I'm not just an action star

Chapter 346 Long brother, someone is looking for

In "Kill Bill 1", one of the most classic characters is the hundred-step snake Ishii Miren.For such an important role, of course he would not find an actress from his own country to play it.

The casting of this role is of course the people around me.However, it is a bit difficult.

I asked Zhang Zhulin if she would act.In fact, in Wu Long's eyes, Zhang Zhulin is not suitable for this role. There is a little gap in image and temperament.Of course, with makeup, you can also act.

Fortunately, Zhang Zhulin is not interested in supporting roles.In her words, no matter how good the performance is, she will only win Best Supporting Actress.

Does she lack this award?She has no shortage.

Li Siyi played the villain before, that is the role of the blue-eyed fox in "Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon".But, that's aging through makeup.And there is a big difference between the role of the blue-eyed fox and the role of Ishii Miren.

Ishii Yuren has the temperament of a high queen, and also has a kind of arrogance that is almost abnormal.

Li Siyi can play Bai Suzhen well in "Legend of the New White Snake", which makes people feel that she is gentle and virtuous. In terms of appearance and temperament, she is not as good as Ishii Yulian.

In the same way, Li Siyi's acting skills can also be used to find love through makeup.

Jiang Shuang'er is too tender, and the image of Yu Jiaolong in "Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon" is still a bit lacking for her to play the slightly older, ups and downs and complicated role of Ishii Yulian.

Pandona is a traffic actress.I can't play a role with a strong sense of thickness.

Among the female stars trained by Wu Long, Meng Lu is the closest to the original Ishii Yulian.Yuling's acting skills and temperament are well-crafted, it's really not her fault. <, is really a classic in "Kill Bill 1".

Many movie fans even think that this paragraph is the essence of the whole movie, surpassing the protagonist.

That momentum, that aura.

Walking, eyes, facial expressions, every second is a play.

Meng Lu is prettier than Sister Yuling, and Meng Lu's eyes are more dramatic than Sister Yuling.Playing Pan Jinlian in "Water Margin", she doesn't need the whole eyes, only the slight changes in the corners of the eyes, to vividly express a woman who is lonely and desperate to hide herself from the outside world.

In "Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon", she plays Cai Xiangmei, who is a bit of a female man.Dare to act, dare to act, dare to love and hate.Facing the enemy, he would avenge his mother at every turn.

In "The Legend of the Condor Heroes", she plays Mei Chaofeng, and fully expresses Mei Chaofeng's ruthlessness.

Combining these together, with more practice, I should be able to perform a Ishii Miren who is not inferior to sister Yuling.

Give Meng Lu the script and characters, and ask her if she has a schedule and if she would like to act.After Meng Lu finished reading, she flew down the mountain without saying a word.

Zhang Zhulin won the Hauska Best Supporting Actress Award for "Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon". She also wants to win the Hauska Best Supporting Actress Award with this film.

Whether it will be successful or not, no one can tell.But, this is a great opportunity!

Even Li Siyi didn't get this opportunity.

If she still hesitates, that is the biggest regret in life!

Not to mention actresses, even if they are not actresses, women in other industries will jump at Wu Long like moths to a flame when they see such an opportunity.

To be able to bloom a brilliant life, how many people among all living beings can do it?

Who doesn't want to prove that they didn't come in vain in this world?

In "Kill Bill 1", apart from the heroine and Miren Ishii, the remaining important characters are Venita the copperhead snake, Mikko Ishii's bodyguard, and Sophie, Miren Ishii's lawyer and military adviser.

These characters, Wu Long no longer defined himself, and gave them to Tom and Weiner Pictures to sell favors.

Tom's office has changed.When I met Wu Long for the first time, he only had a small desk.

After "Shaolin Bodyguard" won the award, he had an office of his own.

After "300 Spartans" became popular, he changed to a bigger office, which not only had a living room, a small bar, but also a lounge.

The intention of the company to change his office is obvious, that is to firmly grasp Wu Long.According to the company's intention, Wu Long was given an office, but Wu Long didn't want it.

If Wu Long really wants this office, people outside will think that Wu Long is from Weiner Pictures.Changing Wu Long in one office, Weiner Pictures would laugh out loud even in sleep.

Wu Long chooses to meet Uma and Rocky in Tom's office, which means that it is business-like and not mixed with personal feelings.

He also does not intend to meet with Uma alone, so as to avoid rumors about him and Uma.

Uma is Rocky's girlfriend. If rumors spread between himself and Uma, even if it is false, it will affect his relationship with Rocky.

"Rocky, you also get involved and join the action guidance group. You can learn to be a martial arts instructor, and even if you don't play games, you can still earn a good income."

"Thank you teacher." Rocky was very grateful, knowing that Wu Long was cultivating and supporting himself.

Valley grate

Wu Long did have such a meaning, but it was more about bringing Rocky into the crew, so that he and Uma would not have a chance to be alone.

In this way, there will naturally be no rumors about him and Uma.

"Brother Long, I suggest that Rocky play the nurse in the hospital." Uma said.

Rocky also read the script.

"You mean, I'll play the nurse who secretly did that to you while you were in a coma for four years while you couldn't resist?"

Uma nodded.

"Yes, that's him. In this way, I can beat you. If I lose to you in the boxing ring, I will blow you up in the movie."

Uma asked Wu Long: "Brother Long, is it okay?"

"I don't care, it depends on what Rocky means."

"Okay." Rocky hugged Uma. "But I warn you, don't take the opportunity to retaliate. If you deliberately hurt me, I want you to look good when you go home!"

The office phone on the desk rang and Tom answered it.He listened, he had a weird look on his face.

"Wait a minute, let me ask first."

Afterwards, he put down the phone and came to ask Wu Long.

"Long, there are a group of book warriors outside the company, and they want to see you."

Loki was instantly annoyed.

"Fake! Just because they dare to make trouble!"

Tom shook his head.

"They didn't come to make trouble. They all knelt outside the gate and said they came to apologize to you."

Wu Long thought of the kendo master in the country called Maeda Shinichi last time.

"Come on, let's go out and have a look."

After Tom picked up the phone and replied, he went out with Wu Long and the others.

Outside the gate of Weiner Films, there is really a group of book warriors kneeling there.The neatly arranged rows did not block the main passage, and looked very well-behaved and imposing.

After all, there are still so many people kneeling in public, it seems inexplicably shocking.

Passers-by were taking pictures with their phones.A car sped up, stopped, and ran out of the cameraman and reporter carrying the camera.

When they saw Wu Long and the others coming out, they immediately started filming.

Wu Long recognized Maeda Shinichi and those people from the Kendo Hall.It's just that the person in the lead is younger and older, and Wu Long didn't meet him that day.

Seeing Wu Long coming, these Benzi warriors immediately fell to the ground, kowtowed their heads to the ground, and shouted Benzi words together.

Then the man in the lead raised his head, but remained kneeling.He said to Wu Long in Chinese:

"Master Wu Long, I'm Maeda Shinichi's teacher, Chiba Chiho. I've heard about him. Because he's young and energetic, he's challenged you by others."

"He has disgraced our warriors, today I brought him here to plead guilty to you, and beg you to forgive me!"

"Maeda Shinichi, why don't you come out and apologize!" Chiba Kasui roared angrily.

"Hey!" Maeda Shinichi agreed, knelt down without looking up, and came forward to Wu Long.

"Master Wu Long, last time I was deceived by others, and I offended you a lot. Today, I will use the way of a warrior to apologize to you and beg your forgiveness."

Maeda Shinichi unbuttoned his samurai uniform, revealing a short sword.

He pulled out the short knife, held the knife in both hands, pointed the tip of the knife at his lower abdomen, and stabbed it hard.

"Ah!" The reporter screamed.

Even the cameraman's hand trembled.

And those passers-by were all terrified by this brutal way.A passer-by who took a picture with his mobile phone was so frightened that his mobile phone dropped to the ground.

Tom was also so frightened that he almost wanted to back away, but he didn't do so in the end.

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