I'm not just an action star

Chapter 336 Unfriendly Boss

Word of mouth is overwhelming!

The epic classic song at the end of the film is even more well received.

A lot of people compare it with , and the comments are extremely fierce, and the polarization is serious.

I think it is better, besides the oil painting-like texture and composition, there is also the extreme slow motion of the MV fighting.

The battle scenes are also refreshing.

The last theme song is loved by everyone.

Opponents say the plot is too thin and doesn't fit the history.The whole film is just for fighting, more like a stage play.

There is no depth, no breadth, and no room for acting.

Most of the audience I like are ordinary people.

Most of the people I like are film critics and experts.

It's a pity that, whether it is or is, it is a commercial film.Commercial films should be judged by the box office.

Both films grossed about the same, slightly less.

However, the production cost is almost twice that!

In terms of profit, it's a win!

This is Wu Long's first film directed by Haolaihu, and he has delivered a perfect score.

"Long, how did you come up with the idea of ​​making such a peculiar film?"

In a talk show, the host asked Wu Long.

"It's a martial arts film I shot with oriental and Chinese artistic images. It has oriental subtlety and the charm of Chinese art."

"I took Western oil painting as my artistic basis and made a work with violent aesthetics of oil painting."

"So, you are a master of art who can freely grasp the two violent aesthetics of the East and the West. Some film critics think that the plot is too monotonous and much weaker, which is also not good. Do you agree with this statement?"

"Let's put it this way, I didn't intend to make an art film. I planned to make a film that uses cold weapons to show the aesthetics of violence. Therefore, the plot is indeed weak. But there is always a trade-off when making a film. What should be taken into account , such a film loses its unique personal charm."

"Long, you just said that you made a film that uses cold weapons to show the aesthetics of violence. Can I think so, you can also make films that use hot weapons to show the aesthetics of violence?"

Wu Long is humble.

"I don't know about this, after all, I haven't filmed it yet."

In China, he has no chance to make such a film.In Hong Kong Island, it is possible to shoot.But putting the place where the movie takes place on Hong Kong Island is a waste of a good subject matter.

If you really want to shoot, you must target the global market.

"If given the chance, would you like to try?" the host asked.

Wu Long nodded.

"I guess I'll choose to try."

After participating in the show, when Wu Long left, a tough man in a black suit stopped him.

"Mr. Wu Long, my master treats you to a glass of wine."

Wu Long couldn't help frowning, this is a TV station.Being able to come in here to stop someone, and the people from the TV station pretended not to see it, shows that the other party has a lot of background.

"Who is your master?"

"You'll know when you go."

"Sorry, I'm not interested. Now, get out of the way!"

"Boy, this is not the East, this is Merickan! The land of freedom! You can't afford to offend many people here!"

"So, tell me who your master is, and I'll see if I really can't afford to offend you."

"I said, you'll know when you go. Don't let me say it a second time, my master doesn't like to wait for people. If she waits for a long time, I will be in trouble, and you will be even more troublesome!"

Wu Long noticed that the hunk in black used "she".


"You tell your master, go back and read the ancient Chinese books first. Find out what it means to be angry and what means not to stay behind for thousands of miles. Then come and talk to me about trouble. I don't want to say it again, get out of the way!"

The hunky man in black unbuttoned his suit, and then unbuttoned the top button of his shirt.

These movements, people who often watch Laihu film and television dramas know that they are the rhythm of preparing to do it.Wu Long felt it was funny. Didn't these people know that he had won the former UFC champion and also trained the current UFC champion?

"Do you think that you are very good because you have won the former UFC champion?"

"Do you think that if a UFC champion like Rocky is your student, you are very good?"

"You think you're good at filming a bad movie and playing a tough guy in it?"

"Come on, right here, I will show you what real fighting is!"

Wu Long looked around.It seemed to be very cooperative, and no one passed by at this time.

He looked at the camera.I exchanged a prop card and confirmed that there are no follow-up problems when I do it myself.

"You want me to teach you a lesson? Yes, you make the first move." Out of caution, Wu Long decided to let the other party make the first move.

The hunk in black turned his neck.

"Are you sure? I will strike first, and you have no chance to fight back."

"You're so long-winded."

The hunk in black nodded, hoo, and punched Wu Long on the head.

This punch is quite fast!

Even if the ufc champion, the fist will not be faster than this punch.No wonder the hunk in black is so confident.

Wu Long dodged the opponent's fist, and took a step back to avoid the opponent's second punch to his abdomen.


The macho man in black swiped at Wu Long's head with his whip.

As soon as his feet brushed Wu Long's shoulder, he flew three meters away and fell heavily to the ground.

It turned out that Wu Long stepped forward first and hit the Tanzhong acupoint on the black-clothed hunk.With this palm, Wu Long kept his hand.

Where the law is, he is not good at beating people to death.

However, the Tanzhong acupoint of the macho man in black has been wounded, leaving hidden diseases.This internal injury can't be cured by rubbing medicinal wine alone.Without special massage techniques, this internal injury will always exist.Neither CT nor MRI can find out.

In the future, if a macho man in black wants luck and exerts great strength, his heart and lungs will hurt.Want to hit someone again?Impossible.Even if you do that kind of thing, you have to be careful.

Wu Long walked past the hunk in black, looking down at the man in pain but unable to scream.

Smiled and continued to move forward.

At the corner, a gun was pointed at the side of Wu Long's head.

"Don't move, little bug from the east, watch out for my gun to go off."

"So, if you can't fight, you just use your gun?" Wu Long asked the other party.

"I made a bet with him that he couldn't beat you, and now he lost. However, you still have to go to my boss. I advise you not to resist, I will really shoot. People like you, it is okay to die here People will help you find out the truth, understand?"

"I said you didn't investigate me? I wrote a script with a line in it. Even if you put a gun to my head, I can let you see your own brain in a second. Of course, I'm not going to kill people. But it's easy to stop you from shooting."

With a sudden swing of his head, Wu Long hid from the muzzle of the gun.The opponent didn't actually want to shoot, but even if the opponent wanted to shoot, his fingers couldn't pull the trigger.

The Eagle Claw Kungfu firmly grasps the opponent's wrist, clasps the opponent's numb tendons, makes the opponent's entire arm numb and loses consciousness.

With the other hand, Wu Long also grabbed the lute bone on the opponent's other shoulder with his eagle claws, causing the opponent's other arm to lose consciousness.

Before the opponent reacted and wanted to kick, Wu Long kicked the opponent's knees first.The opponent suddenly felt numb in his knees, and almost couldn't stand still, how could he kick someone.

Wu Long grabbed the opponent's wrist, and inserted the iron knot in the opponent's hand into the waistband of the opponent's trousers.

"I knew you were here, and I still came over. Do you know why? Because I am very confident. Even if you shoot, you are not as fast as me."

"Watch more of my movies and TV shows, the actions in them are all real."

Wu Long let go of his hand and continued walking.This person will never shoot again in this life.Because of his fingers, he could no longer pull the trigger.

The hunky man in black couldn't hold his hands trembling, his knees were numb and he couldn't move his feet. He could only look at Wu Long's back viciously.

A blond beauty in a black professional suit appeared in front of Wu Long, with fair skin, black silk, and a smile.

"Mr. Wu Long, hello. If you can come to me alone, it means that you have passed my boss's test. My boss, Ms. Dylan, sincerely invites you to taste wine with her."

"My boss ordered that in the future when Mr. Wu Long comes to Los Angeles, I can accompany you and serve you. Whatever you want, I can satisfy you."

Wu Long didn't say anything, just walked past the other party and pressed the elevator button.

The blond beauty was not angry, but came behind Wu Long with a scent.Said in a characteristic voice:

"My boss's full name is Lily Dylan. Her assets are more than the richest man in your country. Her business and contacts are all over the world. If you want to develop in Merican and become popular all over the world, she can provide you with Great help and makes your goals easy to accomplish."

"But if you go against her wishes..."

"I think you should know that in a country where money is paramount, your kung fu is so insignificant and ridiculous, even pitiful."

Wu Long didn't look back, but said lightly:

"Your boss should hire some real brains. I really can't figure out why she would choose to offend me."


The elevator door opened, and Wu Long walked into the elevator.

Item card confirmed, safe.

In fact, if it is not safe, Tmall Jiuminggong will remind him.Since Tmall Nine Lives has not reminded, it is safe.

Wu Long felt that he was still too cautious.

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