still hit if it's not a moving target.

The farther the distance is, the higher the throwing angle of Wu Long is, and the maximum is slightly less than 45 degrees. At this time, the sugarcane block can be thrown the farthest.

After throwing a big pot of sugarcane pieces, Wu Long raised the big pot to signal to the audience, the bgm stopped.

"I, Wu Long, must have been the first to invite the audience to eat sugarcane at the premiere. I'm sorry for the audience behind me, I can't throw it that far."

"Don't throw the bagasse around, wrap it in a paper towel, and throw it in the trash later, thank you."

Just when everyone thought it was really what Wu Long said, a small convertible electric car with a strange shape but cute looks drove out.

It is not streamlined, but angular, square, two-door, two-seater, and the front of the car is like several horizontal bars.Two rectangular lights, like a pair of cartoon eyes.

Matched with macaron fashion color, this small convertible car is cute for men, women and children at the scene.

Women and children, what immediately come to mind are pets in anime.

The new energy electric vehicle developed by Wuling Motors is here!

This is Wu Long's performance for today's premiere ceremony. After the finale, he contacted Wuling Automobile and asked them to specially produce an electric car according to the shape he designed as a performance car for this premiere ceremony.

Wu Long didn't know how to design, so he exchanged a few renderings of the miniev, a new energy electric car that had sprouted out of the circle in his previous life, to Wuling Automobile Factory in the system.Asked if it was possible for them to build a few of these electric cars just for him.

He has filmed an advertisement for Wuling Motors' suv Land Cruiser model, and the sales volume of Land Cruiser has been ranked first in the country's SUV sales list, and it is also exported to foreign countries.

The two parties had a cooperative relationship before, and it wasn't that they didn't want to give money. Wu Long thought that Wuling Automobile would help him build a few of these cars for use in performances.If you don't drive out of the street, you should see some problems.

Who knew that Wuling Automobile immediately fell in love with the appearance of this model when it saw Wu Long's renderings.After research and demonstration, it is believed that the former van can really be produced after modification.

Then calculate the cost and sales price, it can be very cheap.Such a car is not used for long-distance use, but only as a scooter for going to work or shopping for vegetables.

Wuling Motors not only confiscated Wu Long's money, but also gave Wu Long money to buy the shape patent.

After the two parties signed the contract, Wuling Motors has been secretly developing this car, and has produced a convertible electric car with a mature design and started mass production for Wu Long's premiere, which can be regarded as the first appearance of this car.

This appearance is equivalent to an advertisement, and Wuling Automobile attaches great importance to it.The key is to look at the effect of publicity, test and do market research.For this reason, Wuling Motors specially sent a beautiful salesman in fashion to sit in the driver's seat and drive for Wu Long.

On the co-pilot was a large bucket with a pile of sugarcane in it.

Wu Long took the dagger and stood on the cover behind the seat.Below this is the automatic soft canopy, because Wu Long needs to perform, and a cover is added to facilitate Wu Long to stand on it.

"Considering that the audience behind has no sugar cane, it seems that I, Wu Long, are not kind. So, I would like to ask everyone to make way for a small lane and let my cute car pass by. This electric car is very small, and it doesn't need a lot of passages to pass .”

The person in front gave way consciously, and the electric car started slowly.The bgm from just now sounded again, making people feel that Wu Long standing on the electric car like this is not patrolling, but more like going on a trip.

Wu Long picked up a sugar cane from the bucket on the passenger seat and began to peel it.It is still in line with the melody and rhythm of the bgm, but this time Wu Long's movement of turning the sugarcane and peeling it is faster.

With that movement, the barrage suddenly followed suit.

"Brother Long, why are you so familiar with this movement?"

"The right hand moves back and forth repeatedly. I'm talking about cutting sugar cane, don't think about it."

"An otaku understands this movement!"

"It's so long, I'm talking about sugarcane!"

"It's so hard, I'm talking about sugar cane too!"

Sugar cane husks flew out continuously and fell into the vat.It only takes a few seconds to sharpen one in two or three strokes.

Wu Long pointed the cut sugar cane to the crowd passing by the electric car, and began to cut the sugar cane.

Accompanied by the rhythm, Wu Long seemed to be dancing on a car.

The sugarcane pieces are in the music and rhythm, and as before, after being cut out by Wu Long, they fly towards the audience below following the inertia of the knife cutting.

Some people got sugarcane pieces, but they were reluctant to eat them, saying that they would keep them as treasures, and some put them in their mouths and chewed them happily.

"So sweet!"

"Well, it's really sweet!"

After distributing the remaining sugar cane to the audience, Wu Long continued to peel the sugar cane and distribute them to the staff working on the premiere.

Wu Long did not blindly please fans and audiences, which made the staff who ate sugarcane chunks feel warm and caring.

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