I'm not just an action star

Chapter 345 An Action Movie With Only the Female Lead

"Damn it, why did the police say that!"

Dylan loses his temper in front of Freeman.

"I donated money to them! Even if they don't support me, they can keep silent!"

Freeman sighed:

"I found someone to understand that there are police officers below who are unwilling to keep silent."

"Why?" Dylan didn't understand.

"They didn't say it. I personally speculate that someone may be a fan of Wu Long. You know, the IQ of a fan cannot be judged by a normal person."

"In addition, although it is an R-rated movie, it is considered a police movie. The perverted serial killer in it was eventually shot to death. I think this may be one of the reasons."

Dylan shook his head.

"What should I do? Do you think we can win?" she asked Freeman.

Freeman didn't answer right away until Dylan looked at him.

"Tell me the truth?"

Dylan nodded.

"I recommend that the case be withdrawn."


"Now the stocks of many of your companies are falling, which is not good for you. The police are currently suspicious of this matter. If you continue to make trouble, those film companies will exert pressure to investigate the truth, and you will be very passive."

In Freeman's eyes, Dylan's property already belonged to him.The depreciation of Dylan's property is equal to the depreciation of his property.

Dylan waved his hands angrily.

"Those damn film companies, they make all kinds of movies in order to make money! Aren't they afraid of making such unconscionable money? Aren't they ashamed!"

"Wina Films, this matter has nothing to do with them, why did they stand up to help Wu Long? And other film companies, why did they stand up against me?"

"We are the capital side, they should kneel and lick us! Otherwise, who will invest in making movies for them!"

Freeman despised Dylan in her heart, as if she was innocent.Besides, doing so seems to only target Lion Films, but actually targets the entire film and television industry.Their source of income, of course they have to unite to resist.Otherwise, once Dylan wins, others will follow.

Of course he wouldn't say it like that, he only comforted Dylan from another angle:

"Lily, although what you said is reasonable, the capital side is not all on the same side. Look at other shareholders in your company, they think you will fail and eat up your shares. I suspect that some of your things, That's what they spread."

Increased Dylan's sense of crisis, making Dylan feel that there are enemies on all sides, and he, Freeman, can give Dylan protection and support.In Dylan's mental and psychological environment at this time, such a strategy worked very well.

Dylan really hugged Freeman and cried.

"Uncle Freeman, I'm really helpless. After my father died, I supported his career alone. My ex-husband left me because I couldn't have children. I'm not that kind of woman."

Freeman sneered in his heart, aren't you that kind of woman?Don't be ridiculous, who in your fame circle doesn't know?It's just that everyone is a decent person, so they didn't say anything.

He pats Dylan on the back.

"I understand you, don't worry, I will support you and stand by your side forever."

The next day, Freeman left Dylan.

"Has the video been sent to Wu Long?" He called alone.

"Yes. Wu Long has already downloaded it."

"Very well, don't leave a tail."

"There will be no tail."

Hanging up the phone, Freeman smiled smugly.

"Lily, Lily, when the video of your murder gets out, will you go completely insane?"

"If you kill my daughter, I won't take it easy on you! Your property is the compensation I deserve!"

Wu Long watched the video and confirmed that Dylan did have mental problems, and that Dylan killed the man.It's just that he didn't make the video public.

In the video, Dylan and her best friend had a seizure after watching the video of the show, and Wu Long worried that it would be detrimental to the show if it was made public.Some people even made bad comments about Chen Shibei because of this.

Moreover, even if he didn't redeem the item card, he still felt that there was something wrong with it.Dylan's bodyguard betrayed Dylan because he was his fan?

But those bodyguards who knew the truth have already been involved in giving false testimony, and those bodyguards announced in the video will also be sentenced.Regardless of professional ethics or vital interests, bodyguards should not do this.

It's not worth it and it doesn't make sense.

Those bodyguards don't seem like irrational fans.If they betray their bosses, they will no longer need to be bodyguards in the future.On the contrary, even if they go to jail for this incident, it will be easier for them to become bodyguards after they come out, and their salaries will increase.Because bosses love loyal bodyguards.

Regarding the assistant who was killed by mistake, according to the information provided to him by Lion Pictures and Weiner Pictures, the dead assistant is not a good thing either.Once helped Dylan set up a trap to lure a man to Dylan.

Wu Long agrees with this.That night, this assistant appeared in front of Wu Long.It seems that Dylan also knows that such things need to be kept secret, and the people he sent are all confidantes.

Hannibal is a psychiatrist as well as a psychologist.Wu Long plays Hannibal, and he also has knowledge in this area.

He could see that Dylan's condition was serious.It won't be cured easily, and maybe at some point, it will go crazy in public.

The phone rang, and it was Tom calling.

"Hi, Long, I heard that you are going to make a new film? We, Weiner Pictures, are happy to invest, as long as you ask, the amount is fine."

"Where did you hear the news? Why didn't even I know?"

"I heard from Rocky that his girlfriend wants to play a role in your film. I thought, we are old friends, Weiner Films has always supported you, so I will say hello to you first, as long as you make a film, Weina Films is the first to support you!"

It turned out to be just cliché.Wu Long didn't really mind, that's all about work and life.Tom was not wrong, and he must have come to inquire about the news after receiving the wind.Otherwise, if Wu Long finds someone else to make a film instead of Weiner Pictures, Tom will definitely be blamed by his boss.

Even if Tom has achieved financial freedom now.But such a mistake is tantamount to proof of his lack of ability.For a responsible person, this is not allowed.Unless you really intend to live a life of pleasure, you will no longer be self-motivated.

Apparently, Tom wasn't that kind of guy.He knows that even the freedom of wealth now does not mean the freedom of wealth in the future.If he doesn't maintain his mentality, once he loses his wealth, he will have no chance to turn around.

"If I become a director but I don't act, and I make an action movie with only the heroine, will you invest in it?"

In , he filmed and acted again., the same is true.

Is it his starring role that makes the film win the box office?Or did he direct and win the box office?This is a matter of debate online.

There is also an argument that his action movies are close to action long shots.Even if it is like a long shot without action, it still wins by the novel picture style.

There is only one such movie.If you make a similar style of film again, the result will not be as good as that.It might even hit the street.

Wulong needs to prove himself and settle those arguments.

In , he only acted for 6 minutes.To let these ten 6 minutes lay his true acting skills in the world.

Next, he will simply direct a film for everyone to see.Even if he doesn't take part, doesn't need long action shots, and doesn't need the texture of oil painting, he can still make a lot of money in the film.

Hearing that Wu Long only directed but not acted, Tom thought about it for a while, and immediately agreed.

Habitually, he still asks first: "How much is the investment?"

"Tens of millions, it should be less than 5000 million. The main reason is that my remuneration is higher, and then there is a share of these. I also wrote the script."

"no problem."

"You don't need to report?"

"The company gives me the right to make decisions. Of course, if I make a mistake in my judgment, I will be demoted. Brother Long, you must keep your position as a younger brother." Tom finally joked.

"Okay, I'll write the script and send it to you."

This movie, the ghost talent Kun spent nearly 6000 million to shoot, because the editing time was too long, it was screened in two parts.Calculated in this way, the cost of one part should be around 3000 million.That being said, it doesn't actually work that way.

This movie can be regarded as a classic among action movies, with a total global box office of only 1.8 million, which is a bit regrettable.

This regret is actually too much expectation.It can't be compared with the hot money, but it can be regarded as high profit.

The total global box office of the two films is about 6000 million, the production cost is only 5.5 million, and the rate of return is about 4.Compared with those films with an investment of hundreds of millions and a box office of just over [-] million and no more than [-] million, they definitely have an advantage in terms of capital, risk and return.

Wu Long only intends to make the first film.What he pays attention to is the word "action", and there is no need to shoot the second part.As for incomplete, it is incomplete.

After the script was written and sent to Tom, Weiner Pictures immediately started preparations after agreeing.Wu Long came to Merickan again, but he was not going to appear in court.

Dylan did not follow Freeman's suggestion to drop the lawsuit.She wanted Woo-ryong to be at her house, kneeling in front of her and apologizing to her, begging for her forgiveness.She wants Wu Long to be at her mercy.

As for the lawyer who said that the chance of winning was not great, she immediately replaced the lawyer.

Seeing that Dylan did not withdraw the lawsuit, Freeman did not persuade Dylan.He persuades Dylan, but Dylan thinks he won't help her and no longer trusts him.Dylan has a mental problem. Once you don't trust him, you won't trust him again.This is not good for Freeman's successful acquisition of Dylan's property.

He just wondered why Wu Long didn't disclose the truth, did he want to disclose it in court?

As for the shares falling.When it falls to the bottom, it is just a bargain.It is a good thing that the property will officially belong to him after that day.

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