Wu Long looked at Tian Zhenyi in front of him calmly, then turned his gaze to Chiba Huasui.

Maeda Shinichi didn't really want to do seppuku here, as it would really kill people.He just stabbed himself to show that he sincerely confessed his guilt.

Of course, if Wu Long doesn't agree, he can only let the knife be stuck in his body and cannot leave.Otherwise, even if he stabbed himself, it would not be considered a sincere confession.

Wu Long could see that Maeda Shinichi's knife had chosen a precise location and would not stab his vital organs.

This point is tricky, once the car is overturned, it is easy to die.It seems that the opponent has simulated many times, and has expert guidance.

Chiba Frame Sui has a beard unique to this person, below the nose and above the upper lip.Chinese character face, thick eyebrows.The eyes are a bit big, and the face looks like a vicissitudes of life.

Wu Long was watching Qianye Huasui, and Qianye Huasui was also watching Wu Long.

For this young man from the land of China, because of his great influence in recent years, Chiba Kasui, as an important senior in the martial arts world of this book, must understand everything.

He has seen Wu Long's movies and Wu Long's videos.Every time he asks himself, can he beat Wu Long?

The answer is no, but he has always refused to admit it.

Until he learned that his disciple challenged Wu Long, he was chopped down with a knife.Not only was the wooden knife he was blocking cut off by Wu Long's wooden knife, but even his forehead was broken and bleeding, so he admitted that he was not as good as Wu Long.

The wooden sword belongs to the kendo hall, so there is no possibility of Wu Long cheating with the wooden sword.

Wu Long still swung the knife with one hand, which shows that Wu Long's strength is beyond ordinary people's imagination.

This knife, after watching the video repeatedly, Chiba Huosuo thought that even if he faced it head-on, he would end up the same as Maeda Shinichi.

The knife speed is too fast!

There is not even a false move or a lure, just use force to break through skillfully and brute force.

One-handed knife has such terrifying power, if it is two-handed knife, how much power will it have?

Competing with Wu Long, any moves and skills are useless.No matter how proficient and exquisite your moves are, you can only use them if you can keep up with Wu Long's sword speed.

Can you keep up?

Can't keep up.

Even if you can keep up, there is no chance to fight back.

Because facing Wu Long's power, you can only dodge.

If there were no special reasons, Chiba Huasui would not bring the people from the Kendo Gym to kneel down in public to apologize.This is throwing the faces of the kendo gym, the bookman, and the samurai on the ground for Wu Long to step on.

His actions today will definitely provoke abuse and condemnation from the martial arts world.Before coming, he gave everyone in the Kendo Gym their own choice, including Maeda Shinichi.

Whoever is unwilling, exit the Kendo gym.

If Maeda Shinichi is unwilling, he will be expelled from the division.

Chiba didn't expect that no one would quit the kendo gym, and Maeda Shinichi was also willing to apologize by himself.That's good, they will understand his painstaking efforts in the future.

Who is Wu Long?

He is really a kung fu king!

And now Wu Long is in the limelight, using movies to promote Chinese Kung Fu, this is what Chiba Jiasui values ​​most!

Wu Long can do this, let the whole world know Chinese Kungfu.Why didn't he take advantage of Wu Long's Dongfeng to promote his swordsmanship?

The news of the casting of "Kill Bill" gave him such a plan.

He doesn't know the plot, but only knows that there is a character in it, who plays Hattori Hanzo of Honkokuni.

Hattori Hanzo is very famous in the history of the country, if he can play this role, it will be of great help to carry forward his kendo.

Besides, playing such a small role in "Kill Bill" is just the beginning.

If Wu Long continues to make films in the future, he will need martial arts from various countries.If their kendo gym enters Wu Long's Fayan and participates in Wu Long's future films, they will definitely become famous in the industry!

That's why today's abrupt move came about.

He didn't believe that he gave up this old face, risked being scolded by his native country, and knelt down to Wu Long in public, but Wu Long was not moved.

At this moment, facing Wu Long, Chiba Huasui really felt Wu Long's unfathomable.Facing Maeda Shinichi's self-stabbing and apology in public, Wu Long was so indifferent and unmoved.This made Qianye Huasui think that the rumors might be true, Wu Long had really killed someone, and he was a perverted killer.

Wu Long looked into Qianye Huasui's calm eyes and sighed in his heart.

In fact, to him, Maeda Shinichi's challenge to him was not a big deal, and it didn't cause him much trouble or harm.


Thinking back to the time when he was filming in Hong Kong Island, didn't those two-flowered males from local companies also want to challenge him?Those people also influenced his filming.

When he first started live broadcasting, didn't there be that so-and-so who talked about his traditional martial arts?

Maeda Shinichi's challenge is a fart.

He also said that he was provoked by others, and he was warned by the people sent by "Bison" when he came out. If you think about it, you can guess that there is a great possibility that there is a relationship between the two.

Now he knelt down in public to apologize, even stabbed himself and pleaded guilty, what else could he do?

If you don't forgive them, it will appear that Wu Long is stingy and lacks the air of a master.

So, he sighed:

"Okay, I accept your apology."

Everyone in the Kendo Gym, including Qianye Huasui, kowtowed to the ground again, thanking Wu Long for his forgiveness.

But Maeda Shinichi didn't dare to move.Really messing around, the tip and blade of the knife in the stomach will hurt the liver and other vital organs.

"Master, may I tell you the details?"

"En." Wu Long nodded.

Chiba frame ho then stood up, and told others to go back, to send Maeda Shinichi to the hospital immediately.

Journalists wanted interviews, and no one took interviews.

Wu Long guessed that Chiba Jiasui wanted to talk to him about something, maybe it was not convenient to talk in Tom's office, so he didn't go back to Tom's office.

At this time, it is necessary to have an own office.

"Master, please go to my tavern for a drink." Qianye Jiasui found out that Wu Long didn't have an office here. "In our tavern, there are dancers and wine girls, and they can make the master feel comfortable."

Go to your place?

Wu Long thought for a while, then shook his head.

Randomly chose a nearby coffee shop, and the two talked in the corner.

"The last time Maeda Shinichi wanted to challenge you, master, he was provoked by others. The provocateur was a member of the famous underground force 'Bison' in Los Angeles."

"There's no need to call him a master, it's not necessary."

"Yes, then I'll call you 'Brother Long' as your fans would."

"Brother Long, Maeda Shinichi still doesn't understand being provoked. It was only after I inquired carefully that I discovered the problem."

"Someone told me that after you left the kendo gym, your car was surrounded by people. I investigated afterwards and found that those people were from 'Bison'."

"So, Brother Long, please be careful. They are people from the underground world. They are ruthless and unscrupulous in their actions. In order to achieve their goals, they will not have any scruples."

"Thank you for reminding me. In fact, when I came out of the kendo gym and met them that day, I guessed it."

"I'm really sorry."

"It's nothing. Let's talk about it, and this matter will be over. If you have nothing else, I will leave first."

"Brother Long, please wait. I heard that your new movie is recruiting people to play our country's Hattori Hanzo. I know how to do swordsmanship and I am also a native. I want to play this role. I hope Brother Long will help you. People from our Kendo Hall, I'm also willing to obey Brother Long's order, and act as a martial artist and a group performer for Brother Long."

It turns out that what you did today, kneeling down and apologizing in public, was for this.

Hearing Chiba Huasui's purpose, Wu Long finally understood why Chiba Huasui did this.

It has to be said that this Qianye frame ear has a good vision, and she also looks good.

Think carefully, what other purpose could the other party have?


Exchange for an item card, just to distinguish the authenticity from the fake.

Well, it's true.

That's all right.


"You can come to audition, I hope your acting skills are online."

"Thank you Long Ge, my acting skills are fine!"

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