I'm not just an action star

Chapter 329 The Silence of the Lambs

Rocky successfully ascended to the UFC heavyweight championship, making reporter Carter, notary, cameraman, and Tom a lot of money.

Even if they don't work, they can achieve financial freedom.They didn't do that, and they continued to do their jobs honestly.

Of course, Wu Long also made a lot of money.The money is more than enough for him to buy a luxury house in Beverly.

After all, he knows Rocky's strength best.It can even be said that Rocky's path to the UFC is under his control.

So, as long as the gaming company plays Rocky's game, why doesn't he make money?

On the second day of staying in Beverly, Demi came to visit.

"Long, they agreed to your request." Demi said these words with difficulty. "It's just that, as a director, you still hope that you don't interfere too much with my filming."

What can Demi do?He is actually just a small director, and he has never made a popular work.The films I made before were all low-budget commercial films that were funny, violent crime, or funny and violent crime.

Commonly known as B-movies.

Facing him and Wu Long, it was a normal and correct decision for Lion Pictures to choose Wu Long.If it was him, he would do the same.

Wu Long has won two Golden Mound Awards for Best Foreign Language Film, one Hauscar Award for Best Foreign Language Film, and this year's Hauscart Award for Best Film and Best Director.

It can be said that if Wu Long kicks him out and comes by himself, Lion Pictures will support and choose Wu Long without hesitation.

He also had a big brain hole at the beginning, thinking that Wu Long failed to win the best actor, maybe he could fool Wu Long into playing the leading actor.

In this way, even if he is a low-level director, this very ordinary commercial violent crime commercial film can still make a lot of money.

In fact, in the Western film market, B-level films are the king of commercial films.The investment is small, the cycle is short, and the profit is high, so you don't have to worry about big money.The rate of return is much higher than those movies that invest a lot of money at every turn.

Even if it hits the street, selling it to movie channels and websites can still recover the cost.

"I'm a little strange, why did you and Lion Films agree to my request without reading my script? If I were in your position, I also think my request is a bit too much."

Wu Long guessed that it was Rocky who made Lion Pictures agree to his request.

"Rocky's success made them change their minds." Demi replied.

Sure enough, as I thought, Wu Long secretly nodded in his heart.change idea?Wu Long thought it was right to speed up the decision.

Anyone who cares about Rocky can think of it, he is the person behind the scenes.Winning a UFC champion, making Rocky popular, saving Rocky's mother, and making Weiner Pictures a fortune, such a profitable plan is enough for him to stand at the top of the marketing industry.

It is normal for such a capable person to ask for a high price.Lion Pictures believes that Wu Long will not smash his own brand.Besides, making this kind of film not only has a short cycle, but also requires less investment.

Why not try it?

The benefits cannot always be taken by Weiner Pictures, they also want to share.I believe that Wu Long proposed such a price to show Weiner Films, and to tell Weiner Pictures that there is not only one film company.

Wu Long signed the contract and gave the script to De Mi.

"The Silence of the Lambs".

Just looking at the name, Demi was a little puzzled.Is this the title of a serial killer movie?

He opened it and flipped through it, and was quickly attracted by the script.

"This script is fantastic!"

"Long, I have to say that you are really an all-around genius!"

"This script is a hundred times better than my previous script!"

Wu Long stretched out his hand.

"Wish us a happy cooperation?"

Demi shook hands with Wu Long.

"Happy cooperation!"

"I'm going to make preparations right away, and I can start filming soon!"

Demi left in a hurry.The excitement in his heart is getting bigger and bigger, this is a good movie!

With a good script and a good actor like Wu Long, it will definitely be a success!

The sooner the shooting starts, the better for him.In case someone is jealous and grabs his director's position, that's not impossible.

Wu Long watched Demi's car drive away.Selling scripts is also money.According to his request, the copyright of the script is in his hands, not in the hands of Lion Pictures.

This is the same as "Spartan 300 Warriors", and the copyright is also in his hands.Of course, the film company that invested in the shooting has priority.

On the set, Wu Long met the heroine Zhu Di.

The bulk of the film's production funds are used to pay Wu Long's script and the actors' remuneration, and the share is calculated separately.

So much so that Demi couldn't afford to hire big-name actresses.Originally, his script was a b-movie, please a big-name actress?Where does the money come from?Who will come to Bin?

Before looking for Wu Long, except for the leading actor, he basically found all the people who should be looking for.He suddenly felt hot in his forehead, wanting to see if he could fool Wu Long.

The Judy I was looking for before had a good acting skill, but I haven't been able to get ahead.After Wu Long was invited, Demi did not plan to change the female lead.

In Haolaihu, there are many, many actresses like Judy.

Judy is just one of them.When she agreed to act, she didn't even know about acting with Wu Long.Because Demi hadn't found Wu Long at that time, and the script was also Demi's original script.

Knowing that she was acting with Wu Long, she was really excited for a long time.Feel your luck, come on!

As a good actor, even if he didn't know Wu Long last year, he should know Wu Long this year.

Even if you don't know Wu Long on Hoska, you should know that the "Rocky" style is now popular all over the country, and it is Wu Long's handwriting.

Quietly, Wu Long pushed someone popular.

Even if this person is not an actor, but was just a sparring partner in a street boxing gym, in Wu Long's hands, he can still be popular!

However, Zhu Di found that Wu Long looked at her a little strangely.

It made her have bad thoughts.Haolaihu is a place of honor, but it is also a place of filth.Because there are too many actresses who want to be famous.

Demi also had thoughts about her, but she refused, even if she didn't act in Demi's play, it didn't matter.Because it is impossible for Demi to put her on the throne of the Queen of the Scarlet Actress.

Of course, if Demi could do it, she thought she would refuse.

At least, she will stick to herself.

When Wu Long saw Zhu Di, he thought of the heroine he met in the world of "The Silence of the Lambs".

Could it be that he or his system is really affecting the world?

Or as he develops, he slowly discovers the shadow of the previous world in this world?

According to the movie materials, the original heroine had already won an Oscar for Best Actress before she acted in "The Silence of the Lambs", and she is a veritable actress.

But the Judy in front of him is an actor who is still working hard.

However, this drama should allow her to be on the throne of Best Actress in Hoska.

"Hi, I'm Wu Long."

Judy, who wanted to say hello first, quickly replied: "Hello."

Then, he reported his name again.

"Wu Long, when is the time for the show? I have time."

Wu Long waved his hand.

"There's no need to play against each other, let's act directly, and I have to rush back to film my own scene..."

Judy was stunned. Is the best director so domineering?Although your acting skills are really good, but you are not the best actor, right?

I heard Wu Long continue to say: "You don't have to worry, I will bring you into the play. In this play, I guarantee that you have a great chance to win the Best Actress in Hoska."

Take me in?Zhu Di couldn't help but think of what the actors in "300 Spartans" said about being brought into the play by Wu Long when they talked about Wu Long.

It's just that almost everyone thinks that this is nothing more than Weiner Pictures' propaganda.

Not to mention that Judy continued to be stunned, even Demi who was beside him was also stunned.

Hoska Best Director, that's it...

Demi didn't know what language to use to describe it.

Wu Long turned his head and glanced at Demi.

"I only have a 6-minute film, otherwise why do you think I would accept this film? I want to film myself."

ah?Demi thought to himself, did you write this script because you only acted in it for 6 minutes?

Just listen to Wu Long continue to say to him and Zhu Di:

"I'm in charge of the play I'm acting in. You can learn from me, which is good for you. Other than that, it's up to you to perform on your own. Demi, you don't have to worry anymore, I'll take your right to speak."

When De Mi heard Wu Long say that he would leave after filming his film, he didn't know whether to be happy or to celebrate.

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