I'm not just an action star

Chapter 348 Special Character

The news that Chiba frame sui led the people in the kendo hall to kneel down to Wu Long in the street was reported back to the native country, and he was scolded by all the natives.

The entire Benzi country and Benzi people all over the country accused him and drew a line or severed ties with him.

Even the people in the Kendo Gym were scolded so badly that they couldn't lift their heads.

Some people even clamored that Chiba Huasui should not be allowed to return to his home country.

Chiba Huasui did not refute or argue, but the author who was also in Los Angeles found the Kendo gym and wanted to be held accountable.

"I respect the strong. Wu Long is a strong man. My disciple was used by others and did wrong things. I apologize to the strong, and I don't think there is anything wrong."

"A person who dare not even admit his mistakes is not worthy of being a warrior, nor can he become a strong man."

"For example, if my disciples offend you, I will not lead the crowd to kneel down and apologize to you. Because you are not strong, you are not worthy."

"Of course, if you are not convinced, you can compete with me in kendo. Wooden sword or real sword, you can choose."

"Or, you find someone to compete with Wu Long. Whoever wins Wu Long, I can also lead the crowd to kneel down and apologize to him."

"I've always heard people say that there are many people in China who can beat me. I'm sure of that. You can ask them to challenge Wu Long. As long as you win Wu Long, I will cover all travel expenses and accommodation expenses."

"So, can you find someone?"

Chiba Framesui directly made the other party speechless.

Because, the people in this country are just talking about it.If they come to challenge Wu Long, they will not come, and they dare not come!

Many of them couldn't even beat Shinichi Maeda, let alone Wu Long.

Wu Long's knife broke the courage of many so-called masters of swordsmanship.

The matter spread to Hong Kong Island and back to Wu Long's country, and immediately became the number one hot search.They all boasted and praised.

The last time Wu Long used a wooden knife to cut off Maeda Shinichi's wooden knife, broke Maeda Shinichi's head, and knocked Maeda Shinichi to the ground, which already made many people excited like a high tide.

Now, Maeda Shinichi's teacher actually led the team in person, and collectively knelt down to Wu Long to apologize and beg for forgiveness, which made everyone's mood higher than the high tide.

Everyone is shouting that Brother Long is mighty, and Brother Long has done what a good man wants to do.

"Bison" was in the office, meditating on a cigar.

He knew Chiba Huasui and knew that Chiba Huasui was very good at swordsmanship.If he didn't take a gun, he knew he would not be Chiba's opponent.Maybe ten himself is not Chiba's opponent.

In my impression, Chiba Huasui is a very proud and stubborn person, who has a lot of prestige in the circle of McCann's book.

It was such a person who once faced his threat, not only was not afraid, but also questioned and threatened him in turn.

Who would have thought that such a courageous Qianye Jiasui not only knelt down to Wu Long himself, but also led the crowd to kneel down.

"Maybe there's something wrong here?"

"Bison" was not for the faint of heart, nor was he reckless.Just because he dares to attack Wu Long doesn't mean he can't think.Before the matter was clarified, he decided to suspend his attack on Wu Long.

"Boss, Wu Long is back again. Are we going to attack him?"

"Don't worry. Hurry up and send someone to find out why Chiba Huasui would do such a thing. Even if he can't beat Wu Long and Wu Long didn't pursue them, they can completely fool them. But now they do such a thing, I Suspect a conspiracy."

Tom gets a call from a former actress with whom he had a relationship.

If it was another actress, he might forget it.But this actress named Winnie, he never forgot.Back then, he almost fell in love with this woman.

Although he knew that the other party had such a relationship with him at the beginning, it was for acting.But sometimes, feelings are so unreasonable.

Fortunately, the two ended up not being together.

She is also in Haolaihu. With her acting skills, she is no longer short of acting.It's just that she can only be a supporting role forever, and most of the time, she is a small supporting role.

She recognized the reality and no longer had extravagant expectations for the heroine.

Valley scorpion

However, when Tom received a call from Winnie to invite him to dinner today, he immediately knew why.

The role of Venita the Copperhead Snake!

Now, everyone knows that participating in Wu Long's movies can become popular, even if it is a supporting role.

Look at the hunks in the movie, who were not well-known at first, but now their salary is doubled, not to mention other income such as advertisements.

Judy is even more likely to win the Golden Hill Award or the Best Actress in Hauska by virtue of her performance.

Such an example comes before, who wouldn't want to act with Wu Long?

Tom thought about it carefully, and she really fits the character of Vinita.

So, he agreed.

It turned out to be the case, just as he had guessed.The next day, Wei Ni asked if she could be recommended to Wu Long.There is no guarantee of getting a role, just an opportunity to audition.

Yes, she didn't ask too much, she just wanted to get the chance to audition.

Otherwise, under normal circumstances, she probably wouldn't even have the chance to audition.

There are more actresses out there than there are stars in the sky.

The next day, Tom was a little embarrassed to talk to Wu Long about it.Of course, he not only wanted to help Winnie get an audition opportunity, but also wanted to fight for Winnie to play the role of Winita the Copperhead Snake.

"Long, there is something I don't know how to say. I'm afraid it will affect the relationship between me and you, and I'm also worried that it will affect your cooperation with Weiner Pictures." Tom hesitated, and finally spoke.

As soon as Wu Long heard it, he guessed what it was.

"I guess, someone wants to play a role. You are too embarrassed to shirk, and you are worried that I will blame you in your heart, right?"

Tom nods.

"She approached me and asked if I could help her get an audition. I think she should fit the character of Vinita the Copperhead Snake, so I want to recommend it to you."

"No problem, you let her audition. If I can, I'll give her the role and not try anyone else."

"Great! Long, you are really my good buddy! I owe you a favor! Although I know that I may not be able to repay this favor in my life, after all, I already owe you a lot of favors. But, I still want to say, I owe you another favor."

Before meeting Weini, Wu Long obtained her information.Photos, experience, and some materials of film and television dramas she has acted in.

If there is no problem with meeting, Wu Long can be sure that he can basically give this role to Wei Ni.

Tom immediately called Winnie, and soon Winnie came to audition.

In front of Tom, Wu Long asked Winnie to try the play, directly agreed to let her play the role of Winita the copperhead snake, and signed the contract.

The role of Ishii Miren's lawyer Sophie was also finalized soon after the role was settled.The actor has a relationship with Weiner Films, and Wu Long doesn't care much about his relationship.

There is also a more outstanding character, Ishii Miren's bodyguard Guo Guo.

The requirements for this role are quite difficult. Whether it is recommended by an acquaintance or an actor from a brokerage company, none of them meet Wu Long's requirements.

Wu Long required that he must be the real person, otherwise it would be difficult to perform that kind of temperament.

"It seems that we can only find actors from this country." Wu Long sighed.

"Why don't you ask Chiba Huasui to see if he knows anyone?" Tom thought of the man who led the crowd to kneel in the street.

As for the book men, Tom found their behavior a little incomprehensible.However, what they did made Wu Long more prestigious.


Wu Long called Chiba Huasui and told him about it.Qianye Jiasui got the portrait painted by Wu Long and asked Wu Long to wait for his news, and he asked people from Benziguo.

It is true that many people said they would sever ties with Chiba Chiho, but no one who knew Chiba Chiho would do so.

Chiba Huasui still has contacts in his home country, and let him know who is a real friend or someone who can cooperate.

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