I'm not just an action star

Chapter 333 "Slaying the Wolf"

The first fight scene of "Slaying the Wolf" has nothing to do with Zeng Zihong.He didn't stop coming, and he was still there to watch and help with things.

Wu Long's martial arts team is already well-known in the film and television circle.Even the dragon and tiger fighters of Hong Kong Island, who once stood at the top of the world's martial arts, have to admit that Wu Long's martial arts team has surpassed them in an all-round way.

The most convincing proof is that most of the movements designed by Wu Long are long shots of martial arts.

Moreover, his martial arts movements are not completed by accelerating or reducing frames, but at the original speed, which makes the audience look very real.

Even if it is necessary to hang Wi Ya, Wu Long's designed and requested movements, Wi Ya mostly provides protection and assistance.

Unlike the current martial arts or dragon and tiger martial artists, they rely too much on Wia, not the movements of martial arts itself.

Today, Zeng Zihong was fortunate to witness Wu Long's long-shot play, which was a very important learning opportunity for him.

In this long-shot action scene, Wu Long, Fang Zhuming, and Lin Shangxiong have collaborated many times, and everyone cooperated with each other tacitly.

Zhang Zikang also cooperated with Luo Chang and Qi Ke when he was filming "The Legend of the Condor Heroes" and "Swallow Shuangying", and he is familiar with Wu Long's action requirements.

This time he played the role of the chief executive who is about to retire, and he didn't play much.Based on his training when filming "The Legend of the Condor Heroes" and "Swallow Shuangying", it is enough to complete the movements that are not difficult.

The long shot begins when Wang Bao enters the hospital, and the camera shoots at Wang Bao and his party.Then the camera moved farther and higher to capture Chen Guozhong and others who were chasing from the other side.

Chen Guozhong and others stopped Wang Bao. When Wang Bao was about to be arrested, no one expected that Wang Bao would dare to resist in public and attack Guo Zichen who was about to handcuff Wang Bao.

"Have you practiced all the moves?" Wu Long asked everyone. "Fang Zhuming, you suddenly hit Brother Xiong first, and then kick Brother Kang to the ground. Then you hit Brother Xiong twice, kicking Brother Xiong to the ground, and you went over to hit Brother Xiong with a trash can."

"When you run, you have to make big strides and run with momentum!"

In the original version, during the dialogue between Jinbao and Dahua, Jinbao lacked aura and failed to truly perform Wang Bao's arrogance and domineering spirit.The biggest problem is that the eyes are not fierce enough, even blinking!

He shouldn't have blinked during this conversation.For example, in The Silence of the Lambs, Hannibal doesn't blink.

When Dahua performed, he rarely blinked.

During this conversation, Dahua didn't blink, but Duobao did, showing no arrogance at all.

Therefore, Wu Long deliberately emphasized to Fang Zhuming.

"During the conversation between you and Brother Kang, both of you should not blink. Because the opponents meet each other, they always stare into each other's eyes, like two beasts staring at each other. Only in this way can the aura be revealed."

Wu Long believes that under the influence of his Wuxiang Gong, Fang Zhuming will definitely show arrogance and domineering.

There is another problem with the original version. Except for Ma Jun, the others are too good.They are all important supporting roles, not to mention very good at fighting, at least they have to play two tricks.

Otherwise, such a supporting role is too different from the opponent's strength, which seems to be a sense of separation.Except for Ma Jun, Wang Bao, and the killer Ajie who can fight in the whole film, the others are far behind, and it seems that the balance is not enough.

Wu Long used Lin Shangxiong, Qi Ke, and Luo Chang, all of whom were born in martial arts, and even Zhang Zikang also had a foundation in action movies, so that the action shots of the whole movie will not be so abrupt and will not make people feel divided.

We tried a few times, got familiar with the position, and started shooting.

According to Wu Long's request, the shooting started when Wang Bao entered the hospital, and the camera didn't stop.

"Today is my brother's death taboo!"

"Come back with me..."

Guo Zichen stepped forward to handcuff Wang Bao, but Wang Bao made a sudden move, throwing the bag of nutrition in his right hand directly on Guo Zichen's head, and kicked Chen Guozhong in the stomach.

In the distant view of the camera, Ma Jun is facing a king BMW who is rushing towards him, grabbing him and pressing him to the ground.

The plane turned to the left of Wang Bao and the right of Guo Zichen, higher than the head.A distant view could be seen, and Chen Guozhong was kicked to the ground.

Wang Bao hit Guo Zichen with a backhand sweeping hammer with his left hand, and Guo Zichen blocked it with a boxing fist.

"Hiss—" Guo Zichen showed a painful expression on his face.

Wang Bao's attack was blocked, with his left hand pointing at the elbow, he turned his forearm, and circled under Guo Zichen's left arm to Guo Zichen's chest, and punched Guo Zichen's heart with his fist.

Guo Zichen blocked Wang Bao's attack again with his right hand across his chest.

The plane circled from behind Wang Bao to the upper right side of Wang Bao. Wang Bao kicked out his whip leg with his right foot and swept towards Guo Zichen's head. Guo Zichen backed away to avoid it.

The camera position moved from the upper right side of Wang Bao to the upper left side of Guo Zichen. In the distant view, it can be seen that Wang Bao's horse is being controlled by other policemen.

Wang Bao missed Guo Zichen with his whip leg, he turned around and kicked Guo Zichen flying with his right foot.

The camera quickly retreated one step ahead, as if being kicked away at the same time as Guo Zichen.Because the camera is at the top, Ma Jun can be seen looking up at the battle here in the distance.

Wang Bao put the plush toy in his hand on the sofa, and strode towards Guo Zichen.In just two steps, he was in front of Guo Zichen who fell to the ground.


Yuanjing's Ma Jun saw that the situation was not good, so he knocked Wang Bao's horse unconscious with a knife, and also rushed over with big strides.

Wang Bao grabbed the trash can knocked down by Guo Zichen, trying to smash Guo Zichen on the ground.

Seeing that Wang Bao's trash can was about to hit Guo Zichen, Ma Jun arrived and kicked the trash can away.

Wang Bao was furious and hit Ma Jun with his fists in turn. Ma Jun landed on the ground and rushed to fight. Wang Bao grabbed his arms and tripped his feet. He twisted his waist and threw Ma Jun out with his backhand, hitting the coffee table next to him.


The tea table was smashed by Ma Jun.

Zeng Zihong's eyes widened suddenly.

It's amazing, it's really smashing, and it's still under the long shot!

Really fierce!

The distance and the control of the movements must be in place.All the action scenes, this kind of shot of smashing the coffee table with people, were all shot separately and edited together in post-production, there is no long shot at all.

Because in long shots, it is difficult to achieve precise control, even if the coffee table is a manipulated prop, actors are easily injured.

Unexpectedly, Wu Long taught him a lesson as soon as he came up, which opened his eyes.

The filming did not stop. After Wang Bao smashed Ma Jun into the coffee table, he attacked Ma Jun on the ground.After Ma Jun was beaten, he hugged Wang Bao and tried to drag Wang Bao into the ground.Wang Bao rolled continuously, throwing Ma Jun away.He was on top of Ma Jun again, pressing down on Ma Jun to fight.

In the distant view, Chen Guozhong rushed over, a fish leap pushed Wang Bao away from Ma Jun, and both of them fell to the ground.

Wang Bao wanted to stand up and beat Chen Guozhong, but Ma Jun didn't stand up completely, so he jumped on Wang Bao and pushed Wang Bao to the ground again.

Ma Jun and Chen Guozhong held down one arm of Wang Bao.Wang Bao wanted to use his foot, but Guo Zichen rushed over to hold him down.Together, the three finally captured Wang Bao.

This more than two minutes of footage is over.

In the whole long shot, in the first 30 seconds or so, Wang Bao was stopped when he entered the hospital, and it was Wang Bao who did it.The next minute and 30 seconds are all fighting moves.

The people around could see the excitement.

Zeng Zihong applauded first.

"Brother Long, you are too powerful!"

"Such an action long shot, every time I see the whole shot."

"One pass, I really can't believe it!"

What Zeng Zihong said was the truth, and I really admire it.Even if you shoot long action shots, it’s unbelievable that you can still pass through them in one pass.Even if it is not an action long shot, some more complex long shots cannot guarantee a pass.

He once heard that Wu Long shot very quickly, because many scenes were one-off.This saves a lot of time and manpower.Now that I have finally seen it with my own eyes, I know that the rumors are true.

Fang Zhuming said: "You will know when you shoot with Brother Long. With Brother Long taking you into the scene, you will forget yourself and think that you are the character. All the movements you have practiced can be perfectly displayed. That feeling is really real. It's great!"

Lin Shangxiong came over and patted Zeng Zihong on the shoulder.

"You're lucky to be able to film with Brother Long. No matter how many people steal their heads, there is no such opportunity. Young people, cherish it!"

"Brother Xiong, don't worry, I will cherish this opportunity!" Zeng Zihong hurriedly promised.

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