I'm not just an action star

Chapter 332 There is a Newcomer

"Long, do you need to show your kung fu in this escape scene?"

Wu Long shook his head.

"Using kung fu can show that Hannibal is very strong, but it is not scary. Because this man is very difficult to fight, everyone knows that he is very powerful, and subconsciously already has a heart of defense."

"If Hannibal has no kung fu and looks like an ordinary person, but he can brutally kill people, this kind of talent will make people feel even more terrifying. Because, we are surrounded by ordinary people, and everyone imagines in their hearts, what if The ordinary people around Tian are Hannibal, don't you think it's scary?"

Demi nodded in agreement.What Wu Long said made sense. What he knew was scary was actually not that scary.Things that are not considered scary suddenly appear scary, and this contrast makes people feel even more terrifying.

It seems that Wu Long knows the way of fear so well that he can write such a complicated and terrifying classic.

The two actors who played the guard felt regretful, feeling that they hadn't been able to see Wu Long's kung fu, and the movie wasn't attractive enough.

As a result, when the filming was over, the two hadn't fully come out of the scene.

"It's terrible, Wu Long, I feel that you are not an actor, you are that perverted murderer!"

"I don't know if I have entered the drama. After my hands were suddenly handcuffed, my heart was full of despair!"

Wu Long's speed is very fast.When the guard squatted down to take the plate, the handcuffs were swished on his wrists.

"I was shocked when I saw you being handcuffed! Wu Long is like a magician, conjuring handcuffs out of thin air and handcuffing them to your hand. I feel that something big is going to happen, and you are probably going to die! "

"When I was reading the script, I also acted many times with shaking hands and being unable to remove the handcuffs. I wanted to act more realistically. But just now, I didn't need to act if I couldn't remove the handcuffs. I really couldn't remove the handcuffs! At that time Seeing that pervert's mouth was full of blood, my hands trembled uncontrollably, and I couldn't calm down at all. I kept shouting in my heart, it's over, it's over, I'm next, he's going to eat me!"

"When he grabbed it, I felt like a prey that was sent to the mouth. Then he bit it. I felt like I was going to be eaten by him."

"When he picked up the baton, I literally screamed in despair. I didn't even realize I was acting. I thought I was dealing with a murderous maniac."

Demi also shrank his body.

"Don't talk about you, when I was watching on the monitor, I almost wanted to run away. It's too scary, I can feel his abnormality through the screen."

"I even wanted to pick up my phone and call the police, but fortunately I didn't press the dial button in the end."

In Hannibal's scene, after filming the escape scene, he called Clarice at the end of the credits, and then followed Dr. Chilton away.

On the phone, Hannibal asked Clarice if the lambs had stopped screaming.In the end, Hannibal didn't hear Clarice's answer.

Clarice didn't answer, and Hannibal didn't press further.

Wu Long finished shooting the 6-minute scene in the movie very quickly. After filming, he left Merrican Country and went back to film his own scene.

It's not easy to shoot this movie in the mainland, but it has to be filmed in Hong Kong Island.Even in the mainland, it may not be able to be screened, and there may be two versions.

Speaking of Hong Kong Island, Wu Long has won Best Actor for three consecutive times here, which is really a bit embarrassing.

In addition to Hooska, the film awards in March also include Hong Kong Island's Golden Fragrance Awards.Wu Long returned to Hong Kong Island to participate in the Golden Fragrance Awards before filming.

It can almost sweep at Hoscar, and it must be a sweep at Hong Kong Island Golden Awards.

Wu Long won the Best Actor Award at the Golden Fragrance Award again.Therefore, I feel boring if I take too much.Thinking about it, he will not participate in the Golden Fragrance Awards in the future.With this idea, Wu Long did not announce it specifically.No need, as long as everyone knows.

Besides, if he announced that he would participate again, he would be slapping himself in the face.

After the new film was decided, Liu Jinqiu and the others were notified because it would start filming on Hong Kong Island.For investment, Wu Long, Xing Zhongfei's Feiyun Entertainment, and Liu Jinqiu's Tianwu Film and Television Entertainment Company will invest in three parties.

Everyone earns money, so they will not be isolated.

Wu Long's market focus has been placed on the international market, and Luo Chang, Qi Ke, and Fang Zhuming have also gained some fame.Whether they can break out by themselves depends on them.

However, from Wu Long's point of view, it's a little hanging.

Because they themselves do not have star appearance.It's okay to play a supporting role, but it's difficult to play a leading role.

Star luck is really mysterious to say the least.

Liu Jinqiu still has vision in this regard, or people in the film and television industry on Hong Kong Island have some vision.After the Golden Fragrance Award Ceremony, they came to chat with Wu Long together and congratulated Wu Long for winning the Golden Fragrance Award.

Wu Long has been the Best Actor in the Golden Fragrance Awards for three consecutive times, and these people have always complimented Wu Long, the three-time Best Actor.

Inside the words, the implication is that Wu Long will give Hong Kong Island movies a way out.

They didn't ask Wu Long not to participate in the Golden Fragrance Awards on Hong Kong Island. It would be too embarrassing to say so, and the price of the Golden Fragrance Awards would drop directly.

They want to ask Wu Long to guide the newcomers.

This newcomer was originally from Merrickan, and he went to the imperial capital to learn martial arts. Now he has joined Hong Kong Island to develop on Hong Kong Island.

At that time, a young man named Zeng Zihong met Wu Long, the big boss among the younger big shots under the recommendation of the big shots.

Wu Long in Hong Kong Island is really a big boss among big shots.

No one in the film and television industry dares to dissatisfy, really dare not.

Regardless of the prefix in Hong Kong Island, many people respect him as a big boss.

Sometimes Wu Long's words are more effective than those words with prefixes.

Even if they wanted Wu Long to act as a big boss of the underground culture of Hong Kong Island, Wu Long did not act, but played a policeman instead, and they did not abandon Wu Long.

Because Wu Long has been deified by them and has become their spiritual idol.

In fact, everyone knows it in their hearts.

Black is black and white is white.

Wu Long asked Zeng Zihong to fight a set of punches, and asked him to compete with Fang Zhuming, and agreed to let Zeng Zihong play a role in the new film.

At that time, Wu Long said so.

"There is a character in my new movie, a killer, will you play it or not?"

The film and television industry in Hong Kong Island asked him to help guide newcomers, no problem.Let's play a supporting role first, or a killer, shall we play it or not?

Don't act, don't blame me for not giving a chance.

"Don't rush to answer, I haven't finished yet."

"This character had a fight with me. He used a short knife and I took a stick. It was a real fight. My stick will hit you on the head. It will hurt. It may take a week to reduce the swelling. You first Think it through."

Zeng Zihong didn't think about it, and immediately agreed.

"Brother Long, I act. There is no filming without injury. I have also been a dragon and tiger martial artist, and I have been injured. I am not afraid."

Wu Long nodded:

"Okay, the role of killer is given to you."

The role of killer was originally given to Fang Zhuming.Since Hong Kong Island wants to promote newcomers, Fang Zhuming is given the role of killer, and the original boss role is changed from Lin Shangxiong to Fang Zhuming.

By the way, let Fang Zhuming teach Zeng Zihong the moves and routines he designed, so that when he comes back to film, he can get started faster.

Before Wu Long came to Hong Kong Island, Liu Jinqiu made all the preparations, and even filmed some dramas without Wu Long.Now that Wu Long is back, he immediately threw himself into the play.


Ma Jun, the new chief who is about to take office, played by Wu Long.

Chen Guozhong, also known as Brother Zhong, is about to retire as an officer, played by Zhang Zikang.

Lu Guanhua, also known as Ahua, is Chen Guozhong's subordinate, played by Qi Ke.

Guo Zichen, also known as Brother Chen, is under Chen Guozhong, played by Lin Shangxiong.

Li Chuanle, also known as Ale, is Chen Guozhong's subordinate, played by Luo Chang.

Wang Bao, Brother Bao, a certain Fang boss, played by Fang Zhuming.

In the first fight scene, Wang Bao was arrested in the hospital, but Wang Bao resisted, and everyone joined forces to subdue him.

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