I'm not just an action star

Chapter 357 Crazy 88, Tiger!

Meng Lu, Uma, Rocky, Takako Kuriyama and others have seen the video of Maeda Shinichi being chopped off by Wu Long on his forehead.

At this time, seeing Chiba Kaho cut Yamamoto's forehead, as if Wu Long chopped Maeda Shinichi's replica, everyone was stunned.

Meng Lu originally had the expression of Ishii Miren, but instantly collapsed.

Kuriyama Takako's original expression of Guoguo collapsed instantly.

Uma, who was pretending to be the protagonist of the movie, disappeared in an instant.

Rocky turned his head to look at Wu Long in surprise, almost in sync with Maeda Shinichi's turn.

The disciples and students of Chiba Kendo Hall are in the same mood as Maeda Shinichi at this time.But what's more, Chiba Jiasui can actually chop a wooden knife with a wooden knife!

In this way, what Qianye Zhuangsui said is absolutely reasonable, the supreme swordsmanship is hidden in the sword technique taught by Wu Long!

Chiba Framesui has already understood, so he defeated Yamamoto who had defeated him.Still defeated in this way, it directly proves that Yamamoto was a complete defeat.

Kneeling down to Wu Long is really worth it.No wonder Chiba Jiasui told them that it was worth it.Now it's proven that it's really worth it.

No matter how much tuition you pay, you won't be able to get this kneeling!

If Chiba Frame Sui didn't take them to kneel and apologize to Wu Long, would Wu Long rent the venue of Chiba Kendo Hall to train actors?

No, absolutely not.

Without such a thing, they simply have no chance to learn and improve themselves.


Cheers for Chiba Kaho's victory, and cheers for them to become Maeda Shinichi and even Chiba Kaho in the future!

At the same time, it also greatly increased their confidence.

The people brought by Yamamoto were all dumbfounded.

Yamamoto was defeated!

Not only was he defeated, but he was also extremely humiliated.

The wooden knife was cut off by Chiba Huasui, and the forehead was bleeding from the wooden knife. This is really a shame and a shame!

"Impossible, this must be an illusion!"

"It must be my eyes!"

"Chiba frame ear must be cheating!"

Yamamoto's mind gradually recovered.He recalled the scene just now, and found that he couldn't resist the slash of Chiba Huasui, the defeated general!Qianye Xiangsui's sword was so powerful that it cut off the wooden knife in his hand, and then continued to chop on his forehead!

Back then, he beat Chiba Framesui.

Today, he was defeated by Chiba Framesui.

Yamamoto could not accept this reality.


Yamamoto spat out a mouthful of blood and passed out immediately.

Among the people who followed Yamamoto, many of them were live broadcasting with their mobile phones.The people watching the live broadcast inside have been cheering and cheering for Yamamoto.A few people who stood at Chiba Framesui uttered their voices, but they were instantly sprayed and disappeared.

As a result, Chiba Kasui cut off the wooden knife, cut his forehead, and fell to the ground.This is simply beyond their imagination.

Most people think that Yamamoto can easily beat Chiba.After Chiba frame spike failed last time, he went away to Los Angeles.Many people think that if you leave the book, your level of kendo will drop.

As a result, Chiba's kendo strength not only did not drop, but also defeated Yamamoto.

Not only defeated Yamamoto, but also interrupted Yamamoto's wooden sword, making Yamamoto lose so badly.

The wooden knife is Yamamoto's own, and there is no possibility that Chiba Kaho tampered with the wooden knife.It can only be said that Chiba Kasui interrupted Yamamoto's wooden sword with his strength.

Those who watched the live broadcast stopped speaking.Instead, it was the people who originally supported and liked Chiba Huasui who spoke.

"Chiba frame spike won?"

"And broke Yamamoto's wooden sword?"

"Yamamoto's head was chopped off!"

"Yamamoto vomited blood and passed out!"

At the scene, the disciples following Yamamoto and others finally came to their senses.



The cheers from Chiba Kendo Hall were so ear-piercing to their ears, stimulating their adrenaline to soar.Now that there are so many of them, why do the people from Chiba Kendo Hall dare to cheer?

This is the native country, not Los Angeles!


"Revenge for Senior Yamamoto!"

The people on Yamamoto's side raised their wooden knives one after another and rushed towards Chiba Kendo Hall.

Chiba frame spike yells:

"Crazy 88, line up, protect the big sister!"

"Crazy 88!" The disciples and students of Chiba Kendo Hall shouted in response. "Tiger!"

They formed a circle one by one according to the original rehearsal position, facing the outside with wooden knives, and protected Wu Long, Meng Lu, Uma, Rocky, Takako Kuriyama and the crew in the circle.

"Brother Long, first let our warriors from Chiba Kendo Hall fight for you. If they want to attack you, they should step over our bodies first!"

"Protect Big Sister!"

"Protect Brother Long!"

"Protect Guoguo!"


There were more than twice as many people in Yamamoto's side as there were in Chiba Kendo Gym, but at this moment they were frightened by the sudden noise from Chiba Kendo Gym and stopped in their tracks.

This neat roar is as powerful as a rainbow!

It sounds like there are more people than them.

And all of them are like the army on the ancient battlefield, neatly lined up, making people feel like they are on the battlefield and feel the atmosphere on the battlefield.

Wu Long had seen the disciples and actors of Qianye Jiansuijiao Kendo Hall practice this formation, so he didn't ask much.It is only now that I know that Chiba Huasui had thought that something would happen and trained in advance to deal with it.

This battle array is a bit of a shadow.There are two rows in the front and back, the front is fighting, and the back is preparing.

The people on Yamamoto's side felt ashamed to be intimidated.After stopping in footsteps, he rushed forward, shouting and screaming.They will not all push forward like real ancient soldiers, but the people at the front are going to attack the people in Qianye Kendo Hall.People behind will leave a certain space.Prevent accidental injury or hinder the attack of the person in front.

Everyone usually fights alone, even if there is a group fight, they are one-on-one after the battle or take the time to make a sneak attack on the enemy who is fighting with their own side.

Where have you seen such a battle array?

clap clap clap!

The two sides fought, and the wooden knives fought together.




Hearing Chiba Framesui's order, the people of Chiba Kendo Hall stood in the front row and made corresponding actions at the same time.

Tiger is to squat down and lower your body.In doing so, one is a feint attack, and the other is to give the companions who attack behind them room to attack.

Sideways, that is, sideways, to make way for the companions behind to attack.

Hit, the companions behind attack.

There is a problem with holding a knife with both hands, that is, it is not easy to attack sideways, and you need to face the opponent head-on.Therefore, when the people in the back row attack, they hold a knife with one hand, and attack sideways.


In line with this tidy roar, the person in the back row attacked sideways, holding a wooden knife with one hand, and slashed the opponent in front with all his strength.

Target, side of the neck.

The people on Yamamoto's side saw the opponent in the front row squatting down suddenly and turned sideways. They subconsciously thought that the opponent was going to attack their lower body, so they quickly struck down with the wooden knife, trying to block it.

Unexpectedly, the people in the back row suddenly stepped in and raised their knives to call.They quickly raised their knives to defend again.

It's a pity that the incident happened suddenly. Before the wooden knife in their hands returned to the defense, they were hit on the neck by the wooden knife first.

Strange things suddenly happened at the scene, and the people who were hit fell to the ground one after another.

It turns out that there are carotid sinuses on both sides of a person's neck, and a strong blow can cause clinical fainting.

The people in the Chiba Kendo Hall saw that the trick taught by Chiba Jiansui was actually effective, and they shouted excitedly in unison:

"Crazy 88, Tiger!"

The people who were shooting the live broadcast with their mobile phones on the outside were all dumbfounded.The people who watched the live broadcast in the live broadcast room were also dumbfounded.

According to their thinking, it should be a chaotic on-site scuffle. Some people on both sides were knocked down, and relying on the advantage of the number of people, most of the knocked down were people from Chiba Kendo Hall.Who would have thought that the current situation would happen, so many people on Yamamoto's side were knocked down all at once.

So, what happened?

Is this still the kendo they are familiar with?

This move was actually a sudden attack, and the opponent was unprepared.Do it again, it won't work so well.

Chiba frame spike yells:

"Crazy 88, attack!"

The people of Chiba Kendo Hall shouted excitedly:

"Crazy 88, Tiger!"

Then, the people in Chiba Kendo Hall, no matter they were disciples or students, all rushed out to find their opponents to fight.

Qianye Huasui didn't rush out, he knew who was the most powerful opponent.These formidable people, who were qualified to duel with him back then, were not something those disciples and students could deal with.

They relied on their identities just now and did not rush forward.

Chiba Huasui wanted to frighten them and prevent them from participating.

"You guys, do you want to fight me?"

"Whether you fight alone, or you all go together, I will accompany you!"

Chiba framed Sui, revealing Ishii Miren's haughty expression.

Like, the big brother who looks down on the entire kendo world!

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