I'm not just an action star

Chapter 323 Shooting Fast

"The Legend of the Condor Heroes" is about to start broadcasting, Luo Chang, Qi Ke, Fang Zhuming, Sun Jian and other martial arts teams also came to help teach people.

Wu Long personally taught the movements of several important characters.

"Shield and spear moves are not so complicated, the most important thing is stabbing. This is the same as stabbing. The arm should be straight, and the spear and arm should be on the same straight line. When stabbing out, the trajectory of the arm and spear, Also move in a straight line. Otherwise, the thrusting spear will not be powerful enough to look good."

When shooting, it is the shot that shows the stabbing.

When teaching basic movements, Wu Long demonstrated on stage, while the actors and Luo Chang watched and practiced these martial arts off the stage.

Wu Long started famous teachers to produce high-level apprentices, allowing them to master these moves faster and do them better.

The same goes for those decomposing actions.

Teaching together, Luo Chang and the others must learn these martial arts faster and better than actors.

When practicing separately, Luo Chang and the others can point out or correct the movements of those actors.

For this movie, Wu Long plans to shoot according to the original version, there is no need to use long shots.

The main reason for this film is the combination of MV feeling and the beautiful picture of oil painting. Long shots will destroy this overall style.

It's much easier to do without a long lens.

"Some time ago, everyone was doing basic training. After the assessment, you have done a good job in basic movements. Next, we will practice battle array!"

"In ancient wars, only by cooperating with each other can we protect ourselves more effectively and kill more enemies."

"The most important requirement for a battle formation is to be orderly. Only when everyone moves in unison can they show their momentum!"

Wu Long taught these people to form formations, defend with shields, and change formations...

It is said that there are three hundred warriors, but it is not really three hundred muscular men.Some muscular men are used as the background, and several muscular men are important actors.

There are several important roles on Sparta's side, and there are also several important roles on the opponent's Persian side. Wu Long asked them not to use substitutes.

The actual shooting of the original film of "300 Spartans" took only 60 days, all shot on green screen in the studio.

In the later stage, the picture quality was made into an oil painting-like texture, which looked like a stage play, but it was higher than a stage play.

The filming was completed in two months. During the filming, "The Legend of the Condor Heroes" started broadcasting.

According to the 83 version of "The Legend of the Condor Heroes", it is divided into "Iron Blood and Heart", "Evil and West Poison", and "Huashan Lunjian". The songs are also divided into Mandarin and Cantonese versions.In Cantonese-speaking areas and Hong Kong Island, the Cantonese version will be played.

Although it was shot according to the 83 version, the martial arts action, scenery, picture, etc. are much better than the 83 version.

Due to the large number of characters and the unique characteristics of martial arts moves, it is deeply loved by the audience.

Guo Jing, played by Wu Long, is simple and honest, cutely silly and chivalrous.

Huang Rong, played by Zhang Zhulin, is playful, beautiful and smart.

Silly Guo Jing and Pretty Huang Rong became popular stories on the Internet for a while, and were also praised by netizens for authentically restoring the characters in the novel.

Mu Nianci, played by Jiang Shuang'er, is infatuated and kind-hearted, trapped in her arms.

Princess Huazheng, played by Pandona, is also infatuated, but it is a pity.

Mei Chaofeng, played by Meng Lu, fights viciously with the Nine Yin White Bone Claws, with powerful claws.

Ying Gu, played by Li Siyi, played a tragic woman like a dream.

It's a pity that "The Legend of the Condor Heroes" missed this year's Orchid Award and can only participate in it next year.

This year's Yangshi Mid-Autumn Festival Gala, many people sat in front of the TV to watch.If you don’t have a TV or can’t watch TV, watch it online.

Not for anything else, just because there will be Wu Long's performance at this year's Yangshi Mid-Autumn Festival Gala.

According to gossip, Wu Long was originally invited by Shanghai Satellite TV to the Mid-Autumn Festival Gala.As a result, Yangshi took the lead.

This gossip made netizens happy.

Just because Yangshi didn't invite Wu Long to this year's Spring Festival Gala, Wu Long sang "Will Enter the Wine" at the Shanghai Satellite TV Spring Festival Gala, which severely slapped Yangshi in the face.

Didn't you not invite Wu Long?

Well, Wu Long is no longer singing Gong Xi Fa Cai and Gong Xi Gong Xi at the Spring Festival Gala of Shanghai Satellite TV. He composes and sings ancient poems!

Such a development of traditional national culture is not performed for the first time on Yangshi, which makes Yangshi a little bit embarrassed.

Fortunately, this time Yangshi snatched Wu Long first, which can be regarded as a remedy.

However, Yangshi also learned from Shanghai Satellite TV’s Spring Festival Gala, only saying that Wu Long has a performance, not what to do.

Netizens are guessing what exactly Wu Long will perform.I have to say that the guesses of netizens are quite accurate.

Wu Long sang ancient poems on the Shanghai Satellite TV Spring Festival Gala. It is very likely that Yangshi's Mid-Autumn Festival Gala snatched Wu Long, and asked Wu Long to compose another ancient poem to sing the Mid-Autumn Festival.

There are many ancient poems related to festivals like the Mid-Autumn Festival. It is not difficult to find one of them to compose music.The difficult thing is how to compose a good piece of music so that it sounds meaningful.

Like "Will Enter the Wine", it sang the heroism of the poet Li Bai.

"Friends in the audience, miss your loved ones during the festive season. The Mid-Autumn Festival, this special festival, has been described by many poets since ancient times."

"Ancient poetry has its own unique sound and rhythm."

"In ancient times, ancient poems could be sung. So if we use a modern style to compose an ancient poem describing the Mid-Autumn Festival, what will it look like?"

When the host said these words, everyone knew that Wu Long was going to come out to sing, and as netizens guessed, he sang and wrote ancient poems about Mid-Autumn Festival!

The music starts.The prelude, like the style of ancient music, pays attention to the progression of layers.

Wu Long, dressed as a literati in ancient costume, stepped onto the stage.Holding a jug in his left hand and a wine glass in his right, he always faces the camera and the audience with his left side.


"Good guy, except for the different clothes, this action is imitating the Spring Festival Gala of Shanghai Satellite TV, right?"

"It's the same with the wine glass and wine jug, why do I feel the difference?"

"Brother Long is having trouble with alcohol?"

"Wine is sung in the Spring Festival Gala, so is it also sung in the Mid-Autumn Festival?"

During the prelude, Wu Long poured wine into the glass but did not drink it, and raised the glass to the air.

"When will the moon be there?

Ask the sky for wine.

I don't know the palace of heaven,

What year is this eve..."

The vicissitudes of life sang from Wu Long's mouth.Immediately, Su Shi's courage to borrow wine to ask Qingtian was sung vividly.


"Good guy, Su Shi's "Shui Tuo Ge Tou"!"


"Goosebumps are coming out!"

"Brother Long's show makes one's scalp tingle."

After Wu Long sang once, he turned around to the back of the stage, showing his back to the audience.When he turned from the other side and turned his right side to the audience and the camera, the audience exploded, and the netizens in the live broadcast room also exploded!

It turns out that Wu Long looks like an ancient man from the left, but now he looks like an ancient beauty from the right!

This makeup technique is amazing!

Wu Long changed to a female voice and sang it again.

Female voices are different from male voices.

The female voice is more tactful, and the yearning is stronger.

When singing "This matter is difficult to complete in ancient times", that kind of sad helplessness can be felt across the screen.

But when I sang "I wish you a long life, a thousand miles away, we will share the beautiful beauty together", it made people feel blessings and hopes, love and beauty.

A song, with the changes of lyrics and music, makes people feel many emotions contained in ancient poems.

For the third time, Wu Long sang in a male voice.

Starting from "Zhuan Zhuge", Wu Long sang with a female voice, which made netizens enjoy listening to it.

According to the meaning of the poem, it seems that this is the correct way to sing.

The front of this poem is very masculine. If the words "wine asks the blue sky" and "want to ride the wind to go back" are expressed by women, the momentum will naturally be a little weaker.

"Zhuan Zhuge" and the following verses, the male voice is not as smooth and longing as the female voice.

This famous poem made Wu Long sing it alive and well!

After "Will Enter the Wine", Wu Long once again deafened everyone's ears.

"When Will the Bright Moon Come" is so beautiful!

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