I'm not just an action star

Chapter 362 Wu Long's Weakness

In Los Angeles, Buffalo Gain pondered again after watching Wu Long's premiere performance.

He called one of his men who was better at playing knives, and asked him to watch a video of Wu Long performing knives.

"Can you play like him?"

The men shook their heads.

"My knife is shorter than his. His is a short knife, and mine is a dagger. But even if it is a dagger, no one can play like him. Because no one will practice this kind of fancy knife that has no practical significance. "

"However, even if someone practices, it may be difficult to play like Wu Long. Especially in the case of using a short knife, it is even more difficult."

"If your right hand is restrained, can you throw the knife to your left hand like Wu Long?"

"No, even if you have practiced, I am afraid it will be difficult to perform. In actual combat, there is no time and preparation to do such an action. Even if you can grasp the knife during normal practice, there is a high probability of making mistakes in actual combat."

"Have you seen his?"


"The duel in the alley, those film experts said that the long shot was used. That is to say, the performance in the movie is the reality. That Zeng Zihong is not Wu Long, why can he do it?"

"Boss, I don't understand either. Maybe that Zeng Zihong couldn't do it at all. It's a post-production special effect."

Knives are not a threat in Gein's eyes because he has a gun.

"Tell me, is it possible that Wu Long's movement of changing the knife is magic?"

"It's also possible." The subordinate replied. "I've seen magicians play poker where they can fly cards out and back into their hands. Others can fly from one hand to the other."

Watching the video of Wu Long cutting sugar cane, Gein thought of many things.

Wu Long cut sugar cane, and every piece of sugar cane flew to every audience without any mistakes.If swinging a knife and changing hands is magic, then this cannot be magic.

What Gein saw was Wu Long's accuracy!

Wu Long can throw knives, he has never seen it live.But judging from the cutting of sugar cane, Wu Long's hit rate is extremely high, [-]%!

Sugar cane in Wu Long's hands is like a machine gun.

Well, if Wu Long's hand is not sugar cane, nor is it a flying knife, but a gun.So is Wu Long's marksmanship very accurate?

This is what Gein is concerned about.

How far can a flying knife fly?

Wu Long wanted to come and kill him, as long as he kept a long enough distance from Wu Long.No matter whether Wu Long uses flying knives or playing cards, he is not afraid.

But if Wu Long's marksmanship is as accurate as a throwing knife, then he will be in trouble.

How is Wu Long's marksmanship?

Gein didn't know.

He needs to find a way to know.

Regarding the film and television festival, Wu Long is now participating as a guest, and he no longer competes for awards.This year's Yangshi Spring Festival Gala did not invite him either.Shanghai Satellite TV Spring Festival Gala, I can't afford an invitation.

He also refused to invite him to be a guest, a judge, or a mentor for variety shows.Many variety shows are actually like that. It looks fair, but it's just a look.

In the later stage of the work, Shi Lei led his team to study special effects.When the post-production special effects were completed, Shi Lei was moved.

"Software is important, and so is hardware."

"If you have these, can you do well?"

"It should be possible." Shi Lei didn't dare to boast.

Wu Long nodded secretly.

"Brother Long, there have been rumors on the Internet recently that you are very accurate in throwing knives, but you are not good at marksmanship."

Shi Lei's remarks did become popular after the global screening.It is mainly Wu Long's action movies, which rarely involve marksmanship, and are all fighting or cold weapons.

With throwing knife.The main character is a bodyguard, and it can be justified without a gun.

However, the police can use guns, but the plot of guns is not shown in the movie.

This made many people speculate that Wu Long is not good at marksmanship, so he does not use guns in the movies he makes.

Why is Wu Long not good at marksmanship?


Very simple, guns are banned in the country where Wu Long lives.So Wu Long has time to practice martial arts, but has no place to practice marksmanship.

Good marksmanship is fed with bullets.

The sharpshooters of the police force, special police, and army have shot many times more bullets than their comrades.

Wu Long didn't have the foundation to practice spears, so Wu Long's marksmanship was not good.

"Brother Long, I think you are a master. You can master everything with one technique. Your marksmanship must be very good. Why don't we go to the shooting range once and let us open our eyes?" Shi Lei's subordinates said.

Wu Long glanced at Shi Lei and his team, all of them bowed their heads in embarrassment.

"What do you all think, that I can't guess it?" Wu Long smiled. "No problem, I'll have time after the film is submitted to Weiner Pictures for review. Let's go play with guns!"



Men, besides loving women, love cars and guns.

It is a rare opportunity for them to come to this country where guns are free, and each of them has long wanted to play with real guns.

It's just that they are busy with the preliminary work, so it is difficult for them to bring it up.

Now there are comments on the Internet about Wu Long's inability to shoot, which happened to be used as an excuse for them to raise it.

After the work is done, before returning home, there must be a holiday for them to play in Merrican.At that time, they can find a guide to take them to play by themselves without asking Wu Long.

Now they asked Wu Long, which showed that they knew very well that some things could only be done with Wu Long's consent.

Weina Films' internal viewing meeting, high-level executives and executives all came.This shows that they attach great importance to Wu Long, and it also shows that they are worried about Wu Long.

After all, there is public opinion that Wu Long's film is going to hit the street, so they must pay close attention to it.If not, let Wu Long change it.Although the investment was less than [-] million yuan, they wanted to keep Wu Long's brand.It cannot be said that Wu Long's film on the street is aimed at Weiner Pictures.

If Wu Long wants to go to the streets, he can only go to other film companies.For example, in Lion Films, Wu Long is the best when he hits the street.Then when Wu Long was frustrated, they extended a helping hand to Wu Long.In that way, Wu Long will be grateful to Weiner Films and regard Weiner Films as the only one.

At the beginning of the film, it seems to be different from Wu Long's previous films.

"Revenge must be calm."

At the beginning, there is such a sentence that directly points out the theme. This is a pure revenge film.

Screen is black and white.

This method has been used in European and American movies, and it used to be a common method.Generally speaking, black and white represent dreams, memories and the past.

The heroine had an ugly face, and then a gunshot, and the subtitles began.Accompanied by singing, each chapter is finally revealed.

Segmented plot?Everyone is thinking.

Soon, the fight will start directly.What would a fight between two women look like?Everyone thought it was wrong at first.In the end, they saw that it was very exciting, not losing to the fight between men at all.

Because the two actresses have received Wu Long's training, they fight much better than the original version, both in terms of momentum and strength, giving people a very fresh feeling.

While there are no long shots, there aren't as many cuts as the usual action fights.It makes the whole fight feel real.

The copper-headed snake Venita holds a knife, and the heroine fights with a frying pan, showing the charm of oriental kung fu.

When Venita's daughter appeared, the two seemed to stop fighting and chat in the kitchen.

Everyone thought that the matter would be resolved in this way, and the heroine would spare Vinita.As a result, the two met again to fight at night.

Just when everyone thought the duel would happen at night, a sudden change happened.There's a gun hidden in Vinita's box!

Sure enough, as a killer, you must hide your gun everywhere.

Unfortunately, through the box, Venita's marksmanship was inaccurate, or the heroine put too much pressure on her, and she didn't have time to adjust, so the bullet missed the heroine.When the heroine throws a flying knife to kill Vinita, everyone seems to see a female version of Shaolin bodyguard throwing a flying knife.

Just the performance of the first movie, the confrontation between the two women, is enough to attract people to watch.

Everyone has watched many movies, and it can be said that there is absolutely no movie where two women play so wonderfully!

No, it should be said that there is one.

It was also directed by Wu Long.

But costume movies are still oriental costume movies.The two women fighting were both Oriental women.In that magical land, many people think they know kung fu.So it's not surprising that women play so wonderfully.

It's a modern action movie, it's a Western movie!It's different when two Western women are fighting each other.

Explain that Western women can do it too!

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