I'm not just an action star

Chapter 355 Confidence


These days, isn't there really a closed door practice?

Wu Long frowned slightly.

Yamamoto's words made him suspicious of Chiba Kaho.

Chiba Framesui led the crowd to kneel down to apologize to him, which aroused the anger of the people of Benzi, and also aroused the anger of Yamamoto.In this way, Yamamoto will challenge him and be defeated by him.

Murder with a knife!

Chiba Framesui wants to borrow him to defeat Yamamoto!

Yamamoto didn't come to retreat, so Chiba Changsui changed his strategy and used a friend to decorate a bar to sponsor the shooting location for free, attracting him to Benziguo.

In this way, Yamamoto can fight him.

At this time, Wu Long guessed so.This conjecture, in fact, he also thinks it is wrong.Because he had tested it with the props card, Chiba Jiasui didn't lie to him.

"Yamamoto, you are not qualified to fight Brother Long."

"I was defeated by you. But if you beat me once, it doesn't mean that I will continue to lose to you the second time. If you want to challenge Brother Long, you must defeat me first."

"Chiba Kasui, you are a defeated general, how dare you fight against us?" Yamamoto was angry.

"Yamamoto, I am honored to have Brother Long's advice. I used to be your defeated opponent, I admit it. It's just that I am now, not what I used to be. Judging by your anger, you are no longer my opponent."



The people brought by Yamamoto immediately scolded Chiba Framesui.

Immediately, more people who came with Yamamoto poured in outside.They heard the scolding inside, thought they were about to make a move, and rushed in immediately.

Looking around, there was a dense mass of darkness, and the number of people was actually more than that of the Chiba Kendo Gym.

Wu Long thought that the people in Chiba Kendo Hall would be afraid.Who would have thought that not only were the people in the Chiba Kendo Gym not afraid, but they felt eager to try.

Looking at their expressions, some showed disdain, and some turned out to be the aura of the crazy 88 gang in "Kill Bill"!

Especially those who played Ishii Yulian's bodyguards are even more arrogant in the movie.In their eyes, the people who poured in looked like weak chickens.

Looking at Takako Kuriyama again, it turned out to be Guoguo's expression.

Even Uma and Monroe look like characters in the movie.

Especially Meng Lu, who seemed to think that she was really Miren Ishii at this moment, with her pretentious smile.

Only Rocky looked like he was moving his hands and feet and getting ready to do it.

Yamamoto raised his hand to stop the rushing people, and sneered at Chiba Kaho.

"Well, I'm not your opponent. Shouldn't I be angry? You like to be humiliated, and it's just your own business. But you bring other people to kneel together. Have you ever thought about their dignity and their parents? ?”

"If you do this, in the eyes of people in other countries, it means that we have surrendered to them!"

Chiba Framesho looked at the people behind Yamamoto.Some of these people who came together were once defeated by him.

"You come to challenge Brother Long, and the rules are naturally set by Brother Long. If you want to prove that you are qualified to challenge Brother Long, you must first defeat me."

Chiba Framesui instructed his disciples.

"Give me the wooden knife."

Yamamoto pointed at the Chiba Kendo Hall crowd with a wooden knife.

"You people, are you going to continue to make mistakes!"

"I know you were forced by Qianye Huasui. It doesn't matter, as long as you admit your mistakes, we can forgive you! You don't have to be afraid, I am here. Whether it is Chiba Huasui or Wu Long, no one dares to threaten to approach again you!"

Maeda Shinichi's injury has healed, but the doctor advises not to make large movements or do too much exercise, otherwise the tissues in the stomach will not fully recover and hidden dangers will remain.

He bowed to Yamamoto.

"Senior, we were not forced. This incident was all caused by someone provoking me, and it was my fault. Brother Long is a strong man. We kneel down and admit our mistakes to the strong man, which is our recognition of the strong man."

Gu Yan

"Senior, you are also a strong person. I hope you will not be seduced by others. You and Brother Long have no enmity, there is no need for this."

Yamamoto didn't speak, someone around him had already reprimanded him.

"Maeda Shinichi, you have no right to speak to Senior Yamamoto!"

"Maeda Shinichi, don't think that you dare to preach to Senior Yamamoto just because someone calls you a master of swordsmanship. You, a master of swordsmanship, are nothing in front of Senior Yamamoto!"

"Maeda Shinichi, you were beheaded by others, and we samurai's face was humiliated. You still have the face to speak out!"

The disciples of the Chiba Kendo Gym brought the wooden knife and handed it to Chiba Huasui first.He and several disciples who brought wooden knives distributed the wooden knives to all the people in Chiba Kendo Hall.

"No need to give it to Shinichi. His injury is still recovering. If he uses the knife today, it may leave hidden dangers." Chiba Kasui ordered.

In other people's eyes, within a few months, Maeda Shinichi's injury should be healed, not so delicate.But in the eyes of knowledgeable people, if you want to avoid hidden dangers, you must not exercise strenuously for at least ten months.

Maeda Shinichi is not an ordinary person, he is a samurai and a swordsman.Any hidden dangers that may remain will affect the growth of his strength.

There are also some hidden dangers, which do not usually occur, but often appear without warning at critical times, and the opponent seizes the opportunity to launch a fatal blow.

If Maeda Shinichi wanted to reach a higher level, he couldn't let the wound in his abdomen leave hidden dangers.

"Teacher!" Maeda Shinichi didn't want to be protected, which was worse than his failure.

Chiba frame spike reprimanded him seriously.

"Patience! Your biggest shortcoming is patience! You became famous too early, too proud!"

"Your talent is better than all of them. These days, everyone has gained something, but you have the least gain!"

"Rocky is by your side, but you don't see his strengths and learn from him. In every game, Rocky can KO his opponent within 1 minute of the first round, but he didn't do that. Why? He's taking advantage of his opponent and honing his patience!"

"There is an old saying in China that water drops wear through rocks. It takes more than a day to achieve the goal of dripping water to wear through rocks."

"I hope you don't disappoint me."

Maeda Shinichi immediately bowed to Chiba Kaho. "Teacher, this disciple knows he was wrong!"

Yamamoto's face trembled slightly.Chiba Framesui admonished Maeda Shinichi at such a time, in a Chinese saying, it was actually pointing at Sang and cursing Huai.

He pointed the wooden knife at Chiba Frame Sui.

"Come on, don't waste my time. I'm not afraid of you fighting."

"Wu Long, you want to use Chiba frame spike to consume my physical strength first. I can tell you that you are wrong. Although I am much older than you, my physical strength is not weaker than yours at all!"

Chiba Chiasui signaled the people in the Kendo Gym to step back and give up their positions, pointing at Chiba Chisui with a wooden knife in one hand.

"You actually fought me with a knife in one hand, who gave you the courage to be so arrogant!"

Yamamoto lunges forward.

The Chiba framing Suo wooden knife hit Yamamoto's wooden knife, and the man walked to the left of Yamamoto. The wooden knife flicked and slashed at Yamamoto's neck.

Yamamoto didn't stay where he was and wait to be chipped.His thrust was just a test, to see the strength of Chiba Kasui's one-handed knife.

After stabbing with his wooden knife, the man also walked to the left of Chiba Huasui, and also slashed at Chiba Huasui's neck with the horizontal knife.

The two moved at the same time, and the wooden knife failed to cut the other's neck.

"You are too weak with one hand, you should hold a knife with both hands." Yamamoto said to Chiba Kaho.

Chiba frame Sui said to his disciples and students:

"Do you know why I single-handedly hold a knife?"

"Remember my character in the movie? Johnny Mo wields two knives."

Chiba Huasui practiced double swords, which means holding a sword with one hand.He began to express his insights to his disciples and students.

"Holding knives with both hands has great power, but it also loses a lot of changes in moves."

"Hold a knife with one hand, remember not to fight hard with the opponent. With one hand, the wrist will turn faster than the opponent, and the change of moves will be faster than holding the knife with both hands. More importantly, without the other hand holding the knife together, You will find that the speed of the knife is faster than holding the knife with both hands!"

Yamamoto roared angrily:

"Are you using me to teach them!"

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