I'm not just an action star

Chapter 344 Don't Worry

Dylan had returned to normal when Freeman met with him.

"Lily, I watched you grow up. My daughter is your girlfriend, how could you treat her like this?" Freeman suppressed the anger in his heart and questioned Dylan.

Dylan put his head in his hands remorsefully.

"I'm sorry, Uncle Freeman. I don't know why this happened, and I'm deeply sorry."

"Sorry? Is it useful? Can it bring my daughter back to life? She regards you as a close friend and shares everything with you, and you treat her like this!"

"It's Wu Long, everything stems from Wu Long!" Dylan explained earnestly.

Before meeting Dylan, Freeman was told not to touch on any topic about Wu Long.If Dylan talks about it, don't deny it, but change the subject as soon as possible.

Therefore, Freeman could only hehe in his heart, and did not refute Dylan's words on the surface.

"I will give her my property. It is my intention and my compensation. She left, you are her father, and you will accept it on her behalf. I can sign it now and transfer half of it first. After I die, Then turn the other half."

Hearing what Dylan said, Freeman was pleasantly surprised.Unexpectedly, Dylan's property became his property in this way.

Daughter is also worthy of death.

"Lily, who do you take me for? Do you think I'm selling my daughter? Wouldn't it hurt me to take this kind of money in exchange for my daughter's life? What do you make others think? You let other people in your company What do shareholders think?"

"Some people will even say that this is a conspiracy. I intentionally killed my daughter to force you to give me the shares, saying that I took your property!"

Freeman spoke angrily, as if Dylan was insulting him and belittling him.

"I'm sorry, Uncle Freeman, that's not what I meant. In this way, I will call a lawyer now. Since I have no heirs, all my property after my death will belong to you, or your heirs. Please don't refuse, or I will Never forgive yourself."

"Uncle Freeman, I also want to ask you to help me, ban the broadcast of "The Silence of the Lambs", and claim compensation from Lion Films and Wu Long!"

"All compensation will be given to you."

Freeman nodded slowly.

He doesn't think he can sue Lion and Wu Long, that's obvious.There are so many R-rated movies in All-Mic Rickon, and they are more bloody than "The Silence of the Lambs", because it is not an exception to imitate the plots of movies and TV shows, and I have never seen movies and TVs being punished for this.

If many people had an accident because of "The Silence of the Lambs", they could win the lawsuit.The problem is that only Dylan is affected, and no one else is affected.

Besides, there is no evidence to prove that the assistant killed his daughter because of the influence of "The Silence of the Lambs", because the assistant is already dead.

On the contrary, if Dylan releases her psychiatric report, it can prove the impact of the film.It's just that such a proof is not convincing, and it may get a little bit of sympathy from others.That's all.Besides, will Dylan go public?

She dared not make it public at all.If it were made public, her business would be damaged and her fortune would be reduced.

Freeman will still help fight lawsuits that he knows are impossible to win.Because of this, he can gain Dylan's trust and get Dylan's remaining property smoothly.

Dylan will definitely aggravate his condition if he wants to fight this lawsuit.Psychiatrists and psychologists have told Dylan not to touch things and topics related to Wu Long and "The Silence of the Lambs", as this will affect his condition.

Freeman wanted Dylan affected.As long as Dylan enters the mental hospital completely, Dylan's remaining property will be transferred to him for trusteeship until Dylan dies, and then it will be attributed to him.


As for Wu Long, Freeman believed that Wu Long was also responsible for his daughter's death.After all of Dylan's property belongs to him, he will settle accounts with Wu Long and avenge his daughter!

Now, keeping Wu Long alive keeps the excitement for Dylan alive.

A piece of news quickly sparked heated discussions around the world.

The assistant of Lily Dylan, a wealthy woman, became insane due to the influence of "The Silence of the Lambs", killed Dylan's best friend, cut the wrist of the bodyguard, and finally committed suicide by stabbing the knife into her chest.

Dylan sued Lion Pictures and Wu Long, who wrote the script of "The Silence of the Lambs", demanding that "The Silence of the Lambs" be banned and compensation for the victims' losses.Wu Long still needs to go to his house in person to sincerely apologize to her and the deceased.

This lawsuit really caught the attention of countless people.

"The Silence of the Lambs" is so powerful?And make people crazy and kill people?Did he kill the daughter of a rich man?

This lawsuit has made the box office of "The Silence of the Lambs" rise again.Many theaters even considered extending the film's screening period.

Many people on Hong Kong Island, especially those from land companies, were overwhelmed.Many people mentioned the matter of the black eagle killer, which is very similar to this lawsuit.

It's just that everyone doesn't understand that the black eagle did this because he wanted to harm Wu Long. Why did the incident in Merikan Kingdom happen like this?

Everyone watched "The Silence of the Lambs" and also watched the program "Rarely Asked", and no one became crazy.

"Long, don't worry about the lawsuit. Lion Films said they won't win." Demi called Wu Long. "Do you want to come over?"

Director Demi is proud and excited that his film can have such a big impact.With this film, his fame rose to the pinnacle of his life.

From a small director of b-level movies that not many people thought of, he has become a box office director.Very likely to win the Golden Hill Award or the Hauska Trophy, and now he is an honor.


It doesn't matter at all.Such a lawsuit, if Dylan was a rich woman, would not be able to fight at all.

"Lion Films thinks it's better for me to be in the past, or not to be in the past?"

"They think it's up to you."

"I won't go there for the time being." Wu Long has entrusted a lawyer from Lion Films to represent him. If it is not necessary, he does not want to show his face at Merican Country for the time being.

That is, I saw Dylan one more time at the premiere, how could it develop into this?

He hinted and influenced Dylan, but it only made Dylan feel that he was not an ordinary person who can be manipulated casually, and made Dylan afraid of him in his heart, so he stopped harassing him.

That's it.

The performance of "Rarely Invited" was not intended to be shown to Dylan and the others.He just aimed at the impossibility mentioned on the Internet, and let everyone know that it is possible in a tactful way as much as possible.

"Teacher, I have issued a statement to support you." Rocky called.

Now he is not only a ufc champion, but also a movie star.His "Rocky", documentaries and movies are very popular.He has already been asked to act.

"Rocky, you don't need to get involved. You want to play, that Dylan is very rich. If you bribe the people around you, drug you or set you up, you are finished!"

"I'm not afraid. You gave me everything. My mother's illness has been cured, I've won championships, I've been brilliant, and I have nothing to lose."

"But, I don't want you to be hurt because of me."

"Teacher, I have a girlfriend and I have been dating for several months."


"She likes kung fu and is also an actress. After watching "The Silence of the Lambs", she is very envious of Judy. Let me ask you, when will the next film be made and give her a chance to audition."

"Okay, you send me her information, if there is a suitable role for her, I will let her audition."

"thank you teacher."

After receiving the information from Rocky, Wu Long clicked to view it.

Uma, good figure, blond hair.I liked mixed martial arts and Chinese Kung Fu since I was a child. After entering the film and television industry, I was just a young actor.Because of his good skills, he has done a lot of action doubles.

Click on Uma's social account and find that the other party has been following her for a long time.In terms of time, it should be after "Shaolin Bodyguard".

In this incident, Uma also voiced his support, even earlier than Rocky.

Perhaps, it is a scheming woman.

Becoming Rocky's girlfriend, it's hard to say that there is no possibility of taking the opportunity to build a relationship.

On the other side of the country, Lion Pictures quickly issued a statement and condemned Dylan.He also said that the police believed that the case was suspicious and that it was not the scene of the first crime, or that the scene had been dealt with.In addition, Dylan did not provide the surveillance at home, and said that the surveillance was broken, which made people suspect that there was something hidden in it.

Weiner Pictures also ended.It was announced that because Wu Long starred in "300 Spartans", Dylan wanted to spend the night with Wu Long, but Wu Long refused.

The rumors that Dylan messed with male stars and macho men were also dug out by the media.At this time, the media is taking advantage of the limelight, regardless of whether Dylan is a rich woman or not.She is a rich woman, and the news is more eye-catching.Moreover, it was obvious that someone was behind it, so the media dared to expose it.

Weiner Pictures also revealed that Dylan wanted to find Wu Long to make Nando Valley's version of "300 Spartans", but Wu Long refused.

The day before the incident happened, it was the day when Dylan and his girlfriends invested in Nando Valley to shoot "Spartan Warriors".It is reported that his best friend took the Blu-ray disc first.

Wow, when such a drama spread, it caused a worldwide sensation.Many people pretend to be insiders and publish various rumors after brainstorming.

Of course, they all have a Friends series.

"Excuse me, are you Wu Long?" Wu Long received a call from a stranger.

"who are you?"

"I am your fan and one of Dylan's bodyguards. I like your "Shaolin Bodyguard" very much, and I don't want them to frame you. After watching "The Silence of the Lambs", Dylan has mental problems. Dilan The surveillance at Lun’s house is not broken, and I have the surveillance video of the day of the incident. The murderer is Dylan, and I can give you the video.”

"How much do you want?"

"I'm your fan, I don't want money. I just hope you keep it a secret for me, and don't reveal how the video came from. I will give you a cloud network disk account and password, which contains the video you want."

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