I'm not just an action star

Chapter 359 You Thought You Were Peeling Sugar Cane

The dagger in Wu Long's hand is the same as the dagger used by the killer Ajie in the movie "Slaying the Wolf".But the ones in the movie are props, and Wu Long's is a real knife now.

A real knife with a sharp edge.

It can cut meat, chop bones, and peel sugar cane.

Wu Long picked up the short knife and waved lightly at the root of the sugarcane, and Wu Long chopped off a small section of the root of the sugarcane that was one finger long.

"This knife can cut sugarcane, very sharp."

Just when everyone thought Wu Long was starting to cut the sugar cane, Wu Long turned around and put the sugar cane on the table.

"alohahejahe" music sounded.

Under the electronic sound, Wu Long swayed gently with the rhythm, as if he was in a slow rock bar at this time.

The drum beats like the beating of the blood, every beat is at the frequency of people's heartbeat.Everyone saw Wu Long swaying with a short knife, and all the audience followed Wu Long's body and swayed on the spot.

People are shaking, blood is swaying, and hearts are beating.

With just one click, everyone at the scene was excited.


"Wow, so hi!"

“The scene is very good!”

"Brother Long, let's turn the scene into a slow shake!"

Wu Long followed the rhythm and unbuttoned his suit one by one.

The melody of the electric guitar sounded, and the short knife fluttered in his hand with the rhythm of the music.

When others play with the pen, the pen spins and dances at the fingertips.

Wu Long played with the short knife, and the short knife danced around his fingertips.

&n Cutting the sugarcane down, I didn't expect Wu Long to be playing with a knife under the bgm!

If you play with a knife like this, you will cut yourself if you are not careful.Such a thrilling action immediately caused the men in the audience to exclaim and the women to scream.

Fang Zhuming on the side also swayed to the rhythm, and asked Zeng Zihong who was attending the premiere beside him.

"Can you play with a knife like this?"

Zeng Zihong shook his head, following the rhythm.What Wu Long performed was known in advance only by himself, and he did not disclose the content to others.

He thought he could perform the alley battle scene with Wu Long at the premiere, but Wu Long didn't arrange it like this.He is just like other supporting actors, taking pictures for people on stage and telling some interesting stories during the shooting.

Such an arrangement made him feel a little resentment towards Wu Long.He thought Wu Long was deliberately suppressing him.

Until now, watching Wu Long's performance, he didn't know that his battle with Wu Long was no fart in front of Wu Long's performance.

They played wonderfully, but the live performances were not thrilling enough.

Can I play with a knife like Wu Long?

Certainly not.

So it's not that Wu Long doesn't bring others to play, but that others don't deserve to play at Wu Long's premiere!

Few people can do Wu Long's performance.This is why Wu Long's premiere performance is so attractive.

Why do many Wu Long fans say that without Wu Long's premiere movie, there is no soul?

Just look at the scene and Wu Long's performance, and you'll understand!

If he is not careful, Wu Long will overturn on the spot.

This kind of rollover will cost in blood!

Wu Long's deep voice sang in the melody.He was holding a short knife and making shaving motions on his face.

When everyone hears this song, it is neither Chinese nor English. What language is it?

A commentary appeared in the barrage in the live broadcast room.

"My God, it's German!"

"Brother Long is amazing, he can even speak German!"

Someone at the scene also heard that Wu Long sang in German, and immediately told the surrounding science score that Wu Long sang in German.

After Wu Long finished shaving, he switched the dagger to his left hand.The short knife began to dance in Wu Long's left hand under the rhythm.

This is not a knife, this is a short knife!

A knife that is slightly longer than a normal dagger.

When Wu Long flew with his left hand, it made people feel like lifting weights as lightly as possible.

When the short knife was thrown upwards from Wu Long's hand and quickly rolled back and forth in the air, everyone couldn't help but think of the scene of Wu Long throwing the kitchen knife while making soupy yellow croaker in "The God of Cookery: The House of Gold and Jade".

In the movie, it is a kitchen knife, right hand.

At this time, the scene is a short knife, left hand.

Accompanied by the singing, Wu Long held a dagger in his left hand and slowly swiped his fingers around the audience.Handing the dagger to the right hand, at this time the voice was raised, and the singing sang:


The audience saw that Wu Long raised his head and opened his mouth, and slowly inserted the short knife into his mouth in line with the singing.

According to the length of the dagger, the dagger must exceed the throat.



"Damn it, a classic street performer!"

"Haha, Brother Long, do you want to perform the boulder breaking in the chest?"

"I just don't know if Brother Long's short knife can be stretched or not."

"Brother Long wouldn't do that, it's just smashing his own brand."


Wu Long took the dagger out of his mouth.When the tip of the dagger just left his mouth, on the big screen, everyone saw that Wu Long turned his wrist, and the dagger spun around Wu Long's mouth, flew up, and fell to the right.

"uhhhh, sohab'ich'snochniegeh?rt!..."

Wu Long stretched out his right hand to catch the rolling dagger in front of his waist.

The classic climax arrives!

"Aloha hey hey aloha hey hey aloha hey hey—"

Wu Long flicked his right wrist to the left, and the dagger flew out spinning.In line with the singing, the dagger flew over Wu Long's body and flew to the left side of his body.

This action is exactly the same as in the classic "Slaying the Wolf", after the killer Jie's right hand is restrained, he throws out the short knife, the short knife spins and flies to the left, and the left hand catches the knife.

You haven't seen the movie yet, so you don't know about this action.



"Let's go!"

"Turn over!"

Just when everyone thought it was Wu Long's mistake, Wu Long stretched out his left hand, grabbed it like a bag, and miraculously grabbed the fast-spinning short knife in his hand.

He didn't catch the blade, but grasped the handle accurately.

This wonderful action, coupled with this special lyrics, immediately gave birth to a wonderful chemical effect, which shocked everyone.


"Good guy!"




"I thought it was a rollover!"

"The result is a miracle!"

Not finished yet.

Wu Long's movements are continuous.After receiving the knife with his left hand, he immediately turned around and turned his back to the audience.

"Aloha hey hey aloha hey hey aloha hey hey—"

Wu Long flicked his left wrist to the right behind him.The dagger spun out from his left hand and flew to the right behind him.

Wu Long didn't turn his head to look at the saber, and grabbed it with his right hand as if searching for something, and grabbed the handle of the dagger with one hand.

The dagger stopped spinning, and what appeared in everyone's eyes was Wu Long holding the handle of the dagger.



The audience screamed and applauded!


"Brother Long is mighty!"

"Brother Long is awesome!"

"Grab the handle of the knife without looking behind your back, no one else!"

Fang Zhuming touched Zeng Zihong with his shoulder.

"How about it?"

Zeng Zihong showed a shameful expression.

"Even if you don't change hands with the knife behind the back, even if you change hands with the knife in the front, it's better than me. I just make one movement, but Brother Long does it in a series of movements."

"Taking the knife from the mouth, throwing the knife upwards, catching the knife with the right hand and throwing it out immediately, and receiving the knife with the left hand. I don't think I can do these continuous movements no matter how hard I practice." The melody and rhythm of <, perfect performance. "

"I don't think anyone can do it except Brother Long."

"too difficult."

He has practiced swinging the knife and changing hands, and knows the difficulty.Catch the falling knife from the air, then immediately throw it to the left, and catch the knife with your left hand.Doing this continuously, the difficulty does not increase exponentially, but increases to the power of n!

Zeng Zihong clapped his hands and applauded for Wu Long, but felt a huge sense of loss in his heart that he couldn't catch up.

If you don't feel the huge gap up close, ordinary people think that there is only one difference between geniuses and geniuses.

Zeng Zihong thinks that she is already a genius, but now she compares it up close, as if...

Originally, he looked at Wu Long's back and called "Big Brother", and added in his heart, "I will definitely catch up with you".

Then Wu Long didn't know if he heard it, and he didn't turn his head. With a swish, the figure had turned into a black spot in front of him and disappeared into the sky.

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