I'm not just an action star

Chapter 337 1 knife

The elevator went down to the underground parking lot, and Wu Long's driver was waiting in the car.Both the car and the driver belong to Weina Films.This time he came here for publicity, Weiner Films provided a driver and a car to facilitate his travel.

Wu Long walked into the parking lot vigilantly, and Tmall Jiuminggong did not warn of danger.Even opening the door didn't feel dangerous.

When he got home, Wu Long called Tom, told Tom about the matter, and asked whether Weiner Pictures could stand up to Lily Dylan.

"That woman? Did she look for you?" Tom had obviously heard the name before, or knew something about it.

"What do you know, tell me."

"That woman is rich, divorced, and likes to look for male stars. She even made a name for himself as an action male star. As long as there is a company around the film, she can't do anything about it. But you have to be careful, I will report to the boss immediately, You wait for my news."

After the call ended, Wu Long guessed that it was the fault.This film is too hormonal!

In the end, he was actually taken by this 40-year-old female devil?

If that's the case, it's really Shetter.

Having said that, this female devil can be regarded as scheming.The first person could not be subdued by force, the second person could not be subdued by guns, and the third person treated the letter with courtesy.

If the female devil had spoken well and wanted to invite her from the beginning, Wu Long might have gone there without knowing what it was.

why?Wu Long really couldn't figure it out.

Lily Dylan and her best friend watched the surveillance on the TV station in the villa and saw Wu Long's resistance.With this requirement, with her energy, the TV station would sell her face without spending money.

"Look, this Oriental Kung Fu King is really strong! He even knocked down the 'God of War' with one palm!"

"God of War" is Dylan's title for the first macho man in black.

The girlfriend sticks out her tongue.

"That Wu Long must be stronger and more powerful than 'God of War'."

"Haha, the quick shooter also missed." The best friend smiled and picked up a grape and put it in her mouth.

"My God, doesn't he like women?"

Dylan shook his head:


"I heard that the female cousin who played the queen had sex with him!"

"real or fake?"

"of course it's true!"

"I said, why didn't you invite him here?" My best friend regretted not being able to meet Wu Long tonight.

"Those stars should kneel in front of me and beg me to take pity on them. They are our slaves, what qualifications do they have to invite them?"

"But Wu Long is different, he is the king of kung fu." My best friend gave Dylan a supercilious look.

"When I asked 'God of War' to invite him, I didn't do anything at first. It was because he didn't know how to do it and didn't want to come!"

The girlfriend sighed.

"You're here again. Do you care so much about the sense of conquest? When he comes here, he can't escape if he wants to, isn't it the same?"

Dylan grabbed a leather whip beside him.

"Of course it's different. I want to see him submit and follow from the beginning, so that I can feel conquered!"

"He's just an actor, what right does he have to fight against me!"

Wu Long soon received a call from Tom.

"Long, my boss said that the female devil is rich, but she just wants to influence the film and television industry. Weiner Pictures is not afraid of him. You don't have to worry about the movie. But if she seeks you in private, the company may help you. Not you."

"I get it, thank."

"Long, it's not that the company doesn't help you, but that the company doesn't have the ability to help you."

The next day, Tom's office at Weller Films.

"Long, Nandogu wants to adapt yours."

"Nandogu? Is that the adult Nandogu?"

Tom nods.

"So, what is your decision?"

Wu Long shook his head.

"I don't need that little money."

Tom expressed regret.

"Even if you don't let them adapt it, they can still make up the Spartan Warrior themselves."

Sparta and Warriors were not created by Wu Long, others can also write about them.

In addition to this matter, there is also a symphony orchestra to perform, and the copyright must also be paid.The same is true for the previous ones.

In addition, some theaters want to adapt it into a musical.Because Wu Long has no one here, Tom helps to deal with these matters as a friend.

After coming out of Weiner Films, Wu Long was stopped by a man wearing a native costume.

This person looked at Wu Long seriously, and handed Wu Long a post with both hands.

Battle post!

"Wu Long, you are known as the King of Kung Fu, and you don't take us samurai seriously. My name is Maeda Shinichi, and this is my battle post. I want to compete with you in swordplay!"

"If you are really a kung fu king, don't refuse."

"Otherwise, you are a sick man!"

"I know that you want to live broadcast the contest with you, no problem, I allow you to broadcast live."

Wu Long didn't answer.

"Competing here?"

"There are no knives here. Please move to the Kendo Hall, where there are wooden knives."

"Your car will lead the way, and I will ask the driver to follow you."

It's been a long time since the live broadcast, Wu Long made a preview on Youtu.

Follow Maeda Shinichi to the kendo hall, where the people in the kendo hall were already wearing samurai uniforms.

Wu Long asked the driver to wait in the car, and he will be right back.

Enter the kendo hall, ask them to come to the live broadcast tripod, and set up the mobile phone.

Someone from the kendo hall was also in charge of the live broadcast, chattering from the script.Wu Long switched to his native language and understood it.

It's nothing more than boasting that their new generation of kendo master Maeda Shinichi challenged Wu Long and shattered the myth of Wu Long's Kung Fu King.

He also said that he had watched Wu Long's sword drawing video, and thought that Wu Long was just an actor, and all the martial arts videos were fake and special effects.

"Please choose a knife." Maeda Shinichi asked Wu Long to choose first.

Wu Long went over and picked up a wooden knife casually.With a sword in his right hand and a wooden knife in one hand, he waited for Maeda Shinichi.

His casual appearance attracted the hatred of others.The person in charge of the live broadcast was saying that Wu Long didn't respect the way of swordsmanship and was not worthy of being called the king of kung fu.He also said that Maeda Shinichi would definitely teach Wu Long a lesson, and let Wu Long know that respecting the way of swordsmanship is the foundation of learning martial arts.

Maeda made a challenging salute to Wu Long, holding a knife in both hands to Wu Long.

"I don't understand your rules, so I'll ask you, when can I start?"

The unhappy expression on Maeda Shinichi's face became more and more serious. This is Wu Long's complete disrespect for kendo!

"You can start now!"

"Then I can attack?"


"Attention, I'm going to attack!"

After finishing speaking, Wu Long strode forward, swung his right hand out, and he swung the wooden knife in his hand into the air, slashing Maeda Shinichi's forehead from top to bottom.

"Kendo is two-handed sword!" Maeda Shinichi roared!

Such a one-handed attack by Wu Long is too contemptuous of him.Such a contest is a humiliation to him!

Moreover, Wu Long didn't have tricks or temptations when he made a move, he slashed openly, he was looking for death.

He raised the sword above his head and strode forward. All the people watching the battle thought that Maeda Shinichi could stab Wu Long as long as he handed the wooden sword forward.

If Maeda Shinichi held a real sword, Wu Long would definitely be stabbed to death.

Such a Wu Long, what kind of kung fu king?How dare you call it the Kung Fu King?

Maeda Shinichi, who was in front of Wu Long, thought so at first when he saw Wu Long coming with a knife in his head.However, when he wanted to do this, he found that Wu Long's knife was very fast.

And because Wu Long swung the knife with one hand, Maeda Shinichi pointed the knife at Wu Long's center line, and because Wu Long attacked sideways, he avoided the tip of Maeda Shinichi's knife and pointed in the direction.

If Maeda Shinichi wants to stab Wu Long, he needs to move the knife sideways, or turn his wrist to change the direction of the knife tip when stabbing out.

In a hurry, Maeda Shinichi could only defend and counterattack, and first blocked with a horizontal knife.He holds a knife with both hands, which is more powerful than Wu Long holding a knife with one hand.After blocking Wu Long's knife, he can quickly turn his wrist to counterattack, and he can definitely defeat Wu Long.

Wooden knives are not bamboo knives. If you are hit by a wooden knife, you will be injured in the slightest, and can break bones in severe cases!

Maeda Shinichi wanted to seriously injure Wu Long, and let Wu Long know that Benzi's kendo is the most powerful martial art.


Wu Long's wooden knife struck Maeda Shinichi's horizontal wooden knife.

A scene that shocked everyone appeared, Maeda Shinichi's wooden knife was cut off by Wu Long's wooden knife!

After Wu Long's wooden knife cut off Maeda Shinichi's wooden knife, he continued to move forward and slashed Maeda Shinichi's forehead.


These two beeps were joined together because of the speed, and changed into a long beep.

Maeda Shinichi's forehead was bleeding, and he fell to the ground on his back.

He stared straight at the ceiling of the dojo, his face pale and bloodless.


People from the Kendo Hall rushed up, some people went to check on Maeda Shinichi's situation, and more people surrounded Wu Long.

Wu Long shook his head as a gesture.

"The knife is over there, if you don't accept it, go get the knife, you two go up together."

Someone actually went for the knife.

Maeda Shinichi was helped to sit up, and was weakly stopped.

"Stop! Our samurai must abide by the samurai spirit, if you lose, you lose!"

Wu Long smiled, threw the wooden knife under his feet, and walked towards the mobile phone that was broadcasting live.

He is not afraid even if he goes into the sword with his bare hands.It's a pity that these people didn't do it.Wu Long walked out of the kendo gym, went downstairs to the ground and turned off the live broadcast.

He looked up and saw several people standing beside his car.

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