Falling in love with you, I'm not just an action superstar

Zhu Di didn't believe Wu Long's so-called bringing her into the play.She believes in her career, she always thinks that she is a good actor, and her acting skills are no worse than those female stars who won the Best Actress Award at the Horsca.

After Demi shouted "action", Judy immediately entered the state.

According to Wu Long's arrangement, this segment has been filmed.Several camera positions are shot together, and the shot is finished in one shot.Cut separately when editing later, so as to maintain the continuity of the state and maintain the continuous integrity of all shots.

In the later stage, the camera and photographer will be erased with technology.Although it costs more money, Wu Long thinks it's worth it.Besides, this erasing technology used to be very expensive, but now with the maturity of this technology, the cost is quite cheap.

This is the benefit brought by the upgrading of digital software technology.

The passage in the basement of the mental hospital, with the wall on the right and the cell on the left.All kinds of mental patients, or people with psychological problems or perverts are imprisoned inside.

The iron door in front of the passage opened, and Judy, who entered the state, looked a little nervous, and she entered the role of Clarice Starling.

The camera is in front of Judy, filming Judy trying to hide her nervousness, taking a deep breath, and walking into the passage of the underground cell.

Eye blinks, mouth twitches, heads turned, every detail reflects the trepidation of a trainee investigator entering the dreaded dungeon of a mental institution.

Every time she saw a mental patient, her expression changed in contrast.

Fear, worry, tension, pretend to be calm, force yourself to calm down, and calm your violently beating heart.

When she came to the last cell and saw Wu Long, Zhu Di suddenly felt that she had forgotten the cameraman, the director, and that this was a movie.

I just thought that I was Clarice Starling, and it was not Wu Long standing in the cell, but Dr. Hannibal Lecter, the psychiatrist that Clarice Starling was going to meet.

Psychiatrists locked up in mental hospital dungeons must be amusing to ordinary people.But Clarice, who knew Hannibal's background well, was not only not amused, but also worried and scared.

The dungeons where other mental patients are locked are iron bars.

The dungeon that Hannibal locked was a glass door!

Don't let him have the opportunity to contact the outside world!

Otherwise, the consequences are unimaginable!

To use the analogy of a prisoner in prison, Hannibal is a felon!

Through the glass door, Clarice saw a person standing in the middle of the cell, who seemed to be smiling.Because of the light of the light, he couldn't see his eyes clearly hidden in the shadows.

Not good for an investigator who is used to making judgments by looking at people's eyes.

Behind Wu Long, there is a camera shooting out.Zhu Di was captured by the camera because of the changes in Wu Long's influence on entering the play.

This kind of expression change is more colorful than the expression changes of other mental patients before.

This also brings out how terrifying Hannibal played by Wu Long is.Just looking at it can make people feel chills involuntarily from the bottom of their hearts.

Demi, who was watching the monitor, made a fist with his right hand and tapped the palm of his left hand, expressing that Judy's performance was really good.

Before, he was opposed to Wu Long's request in his heart. He didn't think it was necessary to set up so many camera seats.The shots can be shot separately, even if they are shot consecutively, they still need to be edited in the end, so why bother.

But now, seeing the scene of Judy's changing expression, Demi felt that Wu Long deserved to be the one who won the best director of Hoska, and the arrangement seemed to be known in advance.

You know, great performances are not necessarily repeatable.If they were filmed separately, it would be difficult to have such a wonderful expression change without Judy having seen the accumulation of this passage.

"Good morning." Hannibal greeted Clarice first.

Clarice's expression changed again, and it was obvious that she was forcing herself to calm down, introducing herself as naturally as possible, pretending that she was not afraid.

But, unfortunately, even Demi, who was in front of the monitor, could hear that Judy's voice, movements and expressions were unnatural.

But, this is exactly what the movie wants!

Judy's performance is so good, her acting skills are not worse than those of Hoscar's Best Actress.

On the contrary, Wu Long, who boasted that his acting skills are very good and can bring people into the play, in Demi's view, his acting skills are very average, and Zhu Di is inferior to him.

Because, Wu Long's performance of Hannibal did not scare Demi.

After listening to Clarice's self-introduction, Hannibal still stood where he was.There was still that half-smile smile on his face.

At this point, he could already see his eyes.It seemed that it was because of the sight of the woman, the brilliance and joy in the eyes.

"You're from Crawford, aren't you?"

Suddenly, Demi in front of the monitor finally realized that Hannibal played by Wu Long was a little weird.

Wu Long remained motionless from the neck down, like a stiff wooden man.

But Wu Long's facial expressions are very rich.like a normal person.

Demi felt a little uncomfortable, so he couldn't help changing his posture.

Clarice also felt Hannibal's weirdness, which made her extremely uncomfortable.Hannibal's whole person seems to give people a feeling of division.

Just looking at his eyes and facial expressions, he is undoubtedly a normal person.Unlike the mental patients I saw before, it can be seen from the eyes and facial expressions that they are different from ordinary people.

As for Hannibal, you have to look at him as a whole to give people a sense of discomfort.And the chill that came from the bottom of my heart at the first glance just now was replaced by this uncomfortable feeling, which made people feel uneasy.

"Yes." Clarice forced a natural smile.

Demi could see that Judy still had an unnatural expression, which was needed in the play.

"May I see your ID?"

Unaware that the initiative has been controlled by Hannibal, Clarice nodded in agreement.

"of course can."

When she took the certificate, her eyes looked left, right, and upward.This is subconsciously thinking about what to do next and what will happen.

Many people do this subconsciously when they are at a loss, as if they can find the correct answer.

Clarice showed her ID.Hannibal asked to come closer, and Clarice extended her arm.

At this time, Demi saw in the camera that Hannibal's smile changed and his tone of voice fluctuated.

It was as if everything was under his control.

Clarice is a lamb that falls into the wolf's claws, and the lamb will do as the wolf tells her to do.

"Come closer."

When Demi heard Hannibal's words, he subconsciously leaned back.Hannibal said to get closer, but he wanted to stay away.

But in the camera, Clarice walked forward obediently.Forgot to be told before, don't get close to the glass door, don't get close to Hannibal.

As Clarice approached the glass door, Hannibal, who had been frozen like a wooden man, finally moved.

As if interacting with Clarice, he also walked towards the glass door.

As he walked forward, his face was finally clearly and completely revealed in front of the camera.

This is a close-up, and it is also the language of the lens. Clarice finally sees Hannibal's face clearly, and closes the distance with Hannibal.

This face is still half a smile.However, this half-smile is not a smile, and there is an extra layer of expression looking at the prey in his hand.

Demi looked even more uncomfortable with Hannibal's eyes.As if staring at it, I dare not look directly at it.

Clarice and Hannibal looked at each other, neither dodging and fear, nor calm and natural.

Hannibal blinked, then looked down at Clarice's ID.

With just one glance, you can understand the information on the certificate.

"It's valid for one week. You're not a real investigator, are you?" His left eye blinked playfully, showing that he knew Clarice's identity.

Clarice was found out that she was just a temporary investigator.

"I'm still training." At the end, Clarice's chin looked odd.

This kind of expression is an expression that a person usually has when he is seen through and questioned, and he is forced to explain.

Hannibal smiled meaningfully.

"Crawford sent an intern to meet me?"

"Yes, I'm a student." Clarice's tone showed that she had confessed and no longer concealed it.

At this time, her expression changed again.It seems that because I no longer cover up and pretend, I lose the burden and feel a lot easier.

"I'm here to learn from you."

"Maybe you can decide if I am qualified to do this."

At this moment, Clarice's thought is that I decided to lie down, anyway, if you don't agree, I can leave this ghost place, and I don't have to face you anymore, and I don't have to worry about it anymore.

After hearing what Clarice said, Hannibal showed a satisfied smile instead.


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