I'm not just an action star

Chapter 350 The role is wrong

At the Chiba Sword Dojo, a student saw Wu Long coming out of the car, and immediately shouted inside:

"Brother Long is here!"

Brother Long is here!

The trainees and disciples of the kendo hall immediately suspended their training, and they all rushed out and lined up on both sides, bowing their heads and waiting for Wu Long to enter the kendo hall.

A disciple went to inform Chiba Huasui, and Chiba Huasui rushed out to greet her.

Even the injured Maeda Shinichi was helped out to meet Wu Long.

Qianye Huasui took Wu Long to visit the entire kendo hall, sat down by the fish pond in the garden, called a female disciple, and sat beside Wu Long to make tea for Wu Long.

Wu Long waved Chiba Huasui's female disciple away, and then smiled and asked Chiba Huasui:

"Are you disappointed when you get the script?"

When Wu Long cast the role, he only gave the name of the character and the general image requirements, without any more information.When Chiba Chiasui wanted this role, Wu Long guessed what Chiba Chiasui meant, so he readily gave the role to Chiba Chiasui.

Chiba Frame Spike was indeed disappointed.He originally thought that the Hattori Hanzo he played would be a capable character, but he turned out to be just a swordsmith.This defeats his purpose of promoting his kendo gym through movies.

Even if disappointed, Chiba Huasui is not easy to go back on his word.Now he can only follow Wu Long to Hei.

Whoever made him miscalculate has no way out.

"To tell you the truth, I'm a little disappointed. I thought that even if I played a villain, I could show my kendo in the movie."

"However, since I took over, I will do my best to do it well. Please rest assured, Brother Long, I will not let you down."

Chiba Huasui believes that this role is a test for Wu Long.If you pass this test, you will definitely gain something in the future.

Just like his kendo gym, there are students first, and it is only after the test that it is decided whether to let them become disciples.

According to the rules he knew, the masters in China had to pass the test before accepting apprentices.

Wu Long drinks tea.

"I thought you wouldn't say it, but said that you were not disappointed. It seems that you can speak."

"I know that lying can't fool your eyes. The sword is faster than the hand, and the hand is faster than the eye. Brother Long, if you don't have considerable eyesight, you can't use the corresponding fast swordsmanship. Although my swordsmanship is not as good as yours, but with my many years Such an understanding can also be derived from experience.”

The knife is swung by hand, and the speed of the knife will never be faster than that of the hand.And the speed of the hand can be faster than the knife.

In fact, if you want to swing faster, the speed when you swing without a knife should be faster than the speed of the knife.

In the same way, if the speed is fast, the eyes must keep up with the speed. This is a very obvious truth, and it is also a very basic truth.

It’s just that many people would not know this kind of truth, or ignore it, without the guidance of a master.

In this regard, Wu Long nodded in approval.

Chiba Huasui hurriedly expressed his gratitude with tea instead of wine.

Wu Long nodded in approval, pointing to Chiba Huasui, the truth he has learned from his years of experience is correct.

In Qianye Huasui's eyes, Wu Long is a master-level figure.If Wu Long approves, he won't make detours.

Sometimes, the conclusions or principles drawn from experience are not necessarily correct.Or it may be right at a certain stage, but it may be wrong in the long run or in the overall situation.

Wu Long's strength is higher than Chiba Huasui's. After approval, if Chiba Huasui can improve his strength in the future, he can at least improve to Wu Long's strength.

In other words, even if Wu Long's theory is wrong, this wrong theory can make Wu Long's strength reach the height that no one can match now.

If Qianye Huasui can reach the height of Wu Long's strength, he will wake up laughing when he sleeps.So, he immediately thanked Wu Long.

This kind of thing can only happen tacitly between people who understand.

Chiba frame sui's words are asking Wu Long for advice.Wu Long understood, and was willing to give advice to Chiba Huasui.Qianye Huasui understood Wu Long's advice and expressed his gratitude.

In the future, Wu Long may give advice to Chiba Huasui again.

If Qianye Huasui didn't express his gratitude, he wouldn't be able to get Wu Long's advice in the future.


For Wu Long, there is no need to be stingy with such pointers.If Chiba Huasui wants to improve his strength, he still needs to practice by himself.He just nodded.

"This visit, I want to ask, can I borrow your kendo gym to give my actors a month of special training." Wu Long said the purpose.

The highlight is the samurai sword fight, and there is no more atmosphere than training in the Benzi Kendo Gym.

"As much as the rental fee, I can give you the market price, and I will count it in the production cost."

When Qianye Jiasui heard that Wu Long was going to use the Kendo Gym as a training place, he was so excited that he wanted to hug Wu Long's thigh and cry on the spot to express his gratitude.

Isn't that exactly the kind of publicity he wanted?

Where dare to collect rent?

Rent is absolutely unacceptable!

Absolutely not accept!

Wu Long said that he would pay the rent, but in the eyes of Chiba Huasui, it was just a polite way of saying it.

Qianye Jiasui knew that in the country where Wu Long lived, many people, especially businessmen and..., liked to say such kind words the most.

It is said that rent is given, but what it actually means is that it does not want to pay rent.But I didn't say no to it, but said I would give it.Wait until you really want to accept it, hehe...

Therefore, Chiba frame Sui thinks that Wu Long is testing him.

"Brother Long, Maeda Shinichi's provocation is disrespectful to the strong. Although he apologized to you and you forgave him, he hasn't compensated you for the loss."

"He represented the Chiba Kendo Academy back then. I think the Kendo Academy owes you a compensation. I know Brother Long, you are so generous that you don't want to charge it. Why don't you take this special training ground as a sincere apology from the Chiba Kendo Academy? Brother Long, please don't refuse."

Wu Long was stunned for a moment.Unexpectedly, Chiba Huasui was so good at being a human being and talking.

"The rent is not my money, there is no need to save money for Weiner Pictures." Wu Long shook his head with a smile.

Chiba frame spike seconds to understand.

"I understand, I understand. I still have to collect the rent. Brother Long, please help me keep it for the time being. Recently, our kendo hall has some financial troubles, and it is inconvenient to collect a large amount of money."

Wu Long laughed and said:

"There's no need to do this. I'm an internationally renowned director. If I'm greedy for this little money, where will I put my face? Do I want my reputation?"

Chiba frame ear smiled.

"It's better than this, I don't charge any money. When Brother Long teaches actors, my disciples and students can also learn and watch from the sidelines. If possible, we can also shoot a video to prove that you are training actors in my kendo hall. In this way, The rent is equal to what I pay for advertising the kendo gym."

Wu Long thought, this is your purpose.If I take the money, or promise not to pay the rent, you will follow the trend and make such a request.

Guessing the opponent's purpose, Wu Long didn't say anything.

Such careful thinking, normal business dealings.Qianye Jiasui didn't cheat him for anything, so why make things difficult for him?

"Alright." Wu Long nodded.

"Thank you so much!" Qianye Huasui solemnly knelt down to Wu Longxing's book to express his gratitude.

"Brother Long, do you want to go to our tavern to drink and have fun tonight? If you don't like the women in the tavern, you can call a few female disciples from the kendo hall. They can't wait to drink and play with Brother Long."

Wu Long shook his head.

"No, I'm not interested in these."

"Does the film have to be shot in the notebook?"

"Some exterior scenes are needed."

"Ha, when the time comes, I'll show Brother Long you the customs and characteristics of our place. Don't worry, Brother Long, clean ones, from Liang's family, for the first time for Brother Long, whatever you want."

Wu Long rolled his eyes at Qianye Huasui.

Chiba Framesui, you played the wrong role, right?You are a master of swordsmanship, playing the role of a swordsmith, not for you to be...

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