The kendo world of this country is fried!

Shinichi Maeda, the youngest kendo master known as the master of kendo in the future, was cut down with a single knife!

Moreover, the wooden knife in his hand was chopped off by a single-handed wooden knife!

What a shame to go home.

"This Wu Long, he fouled!"

"He doesn't have a knife in both hands!"

"He attacked!"

"Senior's wooden knife has a problem!"

Wu Long's fans all over the world, those who watched the live broadcast one after another amwayed others to watch the video.He was shocked by the fact that Wu Long hacked Maeda Shinichi's forehead to blood with a wooden machete.

It turns out that wooden knives can also cut blood.

There is also the movement of Wu Long holding a knife with one hand, so handsome!

The people around Wu Long's car could tell at a glance that they were not kind.

Those with bald heads, weird hairstyles, tattoos, and gold necklaces all stared at Wu Long when they saw Wu Long coming down.

Wu Long could see that the driver in the car looked nervous.

One of them took out a butterfly knife and turned his wrist around. The butterfly knife was like a butterfly, flying non-stop in his hand.

"Wu Long. Our boss asked us to warn you. If someone buys you a drink, he thinks highly of you. If you dare to refuse again, the boss will not allow you to leave this city!"

"Our boss has thousands of people! How many can you fight by yourself?"

From the other party's words, Wu Long could tell that these people were not Lily Dylan's subordinates, otherwise they would say that their boss invited them to drink, not someone else.

"What's your boss's name?"

"Our boss' name is 'Bison.' The whole of Los Angeles knows that it is better to offend the devil than to offend our boss."

"Boy, kung fu is useless." A guy with a weird hairstyle made a gun gesture with his hand. "It only takes one bullet to get you out of this world."

"Haven't you guys watched it? It's all true. You asked your boss to ask the people on Hong Kong Island, the last person who wanted to kill me is still in prison." Wu Long persuaded them seriously.

"Are you talking about movies? Movies are fake, you're just an actor."

"I've heard of you. Are you talking about flying knives? How far can flying knives fly? Are bullets farther?"

"Wu Long, you are a star, we are here this time to talk to you well. Next time we come again, we will not be so polite."

"Maybe you fell down before you saw us!"

"Ha ha!"

Several people shook their heads at Wu Long without doing anything, and then left.

They came to warn Wu Long, if Wu Long is disobedient, they will do something.

Wu Long got into the car.

"Sir, do you want to call the police?" the driver asked.

"is that useful?"

The driver shook his head: "They didn't do anything, it's useless."

"Don't worry, I'm fine. I'm leaving tomorrow. You don't need to pick me up, I'll just take a taxi to the airport."

"Thank you, Wu Long."

In the evening, Wu Long received a call from a stranger.

"Wu Long, someone must have brought you a message today. Our boss invited you to drink, come out."

"Who is your boss?"

"Is there a second person who invites you to drink at night?"

"So, your boss is Lily Dylan?"

"You just need to come out and drink, you don't need to ask too much."

"What if I say no?"

"Are you sure you want to refuse?"

"I'm sure I'm going to say no."

The other party hangs up the phone.

The next day, Wu Long flew away without incident and returned to Hong Kong Island to continue filming.

There are costumes for filming in the luggage.Chen Shibei and Zhang Zhulin hope to play a real Spartan warrior with him.

Wu Long didn't authorize that version of Nando Valley.

After the filming of the filming, Liu Jinqiu took care of the post-production, and Wu Long went home to attend his brother's wedding.

I originally planned to hold a wedding abroad, but in the end I still held the wedding according to the old rules.

I heard from Wu Xia that someone leaked the news, and then someone spread the word that Wu Long had become a famous star and looked down on poor relatives.When my brother gets married, he doesn't want to hold a wedding.

Neighbors in the neighborhood also asked Wu Tian when he would get married, where to hold the banquet, how many people to invite, and so on.The implication is that I want to attend the wedding.

In the end, Wu Tian and Liu Yan discussed to go on a trip after the wedding.

In fact, Liu Yan was also under pressure, and agreed with Wu Tian's idea after thinking about it.

On the day of receiving the bride, the most interesting thing is of course blocking the door.

Knock on the door loudly, shouting:

"Honey! I'm here to pick you up! Open the door!"

There was chatter inside the door.

"Who are you calling?"

"Not married yet, not your wife yet!"

"Red Packet Red Packet!"

Stuff a red envelope.

"Tell me who you are and who do you want to marry as your wife?"

"I'm Wu Tian, ​​and I want to marry Liu Yan and go home as my wife!"

There was a burst of laughter inside and outside the door.

"Who knows if you are real Wu Tian or fake Wu Tian, ​​tell me how you two met!"

"I'm wrong, I can't marry a wife!"

Wu Tian hurriedly said:

"We've known each other since we were studying! I like her, she likes me, and she and I are childhood sweethearts!"

"Wrong, you like Liu Yan, Liu Yan doesn't like you!"

"You're finished, you won't be able to marry a wife today!"

"Hurry up and give the red envelope!"

Stuffed red envelopes again.

"How do you prove that you are sincere to Liu Yan?"

Wu Tian shouted loudly:

"Liu Yan, I am sincere to you. You ask how much I love you, and the moon represents my heart!"

"This is a song to be sung."

Wu Tian hurriedly sang.He was tone deaf, and there was another burst of laughter inside and outside the door.

"No, no, no, everyone is tired of hearing this, let's change to something new."

Wu Tian looked at Wu Long, and Wu Long whispered in his ear.He nodded repeatedly and shouted loudly:

"Liu Yan, my love for you is like a torrential river, and it's like a flood of the Yellow River and it's out of control."

When he said this, even the cameraman burst out laughing.Several female voices inside the door called out:

"Ouch, my stomach is laughing!"

"This word of tiger and wolf is definitely not something that Wu Tian can come up with."

"Love is like the Yellow River flooding, why does it sound like it's in heat, haha——"

"No, I have to sing!"

Everyone outside the door looked at Wu Long.Wu Long taught singing in Wu Tian's ears.Everyone is curious, there are songs for such a tiger-wolf poem?

Just listen to Wu Tian singing again in a tone-deaf tone:

"My love is like a tide,

Love pushes me toward you like a tide,

follow closely

Love is like a tide, it surrounds you and me! "

The screaming sound made everyone laugh together again.The lyrics don't sound like much at first glance, but when you think about it carefully, it still looks a bit like the words of tiger and wolf.

"Honey, let me in, the time is almost up!"

"No, I want to sing ten songs about love, and none of them have been heard before!"

This is actually asking Wu Long to write songs now.

When everyone was looking at Wu Long, Wu Tian took out his mobile phone and clicked to play.

It turned out that last night Wu Long guessed that there might be such a trick, and asked Wu Tian to sing ten songs in advance and record them.

"The first song, two tigers, two tigers, healed so fast, so loving, one is called Liu Yan, the other is called Wu Tian, ​​how strange, how strange!"

Shouted inside the door: "Haha, Liu Yan, he said you are a tigress!"

"Haha—" Everyone laughed.

"The second song, Little Swallow, wearing a floral dress, married into my house today! I asked Swallow to open the door quickly, and Swallow said, I am also in a hurry to get married."

It's so fun, how dare you say that the bride is in a hurry to get married.

"The third song, where is Liu Yan, where is Liu Yan, Liu Yan is obediently inside the door. Liu Yan, quickly open the door, Liu Yan, quickly open the door, I will take you back to our new house."

"The fourth song, I love Liu Yan with good skin, ooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooow

"The fifth song, on the other side of the door, there is a beautiful Liu Yan. She is lively and smart, she is naughty and clever. I will open the door and present a ring to marry her home. We love each other and respect each other. care!"

"Sixth song, twinkle twinkle twinkle, the sky is full of small stars, who is the brightest star in the sky, my Liu Yan is the most beautiful. I want to fly to the sky, pick Liu Yan and put it at home."

"In the seventh song, I saw Liu Yan on the side of the road, and quickly dragged her to my house. Liu Yan nodded and smiled at me. I said to Liu Yan, we will see each other every day."

"The eighth song, search and search and find friends, find a good Liu Yan, salute and shake hands, you are my good wife."

"Ninth song, open the door if you feel happy, open the door if you feel happy, open the door if you love me, open the door if you want to get married!"

"Song [-], little white rabbit, be good, open the door, my husband wants to come in!"

Wu Long imitated Liu Yan's voice and sang:

"I'll open, I'll open, I'll open, the time is coming, open the door quickly!"

The door clicked open, and an exclamation came from inside:

"Ah, why did you open the door?"

"Didn't Liu Yan get out of the way? He said the time has come."

Wu Tian hurriedly opened the door, and everyone rushed in together.

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