I'm not just an action star

Chapter 324 Competition

A song "When will the bright moon come" has made many singers interested in ancient poetry.

Ancient poems are ready-made, and you can sing along with the soundtrack. Seems easy?

At least, whether it's "Will Enter the Wine" or "When Will the Moon Come", they are very popular.

"The Legend of the Condor Heroes" missed this year's Orchid Award, but was nominated for the Golden Wing Award and won the Outstanding TV Drama Award.Wu Long won the Audience Favorite Actor Award, Best Performing Arts Award, and Best Director Award.

Zhang Zhulin received the Audience Favorite Actress Award.

Wu Long didn't fly away right away, and stayed for a few more days to attend the Golden Phoenix Awards Ceremony.

He only had one movie, "Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon", but it swept the entire Golden Phoenix Awards.He won the Golden Phoenix Award for Best Actor again, and won the Golden Phoenix Award for Best Actor for two consecutive years.


Jiang Shuang'er, who played Yu Jiaolong, won the Best Actress as she wished.She is younger than Zhang Zhulin and has become the youngest actress in China.

Zhang Zhulin won the Best Supporting Actress Award.

Netizens ridiculed Wu Long one after another, telling him not to win any more prizes, and let others make a living.

Wu Long thought about it and felt that what the netizens said was right, and he planned not to participate in domestic awards in the future.

Instead, he was invited by Yangshi, and I hope he can participate in next year's Spring Festival Gala.Wu Long agreed and also said that he would write a new song.

Shanghai Satellite TV Spring Festival Gala also invited Wu Long.It's just that Wu Long's appearance fee has increased again, and Shanghai Satellite TV's Spring Festival Gala finally gave up.

The post-production of "300 Spartans" has been completed, and it is already the end of the year.At the Weiner Films viewing meeting, the high-level executives applauded after watching the film.

"Dragon! You are not only an excellent actor, but also a talented director!"

"Great, this picture can be compared to "Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon"."

"Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon is the beauty of oriental culture and the beauty of tourist attractions. This film is the beauty of Western oil painting art. I never thought that a movie could be made like this!"

"It's a movie that smells like a man's strong hormones."

"It's just too bloody, I'm afraid it will be restricted."
It has nothing to do with Wu Long to submit these for review and release.

"Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon", which was released globally last year, not only had a strong box office, but was also shortlisted for multiple Golden Hill Awards nominations.Many people predict that this oriental martial arts film specially made to cater to the global market is likely to win multiple awards at the Golden Hill Awards and Hosca.

Is it right, wait and see tonight.

At the Golden Hill Awards Ceremony, Wu Long walked the red carpet with Zhang Zhulin, Jiang Shuang'er, Li Siyi and others.

Zhang Zhulin has experience and feels nothing.But Jiang Shuang'er, Li Siyi and the others were extremely excited.

Flying early to beat the jet lag, I still couldn't sleep because of the excitement.The dark circles under the eyes can only be covered up with makeup, which is true of both women.

Especially Jiang Shuang'er, who is so young, she can walk the red carpet of the Golden Hill Awards not long after her debut, and there is no one in China.

She will definitely be able to come and walk the Hoska red carpet in March.Let those popular actresses in China be envious and jealous!

On the red carpet of this year's Golden Hill Awards, Wu Long was once again invited by the host to be interviewed, which also means that he has a great chance to win the award.

"Long, since your "Shaolin Bodyguard" brought us a different oriental kung fu, we have been expecting you to surpass "Shaolin Bodyguard" and come up with better movies."

"Of course, many people don't believe it. Speaking of oriental kung fu movies, that's it. Unexpectedly, "Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon" brought us a different surprise."

"I heard that you floated here from the other side of the ocean with a bamboo. Is this true? Don't rush to answer. I know you said it, it's not true."

"But, I thought, if you were really asked to take a bamboo, would you be able to cross the sea?"

Wu Long shook his head.

"One bamboo is not enough, two are needed."

When the host heard Wu Long say no, he nodded naturally.When Wu Long said that he needed two, the host was stunned.


"Haha, the host is stupid!"

"Kung Fu Dragon said, yes, but you need two bamboos!"

"Brother Long is humorous."

"Why are two bamboos okay?"

"Didn't you watch the video? One is stepped on, and the other is paddling."

The host knew that his stunned expression was captured by the camera, so he rubbed his face and picked out his ears.

"Dragon, did I hear you wrong? You seemed to say just now that you can do it as long as you are given two bamboos, right? Is that what you mean?"

Wu Long shook his head.

"Food also needs to be provided. Of course, I can also eat raw fish, but it is not necessary. Besides, in case of a storm, I will use a bamboo to court death."

The host laughed:

"I get it. You can do it with logistical support, right?"

Wu Long nodded.

"That's what I mean."

"Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon" was nominated for Best Soundtrack, Best Actor, Best Supporting Actor, Best Director, Best Actress, Best Supporting Actress, and Best Foreign Language Film at the Golden Hill Awards.

It has received more nominations than Scott's "Gladiator"!

So much so that on the red carpet, Scott saw Wu Long from a distance and made a detour, not wanting to meet Wu Long.

This year's Golden Hill Awards, "Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon" and "Gladiator" are the biggest competitors.

At the awards ceremony, the awards began to be announced. Both "Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon" and "Gladiator" have duels and fights.Everyone found that the award ceremony of the Golden Hill Awards seems to be another battleground for these two films.

These two films are dueling!

"The winner of this year's Golden Mound Awards for best film soundtrack is "Gladiator"..."

The audience applauded loudly, and "Gladiator" won the first round. Someone in the "Gladiator" crew subconsciously looked in the direction of Wu Long and the others in the distance.

"The winner of the Golden Hill Awards for Best Supporting Actor this year is "Gladiator"..."

Wow, "Gladiator" won again.

For the Best Supporting Actress award, "Gladiator" was not nominated.However, "Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon" did not win this award.

Zhang Zhulin was obviously a little disappointed.Of course she is eager to win such a globally recognized film award. The content of the Golden Hill Award is much heavier than that of Hong Kong Island's Golden Fragrance Award.

"Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon won the Golden Hill Award for Best Foreign Language Film!"

Wu Long went up to get the prize.This is his second Golden Hill Award for Best Foreign Language Film, but it is actually his first.Because last time in "Shaolin Bodyguard" he was just a name, this time it's different.

"The best actor of this year's Golden Hill Awards is the "Gladiator"..."

Wow! "Gladiator" wins "Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon" again.If "Gladiator" fails to win the best picture award, it will lose the best foreign language film award to "Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon".

The next best actress, "Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon" lost again.This time, Jiang Shuang'er was disappointed, Li Siyi comforted Jiang Shuang'er, she was still young, and seniority was always judged everywhere.

Beginning to announce the weighty best director award, Scott stared nervously at the award presenters.

"The winner of this year's Golden Mound Awards for Best Director is Scott from Gladiator!"

Wow, the applause was very enthusiastic, which also means that in the film awards, the East still failed to beat the West!

Scott came to the stage to accept the award. When he gave his speech, he first thanked the crew as usual, and then thanked the crew twice, and then hesitation appeared on his face.

"The next thank you, I don't know if I should say it. If I say it, I'm afraid it will cause Wu Long to misunderstand. If I don't say it, I think it's unfair to him."

"I met Wu Long when I was filming "The Legend of Columbus" and established a deep friendship with him. Before the filming of "Gladiator" started, I booked him as a martial arts consultant. He is a master of martial arts. Both genres of martial arts have profound knowledge."

"I think a large part of "Gladiator" winning the award is due to Wu Long's action design. He made "Gladiator" look more tense, exciting, and more real. Instead of fighting like street gangsters. "

"It's just that at today's awards ceremony, I competed with him for this award. I'm worried that if I say thank him here, people with ulterior motives will deliberately provoke my friendship with him, saying that I deliberately laughed at him for not winning the award."

"Dragon, no. Thank you from the bottom of my heart. I swear to God, you've been a huge help to Gladiator."

The last award is the best picture award.

Finally, the result was announced, and "Gladiator" won the prize again!

This year's Golden Hill Awards, "Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon", which was originally favored by many people, only won the best foreign language film award, and was completely defeated by "Gladiator".

Many people lamented that if Wu Long hadn't helped "Gladiator" design martial arts moves, I'm afraid "Gladiator" would not have won so many awards.

It can be said that "Gladiator" swept the Golden Hill Awards!

Wu Long helped "Gladiator" and defeated his own "Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon".

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