I'm not just an action star

Chapter 358 I Treat You to Eat...

Those few people looked at each other in blank dismay.

Chiba Huasui's performance just now has calmed them down.If a few people fight together, they may be able to defeat Chiba Huasui, but if it spreads, they will only lose face.

Besides, even if Chiba Huasui is defeated, some of them should be defeated by Chiba Huasui first.

Who wants to be this defeated man?

Nobody wants to.

If you don't fight, you won't lose.

If you fight, you may lose.

"Chiba Kaho, you just played tricks to win Yamamoto!"

"That's right. It's just that you took a chance to win against Yamamoto. If you use proper means, you must not be Yamamoto's opponent!"

Chiba Kaho showed a smile like Miren Ishii.

"Don't you want to know why my strength has soared?"

A few people didn't speak, but their eyes betrayed them.

"Since you don't want to know, I won't say anything." Chiba framed the smile and looked around.

"Could it be Wu Long who taught you the way of swordsman?" Some people still couldn't help it.

"That's right, that's why I led the crowd to kneel down to apologize. Without this kneeling, there would be no chance." Qianye Jiasui said seriously: "Why not kneel to the strong? You don't even dare to admit your inadequacy, How about being humble?"

"If a person is not humble, he is like a cup full of water. He will never get fresh water and will not improve."

He gestured to his surroundings.

"Look, if you don't talk about kendo, just talk about essence, energy, and spirit. The disciples and students of Qianye Kendo Hall are stronger than yours."

Because of the first round of the battle, a group of people on Yamamoto's side were knocked unconscious.In this way, the number advantage is not so obvious.

In addition, a group of people were quickly knocked unconscious, and the remaining people had never seen such a situation, and their combat effectiveness could not be fully exerted due to their morale being frustrated.

The people from Qianye Kendo Hall rushed out like fierce tigers out of the cage, their fighting spirit in full swing.Soon, many people from Yamamoto's side were knocked down.

Looking at it now, the people from Chiba Kendo Hall already have an absolute advantage on the scene.

Those who took pictures with their mobile phones looked at the battle situation in their eyes stupidly.I don't know whether to stop shooting or not.

In the live broadcast room, there were fewer people commenting.Occasionally someone spoke, urging the photographer to go up and help, to beat the people in Chiba Kendo Hall.

Many more remained silent.

The people on Yamamoto's side finally started to retreat, and some people fled outside Aoba House.

He was in a hurry to escape, but because of his panic, he was finally knocked down.

People in Chiba Kendo Gym are very disciplined, there is no two-for-one or one-for-one.Some people want to do this, but their companions say no.Said that even if you lose, you must be a real warrior.

In the end, except for a few who escaped, the rest were the few who confronted Chiba Huasui, and the few who were filming the live broadcast.

The few people who were filming the live broadcast were worried that they would be beaten at first, but they couldn't help but feel relieved when they found that the people from the Chiba Kendo Gym just looked at them and didn't step forward to do anything.

A thought even popped up in my heart, the people in Chiba Kendo Hall still follow the rules.

"Who's injured?" Chiba Framesui asked.

"Sorry for embarrassing the teacher!"

"Teacher, I'm sorry, I didn't practice well!"

"I, teacher, I'm sorry."

"Is it serious? Do you want to go to the hospital?" Chiba Framesui asked again.

"It's okay, teacher, just take the medicine yourself."

"Small injury, teacher."

"Teacher, are they all right?" Someone pointed to those who had been knocked unconscious and asked Chiba Framesui.

"It's okay. I can't blame you if something happened. They rushed in to make trouble, and we were defending ourselves. Besides, we are holding wooden knives. It can also be said that everyone is friendly."

Chiba Huasui didn't misunderstand this question, he just said so.

Reassure your own people first, tell them this is self-defense.As for the fainted person, even if something happens, what does it matter?

Chiba Kaho looked at the people on Yamamoto's side.

"Or, they were brought by Yamamoto to make a movie together?"

Those few people are considered seniors, and it is impossible for them to leave by themselves.They immediately asked those who were knocked down to get up and save their companions.

Eventually, those who were knocked out woke up, and no one had a problem.


They signaled that all the live broadcasters had turned off the live broadcast, and then suggested to Chiba Xiangsui:

"Please do not publicize this incident. Whether it is a friendly discussion or a movie together, we need to wait for Yamamoto to wake up and decide."

"No problem." Chiba frame Sui nodded graciously in agreement.

He knew that he, as well as the disciples and students of Chiba Kendo Hall, still needed to be recognized in the country.Since you want to recognize it, you can't do too much and make the other party unable to step down.

The crew finished filming and traveled in the home country for a few days.The others returned to Merikan, and Wu Long and Meng Lu returned to the imperial capital.

To be screened, Wu Long came back to attend the premiere.

Originally thought that it could not be screened in the mainland, but I didn't expect to pass the review without filming the mainland version.

Really surprised Wulong.

What surprised Wu Long even more was that He Ye decided to introduce it, and he was only allowed to watch after being restricted.

Wu Long's fans celebrated on the Internet, saying that Brother Long still has more face.Wu Long hurriedly posted on Weibo, telling everyone not to recruit gangsters.

The people on Hong Kong Island were a little unhappy.It will also be released in the mainland at the same time, so Wu Long will not come to Hong Kong Island for the premiere performance.

Watching Wu Long's film, the premiere performance has become an important link.A Wu Long movie without Wu Long's premiere is less flavorful and soulless.

People on Hong Kong Island say so, and they still have to watch it.

In the performance at the premiere, there were no big moves, just a simple performance.

After greeting the audience, Wu Long took out a sugar cane.

"Look, everyone, what is this?"

The audience shouted: "Sugar cane!"

"It seems that everyone knows each other. In order to prove that this sugarcane is real, I will check it for you first."

Wu Long handed the sugar cane to the audience in front.

"Everyone pay attention to supervision, don't let people steal the sugar cane." Wu Long joked to liven up the atmosphere.

Sugar cane was passed around in front of the crowd, and someone asked:

"Brother Long, the counterfeiting technology is so real now, how can you tell the real thing without taking a bite?"

Everyone was delighted to hear this question.

"It's really soul torture." Wu Long laughed. "You don't have to pass the cane to him."

Sure enough, the sugar cane was passed around, but not to the person who asked the question.No matter how the man calls, everyone is happy not to pass it on to him.

The sugar cane returned to Wu Long.

"You can't eat it. I can take a bite to prove that this sugarcane is real." After speaking, Wu Long pretended to take a bite.

Everyone laughed.

"Of course, I'm not here to perform eating sugar cane today."

Wu Long's words caused more people to laugh.

"I'm here today to show cutting sugar cane."

Everyone laughed again.

"Sugar cane is very sweet, do you believe it?"

Wu Long's question drew more laughter, and they all answered: "I don't believe it!"

"Give it to me, and I'll believe it!"

"Yes, I will believe it if I can eat it."

"Brother Long, just give me a bite of such a long sugarcane, and you won't lose anything."

Wu Long said with a smile:

"That's what you said. I just said that I can eat one bite. Whether you can eat it or not depends on your luck."

"Gentlemen, I thank you for coming to watch my film. Next, I will cut sugar cane, and please eat sugar cane!"

The audience was immediately pleasantly surprised.

"it is good!"

"Brother Long, give it to me!"

"Brother Long, I love you, give me sugar cane!"

"Brother Long, I want to eat your sugar cane!"

When Wu Long took out the short knife of the killer Ajie in the movie, everyone believed that Wu Long really cut sugar cane for them to eat.

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