I'm not just an action star

Chapter 327 I want to shoot Chapter Yuquan

When the news was sent back to China, it was a sensation!

Before losing the Golden Hill Awards, it only won the best foreign language film. Many people ridiculed this.

Now, Hoska almost swept away and directly slapped him in the face!

Those mocking Weibo articles before, after being slapped in the face by @后, deleted the posts and deleted Weibo one after another.

And Jiang Shuang'er won the Best Actress in Hauska, which made many actresses jealous.

Pandona regretted it to death.Once, she had the best chance!

Now she can only scold herself for being too reserved and stupid at the beginning, what kind of female apprentice should she be, be... isn't it good?

Even if you become a female apprentice, it's worth the few million tuition fees to get the Best Actress in ska. How many people want to spend money to win this award, let alone the door, or even the road.

Xing Zhongfei was so happy, it was rumored that more than 100 million fireworks were dropped on the spot.

The fireworks are set off, so I don't know if there are more than 100 million.

Weiner Pictures even laughed like crazy.

It won the best film award, which is more valuable than the best foreign language film!

The second screening will definitely earn another fortune.

At the same time, the decision to ask Wu Long to direct is even more wise.

The newly nominated film of the best director of Hauska, with this title, plus it is really good-looking, will definitely make a lot of money again.

Fortunately, Wu Long was invited to make the film in advance.If Wu Long is invited to shoot now, Wu Long's salary will definitely increase.

Because of Wu Long, the top management of Weina Films held a meeting to discuss the strategy of cooperation with Wu Long.

You can't deal with Wu Long with the strategy of dealing with ordinary people, otherwise Wu Long will definitely abandon Weiner Pictures and cooperate with other film companies.

If you want to have a long-term friendly cooperation with Wu Long, you must not mess with the accounts.Otherwise, it will arouse Wu Long's disgust, and he will definitely not cooperate again.

On the night Wu Long won the best director and best film awards, other film companies sent beauties to contact Wu Long to discuss cooperation with Wu Long.

No way, Wu Long is different from other filmmakers.

He is an actor, a director, an action director and a music master.

Scott won an award just because he dared to use Wu Long.Although it was awarded to Wu Long, it was also counted on He and Scott.

He even invited Wu Long as a martial arts consultant, focusing on guiding the action scenes in the duel field, and he has the strength to compete with others.

Some people joked that if Wu Long hadn't given Scott advice, no one would be able to stop Wu Long and him in this year's Golden Hills Awards and the good SCAR.

Looking at Wu Long's film career, whether it is in the East or in the global film market, it can be said that every film makes money.

Although,,, these did not earn much at the global box office.But in the East and in Asia, it is a big profit.

Don't underestimate this.

Many great directors who have won Oscars or Golden Mound Awards have made movies that hit the street.Some even only get prizes without making money.

Only Wu Long has never lost money in his films!

What's more, it proves that Wu Long has no geographical restrictions, he knows how to make global commercial films!

Wu Long is a gold mine!

If you cheat Wu Long once, you can only make money from him once.

Cooperate with Wulong, you can make more money.

"Hi, hello, Dragon."

"Hello, Director Demi."

"Long, your acting skills are really praised. The judges of Hoska should award you the best actor."

"Thank you for your exaggeration." The director came to him, not the producer, but probably came to him for filming.

With his current status, whether he is facing a director or an actor, he can sit on an equal footing.

When he traveled across the ocean, even if he won the Best Foreign Language Film Award, those big directors and producers didn't think much of him.

Now, things are different.

Hoska's best film and best director are like a certificate, a certificate harder than the best actor.

Moreover, as long as one is engaged in the film industry, such a certificate is recognized.

If you don't recognize it, the market will.

"Long, I have something to tell you truthfully, I hope you don't mind."

"Please speak."

"You may not have understood a well-known unspoken rule. That's why you missed out on the Best Actor Award."

It has to be said that Demi's words successfully attracted Wu Long's attention.

"What rules?"

"I know that you have cooperated with Weiner Pictures, and maybe Weiner Pictures didn't realize that they have to tell you this rule. Because you are too powerful, you can direct, act, act, and make music. It aroused alarm and jealousy in some people."

Wu Long showed an expression of listening carefully.

"If you want to win the best actor, you should be an actor purely. I have a role here, as long as you agree to play it, I guarantee you have a great chance to win the best actor in Hoska next year."

Demi didn't say it clearly, but Wu Long heard it.

"You mean, I should make a good movie under the director Hao Laihu, so that I can win the best actor award, right?"

Demi smiled.

"I didn't say that, that's your understanding."

Wu Long understood, that's what Demi meant.Wu Long is too strong, he has to bow his head, so he will let you win the best actor.

After all, this is their territory.

However, if this is the case, the top management of Weiner Films should hint him or ask Tom to remind him clearly.

Weina Films did not do this. It can only be said that this rule exists, but it is not an iron law.If Wu Long continues to be outstanding, he still has a chance to win this award.

Is there a chance?

Wu Long secretly shook his head in his heart.


It's blood and sand, it's a film that emits testosterone.Acting or something doesn't matter.The important thing is to show the killing as beautiful as a painting.

"Can I read the script?"

Demi handed the script to Wu Long. "of course can."

Wu Long opened the script.


The film tells the story of a perverted murderer who serially kills and skins skins. A female policeman is arranged to solve the case. In the end, the female policeman accidentally kills the murderer and ends.

This is a very typical blood scream film.

Can this kind of film win the ska best actor award?

Do not make jokes.

Wu Long shook his head lightly.

"Long, I've read your profile, and I've seen you play the villain. Your performances of Ximen Qing and Sitting Tiger are very good."

"In Haolaihu, no one will mind you playing a bad guy. On the contrary, if you play a bad guy well, you can beat actors who play a good guy to win awards."

Wu Long knew that Demi was right.Artistically speaking, it is more difficult to play the villain well than the hero.

"I agree with what you said. But, your script is not good. Besides, how much do you plan to pay me?"

Demi thought that Wu Long's saying that the script was not good was just an excuse, and the purpose was to increase the salary.

"Long, you haven't been a starring role in Haolaihu..."

"I have it. It will be released this year. Weiner Films will give me a guaranteed film salary and a share of the profits. Can you give it to me?"

Demi was taken aback for a moment, then continued:

"Long, that's different. You are both a director and an actor, no way..."

"Then I can also find Weiner Films, let someone be the director, and I will be an actor. In fact, I have the final say on writing the script and how to shoot. That's it."

Demi couldn't help it.

"I can't decide this, I need to ask the investors."

"You ask. Besides, I need to change the script. This script is not acceptable. I will write the script, and I have the right to say how to shoot. Of course, in principle, I will not interfere with you too much. But, you need to reply quickly. There is still a movie to be made in China.”

Demi is stupid, you still have the right to speak?So what do you want me to do as a director?Just play with it yourself.

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