I'm not just an action star

Chapter 356 Is This Comprehension?

Facing Yamamoto's roar, Chiba Kaho showed a smile.

"Yamamoto, your pattern is small."

It is said that the structure is small, and Yamamoto's anger is even greater.This time he retreated to comprehend, and his swordsmanship has improved even more.Chiba Jiansui is his defeated opponent, and he will only lose even worse when he faces the exit.But he still dared to say this about him, making him feel that Chiba Huasui probably said that because he knew he would lose.I want to use this to save some reputation and find a reason for another defeat.

Just listen to Chiba frame ear continue to say:

"You are a master of swordsmanship. This duel between you and me will benefit a lot from the disciples and students of my Chiba Kendo Hall, as well as the warriors you brought here."

"I'm always teaching my disciples and students. Did I whisper it? Didn't the people you brought hear? Isn't this also telling them? Let them learn?"

"As a master of swordsmanship, wouldn't it be possible for us samurai to benefit and learn from giving advice to younger generations?"

"What a wonderful thing. Don't you want the people who come with you to learn the way of swords that they want to learn from you?"

Wu Long applauded inwardly and shouted, "Beautiful!"

This is said with a level, it really is an old fox.In this case, let yourself stand on the commanding heights immediately.The successive rhetorical questions highlighted the theme even more.

Sure enough, the expressions of the people who followed Yamamoto changed, obviously agreeing with what Chiba Kaho said.

Only Yamamoto, his face was dark and embarrassed.

"Hmph, did I say that I wouldn't guide them? You just want to sow discord and make excuses for being defeated."

Among those who followed Yamamoto, some agreed with Yamamoto's words.

"Chiba Huasui, do you think a few words can separate us?"

"Chiba Jiasui, don't think that we will let you go!"

Chiba Huasui ignored these people, most of them were people who had been defeated by him.

He said to his disciples and students:

"Now I will prove that the speed of one-handed knives is faster than that of two-handed knives, and the moves of one-handed knives are more varied than those of two-handed knives."

"Pay attention to one of the most important terms in Chinese Kung Fu, Shenfa!"

After Chiba Framesui finished speaking, he launched an attack first.

The body swayed to the left, but the feet moved to the right.The body swayed to the right, but the feet moved to the left.The knife in his hand slashed at Yamamoto.

The first knife went straight to Yamamoto's hands holding the knife.

Yamamoto waved the knife to block, but Chiba Kaho held the knife with one hand, and his wrist changed rapidly. The trajectory of the knife was not the usual trajectory of two-handed swords.

not good!

The wooden knife in Yamamoto's hand did not stop Chiba Framesui's wooden knife, and immediately retreated to avoid being cut by Chiba Framesui.

As soon as he retreated, Chiba Huasui easily rushed in from one side.And his wooden knife couldn't counter Chiba frame spike.

If it was someone else, Chiba Huasui's knife would definitely hit the opponent's wrist, causing the opponent to let go and drop the knife.

But Yamamoto is not an ordinary swordsman, he is a master of swordsmanship, he once defeated Chiba Kasui, it is impossible for Chiba Kasui to hit him easily.

Chiba Kaho also expected this, so the purpose of the first knife was not to hit Yamamoto's wrist, but to force Yamamoto to retreat in his preset direction.

In this way, Chiba Kaho can bypass Yamamoto's defense and approach Yamamoto to launch a real attack.

Chiba Frame Sui's second knife, following the first knife slashing empty, flipped his wrist, and slashed Yamamoto directly from top to bottom in a circular circle with the knife.

Yamamoto retreated in a hurry, raising his hand to block with his sword.


Chiba Kasui's wooden knife hit Yamamoto's wooden knife and bounced off quickly.Chiba frame spike moves to avoid Yamamoto's counterattack.

"As I said, your one-handed sword is too weak!" Yamamoto laughed at Chiba Kaho.He wanted to counterattack Chiba Jiasui, but found that Chiba Jiasui's position perfectly avoided all his possible counterattack routes.

In the middle of his counterattack with the wooden knife, he was surprised to find that Chiba Jiasui's third knife had already begun to strike.

Gu Qiu

Still slashing from top to bottom, still holding a knife with one hand.

Chiba Huasui took advantage of the rebounding saber movement, his wrist sank, and the wooden knife immediately slashed at Chiba Huasui for the third time.

Yamamoto quickly returned his sword and backed away.


Chiba Kaho's wooden knife hit Yamamoto's wooden knife again above his head.

"Too weak! No strength!" Yamamoto laughed again at Chiba Frame Sui.

The speed of this knife was a little faster than the previous one, so that Yamamoto took only half a step back, and the two wooden knives cut together.

Chiba Frame Suomu knife bounced, this time he did not move to avoid Yamamoto's counterattack, but directly advanced, his wrist sank again, and he slashed at Yamamoto for the fourth time.

Yamamoto saw that Chiba Kasuke dared not to move and dodge, but to advance in place.He was overjoyed in his heart, and when he finished the remaining half-step back, he turned his wrists, and the wooden knife in his hand was about to fight back.

The wooden knife had only hit halfway, and Yamamoto discovered a problem.Chiba Framesui's wooden knife bounced back faster than the previous two times, and quickly bounced to a high point, and then immediately slashed at him.

He understood why Chiba Frame Sui no longer moved.If you move, you will lose your knife speed.And the increased speed of Chiba Frame Sui's knife made him even if he counterattacked, he would still be one step slower than Chiba Frame Sui.

At the same time, he also keenly discovered that when Chiba Huasui rebounded for the third time, Chiba Huasui's left hand was also raised at the same time.

Chiba Jiasui's wooden knife rebounded to a high point, and immediately turned into two hands holding the knife, and slashed at him forcefully.

"You finally admit that it is wrong to hold a sword with one hand!" Yamamoto did not continue to fight back. After the third step of retreating with the sword, he finally retreated, and he also turned back to block the sword.


Obviously, Chiba Framesui's fourth strike was faster than the first three strikes.Compared with the second knife, it is almost twice as fast.

The people around watching the battle couldn't even see the phantom of Chiba Frame Suogi Sword.


The wooden knife across the front of Yamamoto's forehead was chopped off by Chiba Kazuo's wooden knife, and the broken half of the wooden knife flew out.

Chiba Kasui's wooden knife continued to chop down, and chopped heavily on Yamamoto's forehead!

The power of the slash made Yamamoto's eyes stare, his eyes were dizzy, and he stepped back a few steps one after another.

Everyone found that blood was coming out of Yamamoto's forehead, and Yamamoto couldn't stand still, and finally fell to the ground.

Yamamoto was completely dumbfounded!

At this time, he still didn't understand what happened.

Maeda Shinichi turned to look at Wu Long in horror.That day, he challenged Wu Long, and Wu Long beat him down like this!

The difference is that Wu Long holds a knife with one hand, while Chiba Huasui holds a knife with both hands and chops three times in a row!

Wu Long's expression was indifferent, but he was still surprised in his heart.Chiba Kaho actually held the sword with both hands, copying the move he interrupted Maeda Shinichi's wooden sword.

Others may not see it.However, he could see that the three cuts made by Chiba Framesho on Nakamoto's wooden knife were roughly in the same position.

Maybe people who don't understand the truth, even if they can see it, they think it's because Chiba's frame sui knife is so powerful that he can cut three times at almost the same position.

Wu Long could see, however, that it was not Chiba Huasui who controlled the path of the knife or changing the trajectory of the knife midway, but that when Chiba Huasui slashed Yamamoto, he slashed towards the center of Yamamoto's forehead.

The more kendo masters, the more formal and standard their sword moves are.

Facing the wooden knife slashing at the center of his forehead, as long as the defense is to block with a horizontal knife, he is basically in the same position.

In this way, the ones in Chiba Frame Hokage will basically be in the same position.

Three swords can be used to cut off.It's like striking iron with a sledgehammer, using the power of rebound to gain momentum, and each hammer is heavier.

Could it be that this is the understanding that Chiba Jiasui got from the double sword technique?

Master of swordsmanship, can't his comprehension be so powerful?

The double-sword sword technique taught to Chiba Huasui is really the knife technique used in filming and acting!

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