After dinner, Chiba Framesui summoned the disciples and students of the kendo hall to give lectures.

"Today, you also watched Brother Long's teaching. What do you find?"

Disciples and trainees began to share their discoveries.After they finished speaking, Chiba Huasui shook his head.

"There is a most important discovery that you have not discovered. It seems that your comprehension is extremely poor!"

Everyone looked at Chiba Huosui expectantly, waiting for Chiba Huosui to say something they hadn't found.

"That Winnie hasn't practiced before. Brother Long didn't teach her today. However, Brother Long taught me and the heroine Uma."

"Uma has practiced kung fu and fighting, and has a solid foundation, so Brother Long taught her a set of sword techniques. She is the protagonist, and the time for fighting moves is longer than mine. That set of sword techniques has more and more complicated moves than me. But she only used it six times and remembered it."

"My knife technique is simpler than hers, and I am older than hers. I have memorized it after using it three times. Why?"

Maeda Shinichi was more clever, and immediately said: "Brother Long taught well?"

"That's right, and you're the only one with a bit of savvy." Qianye Jiasui nodded.

"People at my age are slower to learn things than you young people. But I only used it three times and memorized it, which shows that Brother Long is a master."

"Famous teachers are just famous, not necessarily brilliant. Mingshi must be brilliant, but not necessarily famous. Brother Long is both famous and brilliant, he is worthy of his name!"

"Whether you can learn something from Brother Long in this month depends on your own hard work and comprehension."

"At the beginning, I asked you to kneel down with me to apologize to Brother Long. I just wanted to have the opportunity to learn from him. Others call him the King of Kung Fu, but I think he is not just a king, he should be the emperor! He is the emperor of Kung Fu !"

"We can follow and learn from the Kung Fu Emperor, which is what we get in return for kneeling!"

After the training, Chiba Framesui asked them to go back.Not everyone lives in the kendo hall, because there is an extra charge for living in the kendo hall.Even disciples are no exception.

"Master, I want to live in the kendo gym. I heard that Brother Long also requires actors to train at night. I want to watch and learn more." Some students made a request.

Chiba frame spike nodded in agreement.

"Very good, you deserve to understand what I taught you. I said that it doesn't matter if you are not talented or understanding. As long as you are willing to learn, endure hardship, and practice hard, you will succeed one day!"

"You guys are under a lot of pressure when you kneel. If you live in the kendo hall during this month, I won't charge you for accommodation!"

Those students and disciples who didn't pay the money bowed down and kowtowed, thanking Qianye Xiangsui for his gift.

During the break after dinner, Uma Lalok came to the garden.

"Rocky, Brother Long is really amazing. I quickly learned the sword skills he taught. When I was learning Chinese Kung Fu, I was scolded as an idiot, and I didn't learn it for a long time."

Rocky said proudly: "Why do you think I can win the UFC championship after a year of practice? It's because Brother Long teaches well."

"When I followed him to their country to practice boxing, he built a temporary martial arts gym for TV shooting, and specially taught those actors. Many of those actors didn't know kung fu before. After practicing with Long Ge, everyone has some skills .”

Rocky brags to Uma about the Condor Heroes Dojo.

The next day, Wu Long began to teach Meng Lu.

"The Ishii Yuren you played is a woman with great temperament and momentum. Therefore, in teaching you the sword technique, you should practice the temperament and aura of Ishii Yuren during the practice process. Let me play Ishii for you Yulian's temperament and momentum."

Temperament is the overall impression of a person's body, expression, etc.

Such as elegant, noble, bookish and so on.

Momentum is a kind of aura that emanates.

For example, those superiors, high-level leaders, and leaders are used to directing and instigating people, and they naturally exude an aura when speaking.This kind of momentum can calm down some people and make them dare not defy.


Wu Long put on Ishii Miren's kimono, painted Ishii Miren's makeup, took Ishii Miren's sword, and replaced it with Ishii Miren.

Immediately, what appeared in front of Meng Lu was no longer Wu Long, but Ishii Yulian, who had the temperament of a queen and dismissed others.

"Ishii Yulian's most classic appearance is to bring people into the bar. You have to remember her eyes, so that everyone here is trash, such an elegant contempt. I am very elegant and noble, and I did not show impoliteness. But in my eyes, you are either my servants or scumbags."

"When turning a corner, there is a smile on the corner of the mouth, and the corners of the eyes are charming. Charming is to show her beauty and grace. However, that little bit of affection and frivolity is not for people, but for the world. .”

"Her life experience is very miserable, so she actually looks down on this world in her heart. This world is a world of cannibalism. Only by being more ruthless and fierce can she live well."

"You played Pan Jinlian, you took the charm of Pan Jinlian's silver file, but this charm is not for Ximen Qing, not for men, but for this world, for God, and for fate."

"She said to this world, come on, come on..."

"But, in fact, she despises the world, God, and destiny."

"She wants to fight against fate, she dares to fight against fate, so she looks down on and despises people like her, except for her subordinates and those who serve her."

"Then, integrate these contempt into her smile, showing her nobility and uniqueness."

"This point has always existed until she dueled with the protagonist Black Rattlesnake. Her swordsmanship or kendo is high and elegant. The protagonist was cut by her and fell to the ground. She did not take advantage of the victory to pursue the protagonist, but waited for the protagonist to get up Fight again. This is her confidence."

"And all her subordinates were killed, and she didn't get angry or yell. This is her noble temperament that she thinks is beyond ordinary people."

Having said so much, Wu Long played the music.

The classic bgm sounded, and Wu Long put the knife behind his right arm and stood upright.

Stepping on the wooden clogs, the upper body and the head basically do not move.The clogs are stepping on the beat, and the feet are out of rhythm.

Indifferently, with a smile as if everything is hehe, like a goddess walking in the world.

With the influence of Wuxiang Gong, Meng Lu quickly grasped Ishii Yulian's temperament and momentum.Even so, it took her a day of practice to satisfy Wu Long.

During Monroe's practice time, Tom came to find him.

"Their quotation is beyond my budget, isn't there a cheaper one?" Wu Long looked at the quotation and shook his head.

"I tried my best. Here is McCann, and labor and materials are very expensive. So many directors film in foreign countries." Tom explained.

Wu Long searched for information through the system, and was surprised to find that the fight scene in the bar was filmed in the studio of the Imperial Capital Film Studio!

"I asked our side, if it is more expensive to take these people to the imperial capital, plus travel expenses and accommodation, or to shoot here."

When Tom left, he met Chiba Kaho, but Chiba Kaho met Tom on purpose.Chiba Framesui saw Tom's sad face and asked Tom if he needed his help.Tom brought it up, and Chiba said he might be able to help.

So Chiba Framesui dragged Tom in to find Wu Long.

"Long, I heard that you are going to build the final scene. The cost here is too high. Thinking of shooting in your country's imperial capital?"

"Well. I need to ask them for a quotation. If the total price is cheaper than here, I will choose to shoot there."

"Since you need to go to Benzi Country to take some location shots, why don't you give me the blueprints, and I'll ask my friends in China to see their quotations?"

Wu Long instinctively thought that the home country should be more expensive, but it was not easy to discourage Chiba's enthusiasm, so he gave Chiba's blueprints to Chiba.

The next day, before Wu Long received the domestic quotation, Qianye Jiasui told Wu Long the good news that it was free from his friend.

"Free?" Wu Long felt incredible. "Is this impossible?"

"Last time when I asked the actor who played Guoguo for you, I learned that a friend was planning to open a bar. I gave him the blueprint and told him how to decorate it according to your blueprint. When the movie is released, it can be regarded as promoting his bar, yes He's good, and it's good for our crew."

Wu Long thought it was a coincidence.Can't help but exchange for a prop card to check the authenticity of Chiba Frame Sui, and the result is true.

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