I'm not just an action star

Chapter 334 A 3-Minute Long Shot in the Alley

In the second fight scene, Ma Jun beat Chen Guozhong and his men.Ma Jun thought it was wrong for them to kill the killer, and was finally questioned by Chen Guozhong what was right and what was wrong.

Back then, Ma Jun beat criminals into idiots, and all the police on Hong Kong Island supported him.


Ma Jun had nothing to say.

When Ma Jun saw that Wang Bao in prison could make a phone call freely, A Le asked for the phone, and was hurt by Wang Bao, Ma Jun finally understood why Chen Guozhong did this.

Wang Bao is too arrogant.It's okay to be arrogant outside, but it's also so arrogant in the detention room.Where is the detention room?Whose territory is it?The policeman would be hurt by Wang Bao in the detention room. He and other colleagues could only watch and worry, helpless and helpless. They had no dignity at all.

This also made Ma Jun decide to help everyone regain their dignity.

In the next fight scene, the killer A Jie played by Zeng Zihong appeared.

A Le was the first to be killed.A Le and Ma Jun went to buy guns, but they were separated by design, and A Le was killed by A Jie.

When Ma Jun rushed back, he could only shoot outside because he couldn't get in, but failed to save A Le.

In the original version, Ale couldn't even resist. First, Killer Jie shot and stabbed him in the right arm with a short knife. Then Killer Jie jumped over the small goal and flipped down to kick Ale's head.

This action was used in slow motion in the original version, which made the audience see that A Le seemed to be unable to hide, and waited foolishly to be kicked in place.It looks very fake to people. In order to shoot such an action, the actor deliberately does not move and waits to be kicked.

Wu Long doesn't know how to use slow motion, nor can he design such an action.Jumping into the air, somersaulting and kicking, this kind of gaudy looks cool, but Ale is not an ordinary person, he can definitely react.

Because he wanted to stab A Le's arm with a flying knife, Wu Long didn't design a long shot of the action.He changed some of the moves from the original version. When Killer Jie jumped over the small goal and flipped down to kick A Le, A Le backed away.Even if Ale's right arm is injured, he can still resist a few moves, so that he won't be slaughtered like a sandbag.

Being slaughtered can lift the mood, but it seems too incompetent and makes the whole film unbalanced.

The killer Jie killed A Le, and then went to kill Brother Chen and A Hua.

In the original version, Ah Hua and Brother Chen were attacked successively, but they also did not resist.Wu Long changed, the killer Jie killed Brother Chen first, and at this time A Hua was still talking with his mother on the other side of the phone, and did not notice the fight on the other side across the flower garden.

When Ah Hua ended the call and heard the movement from the other side of the flower garden rushing over, Brother Chen was seriously injured and fell to the ground, trying to crawl to pick up the wallet given by his daughter.

Killer Jie shot at A Hua, kicked A Hua's gun, and after a few fights, he also killed A Hua.

Chen Guozhong looked for Wang Bao, but was stabbed by Killer Jie and hung up.

Next, finally ushered in the most exciting fight in the film.

Fighting in the alley.

Ma Jun swung his stick to face the killer Jie dagger.

Different from the original version, the killer Jie played by Zeng Zihong holds a real and metal short knife, but it is not sharpened.

Wu Long had already asked Fang Zhuming to practice a swinging knife move to change hands.This is one of the more exciting shots in the play. The original version is two shots joined together.Wu Long wanted to take a long shot, so he couldn't edit it. Fang Zhuming had to practice before shooting.

Later, Zeng Zihong played the killer role, and Fang Zhuming asked Zeng Zihong to practice this trick.

Seeing the video shown by Wu Long, Zeng Zihong groaned secretly.This trick is very difficult.What if the practice is successful but not during filming?

"Brother Ming, is it difficult to practice?" Zeng Zihong asked at the time

Fang Zhuming replied that it was difficult to practice, but he managed it, but the success rate was not high.

"I practice every day whenever I have time, and I can always succeed." Fang Zhuming said, patting Zeng Zihong on the shoulder.

When filming this scene today, Wu Long asked Zeng Zihong when they met, "How did you practice the movement of turning the knife and changing hands?"

Zeng Zihong hurriedly said: "I have almost practiced, and I will succeed about eight out of ten times."

Such a success rate should be considered acceptable, Zeng Zihong thought so.In fact, the success rate is higher than this, almost every time.But that's just a practice result, and it's different from the actual shooting.

Shooting a long shot is inherently stressful, and he has to keep stepping back and change hands with Wu Long in the scene, so he dare not talk too much.

"Try ten times and I'll see." Wu Long asked strictly. "Just follow the script, I will do it when I push you back."

This is a requirement not to do it in situ, but also to do it while retreating.Assuming that the right hand is pressed by Wu Long, the knife is rotated and thrown out while retreating, and the left hand catches the knife to attack Wu Long.

"Okay, Brother Long." Zeng Zihong made a few preparations and moved his shoulders.Take a deep breath and start moving.

The first time, fail!

Zeng Zihong quickly apologized.

"I'm sorry, Brother Long."

He felt an invisible pressure in front of Wu Long.There was too much pressure, causing him to make mistakes.

In fact, Wu Long didn't put pressure on Zeng Zihong at all. Everything was imagined by Zeng Zihong himself, and he put pressure on himself.

The second time, it still failed!

"Wipe your sweat first, drink your saliva, don't be nervous."

"Thank you, Brother Long." Zeng Zihong hurriedly wiped off his sweat and drank water to stabilize his mood.

Finally, the third success, followed by consecutive successes.

"Okay. Let's do the trick first. After a few times, your knife won't cut me, and my swing stick won't hit you. Let's find out how to warm up, and then precisely control the camera position and lens. "

Wu Long signaled Zeng Zihong to make a move, and asked the cameraman to find the camera.

There are two identical throwing sticks used by Wu Long as Ma Jun.One is a real stick and the other is a fake stick.The dummy swing stick is a prop, it is soft, and even if it is hit hard on the head, it will not hurt very much.But some blood was beaten out and got on Zeng Zihong's head.

In the original version, when Ma Jun beat Killer Jie on the head with a stick, the camera was on Ma Jun.

Now it is different, because it is a long shot, Wu Long needs to change props and sticks, so the camera will switch to Wu Long's back, only Wu Long's upper body is shot from the back, and Zeng Zihong's side is shot.In this way, Wu Long can insert the real swinging stick into his lower back and change the props to swinging the stick.

In addition to the head start, there is also a shot of hitting the killer Jie's mouth. Wu Long also needs to do the same to change the props and throw the stick.It's just that Zeng Zihong bit the blood bag in his mouth when he slapped his mouth and spat out the plasma.

There is also a knife behind Wu Long's waist, which is the same shape as Zeng Zihong's.There is only a short section of the blade in the second half, which is Wu Long secretly changing the blade after grabbing Zeng Zihong's arm and twisting it back.Use this prop knife instead to cut the blood bag on Zeng Zihong's stomach.

When the time comes, the position moves down and the camera is aimed at Zeng Zihong's stomach. Visually, the front half of the knife will have cut into Zeng Zihong's abdomen.

Wu Long also had a blood bag on his body where he was cut.The clothes there are also specially treated.It looks fine on the outside, and the knife can cut without an edge.

The two tried more than a dozen times in the alley, and the camera position went smoothly, and the filming officially started.

"You follow the moves you practiced freely, don't be afraid of hurting me, you can't hurt me." Wu Long told Zeng Zihong.

He pointed to his right chest, right arm, right abdomen in turn, and said to Zeng Zihong with his left hand:

"You will cut my blood bag here. You don't have to worry about hurting me, I will control the distance to meet your knife, as long as you move properly, I will not be injured or make mistakes, no need to ng. "

Zeng Zihong was a little nervous, but still nodded to Wu Long and said, "I understand, Brother Long."


The camera starts with following Ma Jun, and uses long shots for the whole fight.

Carrying a bag of money, Ma Jun turned into the alley and saw Killer Jie waiting at the other end of the alley.He took out the throwing stick stuck in the back of his waist, swung it vigorously, and threw the stick out to prepare for battle.

From Ma Jun appearing in front of the camera to walking into the alley to prepare for battle, it took about 50 seconds.

Killer Jie turned his short knife around and walked towards Ma Jun.Then, there is a long-shot fight of about 3 minutes.

The camera is above and behind Ma Jun, the close-up is Ma Jun's back, and the long-range shot is Killer Jie dragging his dagger on the wall.When passing the billboard, he destroyed the billboard with a dagger, proving that the dagger in his hand is real.

Afterwards, Killer Jie turned the knife around and turned it into a short knife.

The two rushed towards each other.

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