I'm not just an action star

Chapter 349 Getting Ready to Shoot

Dylan's lawsuit ended in failure.

This is what everyone has already guessed.

There is no evidence, not even the surveillance video on the day of the incident, and the testimony of Dylan and his bodyguards is useless.

If it hadn't been for Freeman expressing his trust in Dylan and not holding his assistant accountable, the police would definitely continue to investigate.

At present, the police have not closed the case, but they have not made any effort to investigate.

Dylan didn't see Wu Long in court, and gradually became nervous after returning home.There are also more and more cases of saying Hannibal.

"Boom boom boom!"

Dylan, who was concentrating on the study window, was frightened by the knock on the door and accidentally broke the coffee cup.

"Ah!" she screamed.

"Lily, are you okay!" Freeman pushed open the door and rushed in.

Seeing Dylan with a panicked expression, Freeman walked over carefully.

"It's me, your Uncle Freeman."

Seeing that Dylan was fine, Freeman signaled the bodyguard who came in to check behind him to stay away.Dylan's bodyguard saw that Dylan was fine, closed the door and left.

"Are you okay?" Freeman asked concerned.

Dylan rushed over and flew into Freeman's arms.

"I thought it was Hannibal coming."

"Without Hannibal, it's a movie." Freeman comforted: "The doctor told me that I can't follow your words, or it will aggravate your condition."

"Wu Long is Hannibal. He didn't go to court because he was afraid that I would recognize him! No matter who he is, I can recognize him!"

Dylan looked up, sniffing hard.

"I can smell him!"

"He doesn't know the smell of his male hormones. I can smell him from far away."

Freeman nodded inwardly, um, very good, then you will be admitted to a mental hospital soon.

"Lily, have you received any calls from those shareholders? They said that you will not go to the company or hold a board meeting, and they all called me."

"They want to trick me into going to the company, and then let Hannibal find a chance to kill me, I can't let them succeed!"

"But, going on like this is not an option."

"You help me find a way, now I can only rely on you."

Freeman pretended to think about it, and said, "Let's say you lost the lawsuit and feel sad, and temporarily authorize someone you trust to handle company affairs on your behalf. What do you think?"

"It's just that you have to choose this person well, don't be bought by those shareholders, and work together to design you."

Dylan clasped his hands.

"No one in my company can believe it. Only you, and now I can only believe you!" She looked at Freeman.

Freeman looked embarrassed.

"However, I also have my own affairs to deal with. Besides, if you authorize me at this time, others will say that I took the opportunity to seize your property. Lily, rumors are terrible, and they can destroy the trust between you and me."

"My daughter is dead, and I treat you as my daughter. I don't want to lose your trust again."

Dylan said anxiously:

"But, only you can help me now."

"As for those rumors, I will ask a lawyer to notarize them together, and no one can say anything."

Freeman shook his head with a wry smile.

"It doesn't have much effect. The reason why a rumor is a rumor is because even if it is false, everyone is willing to believe it is false. Others will say that I bought the notary, or I took advantage of your bad mood to confuse you and make you do something wrong." Normal decision."

"Then what should I do? I really can't think of a better way. You have experienced more than me. Help me find a way, okay? Please."

Freeman wondered again:

"There is a way, but it's not for you."



"Because your mental condition does not allow it."

"What is the solution? You tell me first, okay?"

Freeman shook his head in embarrassment.

"Please, please."

"Public statement." Freeman said with difficulty.

Dylan nodded.

"This is indeed a good way. It's not difficult. I know my mental state and I can hold on. Send more bodyguards by my side. You and I will go to the company's board meeting to announce this decision."

Freeman sighed:

"That's the problem, what if the board finally gets together and says you never said anything?"

"How can they be so shameless!" Dylan said angrily.

"Few people are not shameless in front of money."

Dylan knew Freeman was telling the truth.Not shameless, how can you make so much money?

This world is a world of cannibalism.The reason why these people can enjoy the luxuries of mansions and yachts is because they are shameless enough to earn unimaginably more money than ordinary people.

"Then you said a public statement?" Dylan then understood. "I see, press conference."

"Yes, the press conference. But you can't just call the reporters and end it after announcing the decision. In this way, some people will doubt whether you have been coerced or bewitched. That's why I said, there is no way."

Dylan thought about it seriously and said:

"I still need to answer some questions from reporters. I think what you said makes sense."

She thought again.

"I don't need to worry about Hannibal. Hannibal is a despicable boy. He dare not attack me in front of reporters. The reporters will not help him kill me, so I am not afraid that Hannibal will show up. My spirit There would be no problem with the situation. That way, I would be able to answer the reporter's questions and address the reporter's concerns."

"This..." Freeman hesitated: "But you seem to have violated the doctor's order by doing this. The doctor said..."

"Doctors always exaggerate their condition in order to show their ability. If the patient is not frightened, how can the patient pay the money obediently? Don't worry too much about the doctor, I am sure of myself, so I will do it like this. Please help me inform the reporter... "

Freeman shook his head with a wry smile.

"It's just that I can't come forward."

Dylan nodded: "It's really not suitable for you to come forward."

Watching Dylan go to make a phone call, Freeman smiled secretly.

He originally thought that Wu Long would disclose the surveillance video in court, but he didn't expect that not only did Wu Long not show up in court, he even didn't hand over the truth video to Lion Films to disclose it in court.He really couldn't understand what Wu Long was thinking.

Didn't he want revenge when Dylan framed him?

According to the Eastern saying, those who practice martial arts are bloody and will take revenge, isn't it so?

Seeing that Wu Long did not disclose the truth video, Freeman thought about finding someone to disclose it anonymously.However, thinking about it, it seems to be too anxious to do so.Especially Wu Long, it is very likely that there is a problem.

He regretted letting Wu Long know the truth about the video.If Wu Long is not allowed to know, on the day of the trial or the day before, find someone to anonymously disclose the truth video as a hacker, claiming to be a fan of Wu Long, then there will be no problem.

Wu Long received information about the actress that Weiner Pictures contacted Ben Ziguo to find, and he also took the portrait Wu Long gave to look for it.Wu Long did not follow Tom's suggestion and asked Chiba to look for it, fearing that he would miss the actor he was looking for.

There are a total of more than a dozen actresses who are similar to the original version of Guoguo. Wu Long did not see the same actor as the original version of Guoguo.

The information on several actresses given to him by Qianye Jiasui coincided with some of the dozen or so actors given by Weiner Films.

I couldn't find the original actor, so I could only find the most similar one.

One of them was Takako Lishan, which Wu Long thought was fine.Lolier and sweeter than the original cast, and with two nice headlights.Looking at the photos of her wearing school clothes, I feel very impressed.

Takako Kuriyama has practiced dancing and filmed several horror films, but she is only a small supporting role.After looking at her film and television materials, her acting skills are not bad.

Wu Long closed his eyes, and in his mind was the photo of Takako Kuriyama's make-up, imagining that she walked into the bar with Ishii Miren behind her with the aggressive look in horror movies.

The temperament and momentum are even more heart-pounding than the original version.


Not bad.

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