I'm not just an action star

Chapter 335 300 Warriors, Victory!


"This pass!"

The crowd cheered and applauded!

It's not easy, a 3-minute long action shot!

Although the long shot of the battle in the shopping mall is longer.But in that long shot, Wu Long was performing more alone.

In this long shot, Zeng Zihong is fighting with him.

The dagger in Zeng Zihong's hand is real.Even if it is not sharpened, there is a certain danger.In the middle of the fight, he changed hands twice with the knife. First, he swung it out with his right hand, and then the short knife spun and flew to his left hand. After receiving the knife with his left hand, he scratched Wu Long's right abdomen.

Holding a knife in his left hand, he attacked from top to bottom, but was blocked by Wu Long with a stick.Zeng Zihong let go of the knife, the knife fell and was caught by his right hand, and continued to attack Wu Long.

These two tricks are the easiest to make mistakes.Once you make a mistake, you have to retake it.

Fortunately, Zeng Zihong made no mistakes, and everyone was very satisfied with Zeng Zihong's performance.Because including the staff, most of them are from Hong Kong Island.I am very happy to see that someone on Hong Kong Island finally has a chance to stand out.

Fang Zhuming is also considered to be in his early years, but in everyone's eyes, Fang Zhuming cannot play the leading role.Besides, with one more person, there will be more hope for Hong Kong Island.It is no longer said that the current Hong Kong Island is a sunset movie.

"Another pass, Brother Long is so powerful!" Liu Jinqiu praised.

"Hongzi is not bad, hold on!" Lin Shangxiong praised.

Zeng Zihong stood up on the ground and wiped the fake blood on his face with his hands.

"When I was filming killing other people before, I felt like I was in the drama. Now I am acting opposite Brother Long, this feeling is more real!"

"I feel like I am a killer. I have trained those moves for many years, and I will never make mistakes. After the performance, I finally know what it means to act well!"

He hadn't acted against Wu Long before, and Wu Long's Wuxiang Gong was only a side effect.Now playing against Wu Long, directly affected by Wuxiang Gong, the fighting is naturally smoother.

He has practiced his movements very proficiently, and after being brought into the play by Wu Long, he will basically not make mistakes.

Even the cameraman is brought into the film world, feeling that he is integrated with the camera, can accurately control the camera position as required, and shoot the desired picture.

Wu Long's filming is fast, and it is basically a pass.

The final fight scene is the final duel between Wu Long and Fang Zhuming.

There are many difficulties in this fight scene if you want to take a shot to the end.In the end, it is still a long shot!

During the filming of Wu Long, it was screened all over the world.

It's a pity that because the film was too bloody, it was not introduced to the mainland for broadcast.

Taking time out, Wu Long came to Los Angeles to attend the premiere.

He and several actors, as well as the hunky men who acted in the group, were wearing costumes from inside.It is said to be a costume, but it is actually wearing a pair of shorts, a red cape, and a knife hanging around the waist.A shield in one hand and a spear in the other.

One by one, muscular men reappeared at the premiere, which immediately caused many screams.

Wu Long struck the shield with his spear.

"Boom! Boom! Boom!"

All the hunks tapped on the shields.

"Boom! Boom!"

Wu Long shouted: "Sparta!"

All the hunks shouted: "Aww!"

The audience screamed louder.

Wu Long led all the hunks in formation, allowing the audience to experience for themselves the shocking sense of unison.

Then, the main actors performed the actions in the film.

Wu Long's performance is not the action in the film.First, he performed the routine of shield and spear, and the shield danced in his hands.

When the spear was thrust out, the sound of the wind could be faintly heard.

After performing the routine of shield and spear, perform the routine of sword and shield again.

In the background is a group of shirtless men shouting rhythmically: "Sparta!"

It was really hormonal throughout the premiere.

The film begins with a dark tone.The previous narration did not make people feel anything, and it seemed a bit unremarkable.

When the film came to 50 minutes and [-] seconds, the Persian envoy jumped out of the horizon from the dark clouds and light on horseback, and the sense of oil painting and the artistic beauty of the picture rushed to the face.

MV slow motion, plus epic dubbing.

The horses and cavalry under the backlight make people feel that the war is coming!

The use of slow motion at this time gives people an aura of dark clouds gradually pressing down from the sky before the heavy rain.

War is coming!

War is coming!

People's nervousness is suddenly brought up by this kind of MV slow motion like a Chinese ink painting.

The bows and arrows on the backs of the cavalry are so conspicuous against the background of the sky.

Afterwards, the camera followed the cavalry envoys, and the picture changed accordingly.From Chinese ink painting to Western oil painting.

Mountains, sky, wheat fields, light and shadow.

The screen turned again, the city under the mountain, the beam of light falling among the dark clouds, the messenger seems to be bringing Persian iron cavalry to invade!

The arrogant messenger of Persia even threatened the king of Sparta.King Leonidas got angry and yelled:

"This is Sparta!"

All the missionaries were killed!

The audience applauded after watching it, cool!

Don't dare to kill?

As a king, the queen was publicly insulted and threatened with slavery and death.If you dare not resist, what kind of iron-blooded warrior is he?

When Leonidas led the expedition, the texture of oil painting finally appeared.

The golden wheat fields, mountains, clouds and light beams, seem to be performing in oil paintings.

Especially the red cloak, so conspicuous.

The real battle scene appeared, and the Spartan warriors took advantage of the geographical advantage of the narrow passage to fight against the Persian army with 300 people.

Shield and spear battle, bloody stabbing to death.The audience who saw this way of fighting for the first time was very excited.This kind of battle is bloodier and more exciting than the battle in Li.

.The Spartan warriors showed strict discipline and obeyed orders in every move.If you say push, you can push, if you say stab, you can stab.

Everyone, with the cooperation of each other, blocked ten with one!

The enemy retreated.

The people in front lined up and pushed forward, and the people behind made up for the enemy soldiers who were not yet dead.

"No prisoners!"


. "No mercy!"


Next, Leonidas starring Wu Long rushed out to fight, charging with a shield and a spear.

The slow motion of the mv reappeared. The beautiful oil painting picture, rough muscle lines, Wu Long's standard and powerful movements, showed the hormones and macho with a very violent beauty, which made the audience excited and excited.

Yellow sand, flying dust, light beams and phantoms, and blood splattered in slow motion.

Let killing become picturesque.

He threw his spear and stabbed the enemy soldiers in the distance, drew his sword and began to cut people.Every time the knife is swung, there are scenes of blood splattering and enemy soldiers falling to the ground.

This is the real ancient war, this is the real ancient war.

.Flesh and blood flew everywhere, hands and feet were severed!

This is a cruel war!

This is, blood and sand!

The enemy was frightened, and the Spartan warriors used shields to form a wall and pushed them off the cliff.

However, because of the betrayal of the traitors, the Persian army knew another way to bypass the defense of the Spartan warriors.

The friendly forces retreated, but the Spartan warriors failed to retreat.

Back off, those behind will surrender.

They will use their own death to wake up and call on everyone to oppose the invaders.

Leonidas called Dirios, who was blind in one eye, and asked him to go back and spread the deeds of the three hundred warriors of Sparta everywhere, calling on everyone to rise up and resist.

"You have a big story to tell, a victory story."

"Victory!" Dirios repeated the word.

Although the Battle of Thermopylae failed and all those left behind would be sacrificed, they killed dozens of times more enemy troops than they did.

If everyone unites to resist and deal with killing more enemy troops, victory will be ushered in!

Leonidas and his three hundred warriors died, and a year later Dirios, with many more, shouted victory, and charged against the enemy.

At the end of the film, Wu Long did not use the original ending song, but used it.

The epic music sounded, and no one wanted to get up and leave, still immersed in the heroic sacrifice of the Spartan warriors just now.

The accompanying picture is not the original black silhouette, but the silhouette of the bloody Spartan warriors on the battlefield, splashing blood, and the slow motion of the MV in line with the rhythm of the melody.

When the enemy's arrows were fired at once, a female voice sang.


Arrows flew all over the sky, covering the sky.

The female voice that touched the soul made every audience stand up involuntarily.

When looking at the front, no one shed tears.When the lyrics were sung, accompanied by the Spartan warriors who died in battle, the audience at this time, regardless of gender, unknowingly shed tears for these warriors.

This is the power of classics!

This is music that touches the soul!

.Coupled with appropriate visuals, it will make people feel emotional and emotional.

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