I’m not just an action superstar. Chapter 353 The training effect is bluffing, “You won’t hurt him, right? The plot is that your club is destroyed in this bar, in case your club or gang thinks it’s an insult.” They won't go to the bar to make trouble?"

"Don't worry about that, it won't happen like that."

"Okay, but I have to specify in the contract that if that happens, the crew will not compensate for the loss."

"this is necessary."

After explaining clearly, sign the contract, and the book will be decorated as required.

In a few days, Takako Kuriyama's basic skills can be practiced well, and the movements are done, and the layman seems to have a foundation.

Wu Long took out Takako Kuriyama's props and weapons.

"Not a samurai sword?" Kuriyama Takako looked at the weapon in front of him in surprise.

"This is a meteor hammer." Luo Chang introduced from the side.

Wu Long asked him to be in charge of Takako Lishan, obviously giving him a good girl.This book girl is too classic.

It's a pity that Takako Kuriyama respected him very much, but he didn't call him.Luo Chang knew that filming was the most important thing, and he didn't use this to harass him.If you do this, it will really embarrass Wu Long.

Meng Lu was taught because of women's clothing, Wu Long did not teach publicly.After teaching, Meng Lu practiced by herself, not alone, but in public at the kendo gym.Anyone in the Kendo Gym can watch and learn from the sidelines, as long as it doesn't affect Meng Lu.

There is no need to teach Kuriyama Takako alone.

"You play Guoguo again."

After Kuriyama Takako bowed to Wu Long, he began to perform.She herself has long straight hair, and according to Wu Long's teaching after the previous interview, she holds it with her whole body, as if there is a bowl on top of her head, and there is water in the bowl, so the water cannot be spilled.

The corners of his mouth looked like a smile but not a smile, and his eyes carried the coldness of a horror movie.When passing the dance floor, he glanced at the crowd dancing there, and his eyes showed disdain for weak chickens.

It seems to say to those people with the look of the corner of the eye: "Weak chicken!"

Wu Long didn't have women's clothing this time, so he just took the role of Guoguo and acted like Guoguo appeared behind Ishii Yulian.

Influenced by Wuxiang Gong, Kuriyama Takako felt the role of Guoguo.When it was her turn to perform, after several shifts, she finally got what Wu Long wanted.

Wu Long nodded approvingly. When Takako Kuriyama practiced for a while, the actual filming would definitely have a better feeling than the original version.

"Okay, now I will teach you the meteor hammer. You have to be careful not to hit yourself first. If you can't practice these moves well, I will use a substitute."

"I will try my best to practice this meteor hammer well." Takako Kuriyama bent down and bowed.She knew that if a stand-in was used, there would not be many frontal shots of her.

Without a frontal shot, it would be difficult for the audience to impress her.This is a great opportunity, she must seize it!

After receiving Wu Long's confirmation to sign a contract with her, she deliberately found a video about Wu Long's filming to watch, including the video of the Condor Heroes Martial Arts.Seeing those actresses, including the current Monroe, training hard, she realized that this filming would be very hard for herself.She was mentally prepared, so Wu Long asked her to practice this weapon that she didn't know before, and she had to bite the bullet and practice.

Fortunately, she found that under Wu Long's teaching, she quickly mastered the tricks and practiced well.

The meteor hammer is a prop, not a real metal meteor hammer.The prop master made several meteor hammers, and Luo Chang followed suit.He has a good foundation, he has practiced martial arts himself, and he has mastered it faster and more proficiently than Takako Kuriyama.

After that, it was Luo Chang who practiced with Takako Kuriyama.If not, Luo Chang will be the stand-in in the end.But Luo Chang is not suitable as a substitute, he is taller than Takako Kuriyama.Therefore, Wu Long asked the disciples or students of the kendo gym who were about the same height and build as Takako Kuriyama, if anyone would be willing to practice the meteor hammer.

After training, if Takako Kuriyama can't meet Wu Long's request, she will be a substitute.If the stand-in is also not good, Luo Chang can only be used as a stand-in.Luo often acts as a stand-in, so he has to move the camera to the top of his head and shoot from top to bottom, so that the height problem cannot be seen.

A few people from the kendo gym are willing.This is an opportunity. You may not be able to be a stand-in after training well, but being able to participate in person is also a kind of learning.

After finishing Takako Kuriyama, Wu Long will teach Wei Ni again.Under the influence of famous teachers and high apprentices, Wei Ni also quickly mastered the essentials, and then practiced with Qi Ke.

Chiba Huasui is worthy of being a master of kendo. He practiced double-knife swordsmanship. After a few days, he started to fight in a straight line. After ten days, he was able to stand on the railing and do movements.

This railing is just a railing on flat ground, even if it falls, it will be fine.

"I'll do a trick with you." Wu Long took a wooden knife, and used the heroine's movements to do a trick with Qianye Framesui.

Disassemble the original Chiba frame sui's double sword technique in order, which is the move used.

The two first perform moves on the flat ground, then step on a straight line, and finally hit the railing.After a few days, Chiba Huasui's movements are already proficient.

"Very good. Our filming is different from actual combat. You are a sword master and a senior. Your strength is stronger than Uma. When filming, you can't follow your own rhythm. You have to follow Uma's rhythm. You cooperate with her , but it cannot be seen that you are cooperating with her, and it must be thought that it is a normal life and death struggle."

Qianye Huansui nodded quickly, expressing that he must think about it carefully.

He is a martial arts practitioner himself, and he has enough courage.I also brought a sponge pad and put it on the ground of the first floor, and went up to the railing on the second floor to hit it.

Uma was anxious when she saw it.In my heart, I thought that the supporting role of Chiba Huasui was too serious, and it seemed that she was very incompetent as the protagonist.

"You can practice with peace of mind. Your moves are much more than his, so you can't compare. If you can't calm down and practice, your speed will slow down and the effect will become worse." Wu Long reminded Uma.

Rocky also comforted her: "Baby, it's okay. I practiced the basic skills for a long time, and Brother Long really taught me boxing. Patience is an essential foundation for a boxer. When I fight, why do I have to wait until the third round? Ko opponent? It is to practice patience. If you are not patient enough, it is easy to reveal your flaws and catch your opponent."

In one month, in addition to the training of the students, the determination of the shooting locations, and then the animation production.

Especially the origin of Ishii Miren's life experience, the movie uses animation description.The painting style is neither Chinese style nor book style, but European and American style.

Wu Long asked Shi Lei to use domestic painters to produce according to the effect of European and American styles.First make a short section for Wu Long to see the effect, and Wu Long makes comments.Check the effect after improvement, and start all production after confirmation.

There are many excellent painters in China, but they are reduced to tool people, working for foreign animation production, and it is the cheapest remuneration, doing the most and the most tiring work.

Wu Long's remuneration is relatively high, and he will not squeeze his own domestic painters.

Under Wu Long's high pressure, the actors trained hard by themselves.This kind of training drives the disciples and students of the kendo gym to train hard.

Wu Long didn't think that his double-knife swordsmanship could improve Chiba Huasui's kendo, but Chiba Huasui stubbornly thought it could.

Therefore, after Chiba Huasui became proficient, he began to wonder if he could comprehend the true meaning from the double-sword technique.Even if Wu Long emphasized again that it was a knife technique for performance, he only expressed his knowledge in person and continued to comprehend it behind his back.

In addition to the main actors, because they also need to play the group performances of the Crazy 88 Gang.At the beginning, Wu Long said he was good at using the Kendo Hall, so Wu Long chose a few good swordsmen to play Ishii Yulian's bodyguards.Teach them performance knife techniques and let them practice.

When the ensemble performers fight against the protagonist, Wu Long also uses famous teachers to educate them.Practice in the kendo hall first, remember your own position and movement, and then remember the order and moves.

After many days of personal guidance, the people in the kendo gym have practiced well.In private, they were all discussing that Wu Long was really a famous teacher, and this was the fastest time they learned.Of course, I dare not say it in front of Chiba Chisui and Maeda Shinichi, for fear that such a comparison will show that Chiba Chisui and Maeda Shinichi are not as good as Wu Long.

In fact, it is indeed not as good as Wu Long.But you can't say it in person, it's disrespectful to the teacher and the seniors.

In the last few days, Wu Long and Rocky taught Uma alone again. In fact, he used the skills of a famous teacher to make an excellent apprentice so that Uma could perform all the movements proficiently.

Wu Long does not engage in long shots in this film, so the requirements are not so strict.

"In the last few days of this month, we tried to act together, to find out the feeling, and to see where we need to improve and supplement."

In the kendo hall, Wu Long released the bgm of "Battleanity", and Meng Lu, Takako Kuriyama and others appeared together.

Although this is in the kendo hall, it has already shocked all the people in the kendo hall.Even Chiba Chiho and Maeda Shinichi were taken aback.

"It's so powerful, I thought it was a Kendo master who came to challenge our Chiba Kendo Hall."

Maeda Shinichi admitted even more shamefully: "I actually thought that I couldn't beat her. The aura just now was like a queen ruling the underground world of Benzi!"

All the people in the kendo gym were convinced, and they sincerely surrendered to Wu Long.

Meng Lu and Takako Kuriyama are just actors, and they are trained under their noses.In just one month, they were mistaken for sword masters.Just by the momentum just now, many people can be frightened.

If they didn't know the inside story, they knew that Meng Lu and Takako Kuriyama were just fakes.If they meet outside, they really dare not make a sound.

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