I'm not just an action star

Chapter 331 Everyone Has a Screaming Lamb in Their Heart

Hannibal has four scenes in the dungeon, three with Clarice and one with Dr. Chilton.In the scene with Dr. Chilton, Dr. Chilton was so happy to get the name of the serial killer that he dropped his pen on Hannibal's bed.

How the pen fell, the movie did not give a full shot.It was only in this scene that the scene and hint of the pen were given. Later, when Dr. Chiton signed, he could not find the pen, which confirmed the hint.Hannibal used the parts on the pen to open the handcuffs.

That's why glass doors are used to block, and all things must be transported through the movable food shelf next to it, and only soft things can be transported.Because Hannibal can save himself with everything he can.

Dr. Chilton, in his joy, forgot this important rule.

Hannibal is no ordinary psychopath, he's an ogre.He told Clarice that once an investigator tried to test him, and Hannibal ate his liver with fava beans.

In addition to the four scenes in the dungeon, Hannibal also has a scene at the airport.Here, he wears a half-mask and meets with congresswomen.

Hannibal's eyes had a characteristic that he rarely blinked.

Without blinking, people who see him always feel being stared at by a pair of eyes, as if being stared at by a predator.

Director Demi didn't realize this at first.Waiting to watch a lot on the monitor, whenever Wu Long appears on the monitor, he always feels like a prey that cannot escape.Even sleep is not restful.

The two most exciting scenes in the whole film are the scenes in the 404 court building.

Here, Clarice and Hannibal have a wonderful rivalry.

Hannibal is a psychiatrist and also a psychologist. He can make people in other cells bite off their tongues and commit suicide with only language skills across the cell.

Clarice couldn't resist in front of Hannibal.

In the end, she was forced to tell Hannibal about her childhood shadow because she wanted to save others.

Hannibal saw the tears in Clarice's eyes, and she was talking about the screaming lamb with tears in her eyes.The story was different from what he deduced.

The lamb is not only a metaphor for a person who does not know how to resist or is unable to resist, but also a person's childhood.

Everyone who is mentally ill or has psychological problems has shadows in most of his childhood.

Hannibal sees that Clarice has a shadow, and thinks that Clarice's childhood shadow is the same as him and other people with psychological problems, which are unfortunate encounters.

As a result, just the opposite.Although Clarice had childhood misfortune, it was other people's misfortune that cast a shadow on her heart.

Clarice's mother died young, and her father, who was a policeman when she was ten years old, was killed by gangsters.But she was very strong and still wanted to save the lamb.

This is why Hannibal is finally willing to help Clarice.

This detail is revealed in Hannibal's conversation with Clarice.

Clarice said she was woken up by the sound of children screaming, went out to find the source of the sound, and saw the lamb being slaughtered.

At this time, Hannibal specifically asked, "Then you ran away?"

Lambs are irresistible, and ten-year-old Clarice is also a lamb, so Hannibal asked that on purpose.

Many people with psychological problems, in their dark childhood experience, are like lambs who cannot resist and can only be silent.

Because when a sheep is slaughtered, it will not cry at all!

The so-called lamb is crying, it is Clarice's inner helplessness after becoming an orphan at the age of ten, and her hatred for criminals!

Hannibal thought that Clarice would just run away, so that Screaming Lamb would become Clarice's mental illness.

However, Hannibal got the opposite answer, and it was also the answer he was least willing to see.

Clarice said she didn't run away right away, but wanted to save the sheep.However, a scene that Clarice didn't understand appeared, the sheep didn't escape, they were still standing there, very confused, refusing to leave.

Hannibal saw that Clarice wasn't lying, but he didn't want to believe that he was wrong.

He made a mistake, which meant he lost to Clarice.

So he immediately interrupted Clarice, saying:

"But you can go, and you go, don't you?"

He didn't let Clarice tell the result, he first said his guess, to prove that he was right, he was smarter than Clarice, he was above Clarice.

As a result, although Clarice said that she did escape, she picked up a sheep.

A ten-year-old child, a girl, cannot save a sheep.

Hannibal guessed that Clarice was hurt after being caught.And he thought that Clarice would run back to her bedroom with the sheep in her arms, which was also an expression of helplessness, inability to resist, and only silence.So ask where Clarice escaped to.

As a result, Clarice said she didn't know. She had no food or water, and it was very cold, very cold.She thought she could save at least one sheep.As a result, the sheep was too heavy, and she was stopped by the police before she could go far.

The ranch owner was angry and sent her to an orphanage.

"How are your sheep?" Hannibal asked the key.

"They killed it." The sheep couldn't escape its fate in the end, leaving a shadow in Clarice's heart.

This made Clarice feel helpless and incompetent.If she can save the lamb, it is equivalent to saving her father, and she will not lose her father after losing her mother.

Hannibal asks if Clarice often wakes up in the dark because of these screaming lambs.

Clarice admitted.

"Do you believe that if Catherine is rescued, the lambs will stop screaming? Do you believe that if Catherine is alive, you won't be awakened by those terrifying sheep's cries in the dark night."

Hannibal thought he had guessed right this time, but Clarice shook her head.

"I do not know."

At this moment, Hannibal still didn't blink, but his eyes were no longer sharp, but showed a trace of tenderness and concern.

He said thanks to Clarice, which was an admission that he had deduced wrong and lost to Clarice.

Buffalo Bill, Hannibal himself, and those perverts with psychological problems are all due to the shadow of bad childhood.Like the silent lambs, they don't know how to escape and save themselves, so they embark on the path of crime.

Hannibal was clearly aware of his abnormality, and knew that he could not change it.

He also has a screaming lamb in his heart, but he doesn't know how to deal with it.

Once, his method was to deal with people who caused his inner lamb to scream, but this method was not successful.Because there are many, many such people.When such a person reappears, his inner lamb will reappear.

But Clarice did not give an affirmative answer. Hannibal thought that Clarice was very similar to himself, smart enough, understanding enough, and strong enough.

Hannibal knew this from the fact that Clarice wanted to be an FBI agent, and she was a lamb and wanted to save the lamb.

And Clarice wanted to be a federal investigator and arrest criminals because her father was killed by criminals.She wants to inherit her father's career and avenge her father!

But will the lamb in Clarice stop screaming?

Hannibal thought it was impossible, because Clarice was a beauty!

He once said that Clarice was harassed in various ways, and Clarice did not object.

There are many reminders of this in the video.For example, when she was sitting in the elevator, she was surrounded by many men, and the height difference was compared.When she went to the autopsy, there were also many police officers around her, which was also a comparison of heights.

Dr. Chilton harassed her.

Dr. Chiton also pointed out that her teacher and boss specially asked her, a beauty, to come to Hannibal.

When investigating Chrysalis, that boy also harassed her.

Even because she was driven back, the man turned her head and looked at her while walking on the street.

When Hannibal wanted to tell Clarice, Dr. Chilton came.Hannibal didn't say anything, but asked Clarice instead.

"You'll let me know when the lambs stop screaming, won't you?"

When Hannibal gave Clarice the file with clues, Hannibal touched Clarice with his index finger.

This not only expresses his love and appreciation for Clarice, but also means inheritance.

In the oil painting, God touches Adam's fingertips.This implication appeared in many European and American films in Wu Long's previous life. Even aliens play tricks with earthlings.

At this point, careful viewers will find that Clarice is wearing a ring on her ring finger.

It was this ring that made Hannibal guess that Clarice put the ring on her ring finger to avoid being harassed.

The lamb in Clarice never stops screaming, especially when she actually cracks a big case.

Greed is the root of all evil.

Each of us is looking for something to covet.Including Hannibal and Clarice, but so are the others.

Clarice solved such a big case at such a young age, it's so enviable!

She is another beautiful woman!

That's why Clarice couldn't make the lamb stop screaming forever.

That's why Hannibal asked Clarice to tell him if the lamb had stopped screaming.

Maybe this time, after Clarice rescues Catherine, she will not hear the lamb screaming for a while.But when new troubles arose, Hannibal believed that Clarice must have heard the lamb screaming again.

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