I'm not just an action star

Chapter 328 The Champion's Teacher Is a Movie Star

Before Demme could reply, Rocky ushered in his first UFC title challenge.

For almost a year, he quickly stood at the top of the ufc boxing arena.

Only one game was lost, and the rest of the games were all won.And all KO opponents won, not even giving the opponent a chance to tko.

Whether the challenge can be successful, his voice is very high.

The players he faced were also very popular.Men who can become UFC champions and wear gold belts are not easy to deal with, and they all have a lot of support from fans.

Regardless of whether Rocky can win the championship or not, his documentary career will end, and it is impossible to shoot endlessly.

It costs money to invite justice and reporters, and it costs a lot.

Interview before the game.

"Rocky, are you confident to beat the champion tonight and take away his golden belt?"

"I believe I can KO him!"

What Rocky is talking about is not defeating the opponent, not defeating the opponent, but KO the opponent!

It can be seen how strong his confidence in winning is.

When interviewing his opponent, the other party said:

"He is a very capable boxer. But, I am stronger than him!"

"The golden belt around my waist is the best proof!"

"Many people tried to snatch my golden belt, but they ended up falling under my fist!"

Rocky's game was the last game.

"Everyone in the audience, tonight we will usher in an absolutely wonderful showdown!"

"From the king of KO, Rocky, who has only lost one game in the ufc boxing, to challenge the heavyweight champion..."

In this game, the betting amount of the bookmaker was doubled than usual.

Game start!

Rocky approached his opponent cautiously, both testing each other.

Soon, the champion's opponents strike first.Rocky's defense was very tight, and he tried to counterattack from time to time, but failed.

The opponent's first onslaught forced Rocky to the corner of the cage.Fortunately, Rocky flashed out from the side and was not crushed in the corner of the cage.

Those who supported the champion were excited and shouted excitedly.

Those who support Rocky are also shouting, they can feel that Rocky is not in the state.It is not uncommon to challenge for the championship for the first time, and it is not uncommon for the psychological pressure to cause the state to be wrong.

It depends on how Rocky adjusts and adapts in the ring.If he can adjust, he could win.

"Hit, Rocky!"

"Rocky, you idiot!"

"kill him!"

"Kill this Rocky!"

Different voices of support filled the entire scene.There was also a battle of insults in the barrage of the paid-to-watch online live broadcast.Scolding the opponent's boxer, fans scolding each other.

As for whether it is a real fan or a bet to buy winning or losing, I don't know.

Rocky wanted to attack, but was easily dodged by his opponent.

It seems that Rocky failed to adjust his state well, and he couldn't even hit the opponent with an attack.

The game continued, and at the end of the first round, Rocky was significantly less than his opponent in terms of points.

At the beginning of the second round, Rocky was the first to attack.After hitting the opponent with a few punches, he failed to cause effective damage to the opponent, so he could only get points.

His opponent did not show weakness, and immediately fought back.Two minutes into the second round, Wu Long's offensive gradually weakened, and finally became mainly defensive and fell into a disadvantage.

Next, Rocky tried to throw his opponent, but failed.Almost caught by the opponent, fell back.

There are ten seconds left in the second round.

Suddenly, Rocky seized the opening of an opponent's attack and launched a fierce attack on his opponent.

Like a gust of wind sweeping fallen leaves, like a torrential rain blowing over your head and covering your face.

With three seconds left in the last round of the second round, Rocky punched the opponent's boxing frame and broke the opponent's boxing frame. The other hand quickly struck in from a gap that was vacated, and hit the opponent's jaw.

His opponent didn't expect Rocky to attack suddenly, he couldn't stand it for a while, and was hit by Rocky.

Affected by this punch, the opponent's hands were lost and hit by Zhan Long's third punch.

This punch directly knocked down the opponent!


Everyone in the audience was excited, and the audience who watched the live broadcast were also excited.

"Excellent, this combination of punches is really beautiful!"

"So, Rocky has been looking for the opponent's space just now?"

"Rocky probably misremembered the time and thought he had reached the third round. According to his habit, he always KOs his opponent in the last few seconds of the third round."

"Unexpectedly, Rocky has changed!"

"The referee announced that Rocky KOs his opponent and wins the championship gold belt!"

Post-match interview.

"Rocky, congratulations on winning the championship and the gold belt. At this moment, what do you want to say the most?"

"I want to thank my mother for raising me."

"I also want to thank my teacher, without him, I would never have won the championship gold belt!"

"Rocky, who is your teacher? Everyone knows that you have a good teacher, but they don't know his name or who he is."

"My teacher's name is Wu Long..."

Rocky's words were interrupted.

"Wait, Rocky, you just said that your teacher is Wu Long, right?"

Rocky nodded.

"Is that the kung fu king Wu Long from the East? A movie star, Wu Long who just won the Hauska Best Director Award not long ago?"

"Yes, it's him."

"Oh my god!" The reporter hugged his head. "I can't believe it was him. Can you tell me how he became your teacher?"

"Yes. Last year my mother got cancer and we needed money to treat her, but we didn't have the money..."

The news that Wu Long was the new ufc champion teacher spread throughout the entire country of Merikan in an instant.The fighting world was also surprised when they heard the news.

Everyone knows that Wu Long has strength, but he didn't expect Wu Long's strength to be so terrifying. He didn't fight in the ring, but taught a student to win the championship gold belt.

Moreover, this is the undisputed champion gold belt.

Rocky lost only once, again because of a right hand injury.He has not been ko, only he ko others.

As the news spread, Rocky's efforts to raise money for his mother's medical treatment were widely reported.The hospital's medical certificate, as well as the high cost, were also found and published by the media.

Reporter Carter serialized his accompanying records in the form of documentary literature in newspapers.

The media also published the notary's testimony to prove that Carter's record and what Lodge said were true, and an accompanying cameraman filmed the documentary.

Although everyone knew that Rocky had concealed that he had been making documentaries, they didn't blame Rocky for this, but supported Rocky's behavior.

Rocky didn't win the championship, and he didn't have much money, so he couldn't treat his mother right away.

He was going to fight black boxing, but was dissuaded by his friends.A friend introduced him to Wu Long, and asked Wu Long to teach Rocky boxing.

Later, in order to give Rocky's mother the fastest medical treatment, Weiner Pictures agreed to advance the money for Rocky's mother's medical treatment, and make compensation through Rocky's documentary.

Because the agreement requires Rocky not to make it public, it's not Rocky's fault.

Besides, Rocky's struggle to save his mother is in itself a very inspirational thing, so there is no need to demand anything from Rocky.

Documentaries are being made all the time.After Rocky won the championship, Weiner Pictures immediately bought the right to use the game and cut it into the documentary.

Rocky did the same thing in the previous games. After the game, he bought the video tape of the game and inserted it into the documentary.

Documentaries are divided into film documentaries and TV documentaries.The TV documentary episodes will be aired as a series, and the first season of the first part has already been submitted for review. As soon as Rocky wins the championship, he will immediately contact the TV station to sell and broadcast.

The TV documentary is relatively detailed and trivial, and it immediately has a lot of training and Wu Long's teaching, which is especially worth watching for professionals.

The film documentary is to compress the one-year training process.

Then it was a commercial film, and many live broadcasts were cut from documentaries and game videos.Then add Rocky's mother's illness and treatment, and add Tom as Rocky's friend to contact Wu Long.Added some plots that are not in the documentary, such as encountering a robbery.

The series begins!

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