The Golden Mound Award came back with regret, and we can only look forward to the Hoska Awards in March.Anyway, it is not too shameful to win the Best Foreign Language Film Award.

For Wu Long, there is no disappointment at all. For others, even if they don't win the award, it is worthwhile to actually walk the red carpet at the Golden Hill Awards.

This is much better than those who rub the red carpet.

"Brother, what song do you sing in the Spring Festival Gala?"


"Brother, can I go to your studio for an internship?"

"no problem."

"That's a deal, Qiu Yu will go too."

"Go, go, look for sister Qiu Ya if you need anything."

Time flies so fast!

Yangshi Spring Festival Gala Wu Long is no longer a solo singer, but with Guo Hao's martial arts team, as well as Qi Ke and Fang Zhuming.

Similarly, although Wu Long was on the program list announced by Yangshi Spring Festival Gala, he did not write what program he would perform.

When the Yangshi Spring Festival Gala started, netizens asked Wu Long when he would play, and guessed what Wu Long was going to perform.

Some people say it is a congratulations song, while others say it must be an ancient poem composed to music.

One show after another appeared, and one after another was complained by netizens.If it weren't for Wu Long, the number of clicks on the Internet would definitely not be as high as it is now, and the popularity would not be as great as it is now.

"The sound of firecrackers bid farewell to the old year, and the bursts of gongs and drums welcome the new year!"

"Every Spring Festival, there will be a lion dance to wish happiness!"

"Yes, the lion dance is a traditional folk custom in China."

"Did you know? Lion dance and lion fighting, lion dancers know martial arts."

"When it comes to martial arts, I think of a person... Could it be that he wants to perform a lion dance tonight to celebrate the New Year with the people of the whole country?"

"Isn't it, let's continue to look down!"

Boom boom boom boom boom boom boom!

A burst of drums sounded, and the brothers of Wu Xing wore practice uniforms, somersaulted onto the stage one by one from both sides of the stage, and formed a formation.


With a roar, he opened his posture and crouched.

Wu Long somersaulted into the arena and stood still in the center.

The drums sounded again, this time, the drums were very heavy, one sound at a time, with a strong sense of rhythm and no rush.

Wu Long led everyone to punch with the sound of the drum.

Then, the music started.

"Thump, thump, thump, thump, thump, thump, thump, thump, thump, thump, thump, thump, thump, thump..."

While performing moves, Wu Long began to sing:

"Facing the waves with arrogance,

Hot blood like the red sun! "

In the background, first there are huge waves.Then a red sun rose from behind the waves.The sun shines on the whole stage.

It's a bit like the red sun rising back then.

Wu Long's voice was loud and full of energy. Hearing it in his ears, he seemed to hear the waves rolling heavily, and he also seemed to hear the sun's rays into his body. His whole body was warm and full of strength.

"Bold as iron,

The bone is like fine steel.

With a broad mind,

Eyes are far away.

I work hard,

Be a man!

be a good man

Be stronger every day.

Hot-blooded man,

Brighter than the sun! "

Wu Long sang while punching, and Wu Xing's brothers followed suit while punching, "drinking" and "ha" accompaniment with the sound of martial arts.

Immediately, with Wu Long's singing, the aura rushed to his face.The current audience is in agitated mood.It seems that there are thousands of troops and horses practicing, like huge waves that can destroy all invading enemies, and like a red sun in the sky protecting the safety of the motherland.

Netizens also felt the huge positive energy across the screen, and their blood boiled when they heard it.

Good boy, be so!

No one posted barrage, everyone was listening and watching intently.

A man fantasizes that he is a hot-blooded man who is brighter and brighter than the sun.

Women, fantasizing about their husbands, boyfriends or future husbands and boyfriends, they are the radiant men who strive to be stronger than the sun!

Wu Long raised his voice.

"Let Haitian gather energy for me,

to break new ground,

Run for my ideal.

Look at the blue waves soaring,

And look at the vast blue sky,

I am a man who is self-reliant. "

The men watching in front of the screen, following Wu Long's high-pitched singing, some even stood up excitedly, shouted and danced with fists.

Wu Long superimposed several skills and martial arts to sing this passionate song, which had an extraordinary impact.

The music gets quieter and the drums louder.

Fang Zhuming and Qi Ke came out dancing with a southern lion.

Boom boom boom boom boom boom boom!

The lion shook its head and tail, blinked and opened its mouth.

When he came to Wu Long, it was as if a lion saw its prey and wanted to prey on Wu Long.


A gong rang.

A southern lion fell from the sky.

The lion head of the lion dance is so heavy that no one can catch it falling from the air.

Wu Long raised his hands to catch the lion's head, spun around, and put the lion's head into his upper body.This action is actually releasing force.

In Tai Chi, it is to accept tricks and resolve them.

At the same time, the lion's tail swung out and swept towards the lion danced by Fang Zhuming and Qi Ke.

Fang Zhuming and Qi Ke quickly turned over and fell to the ground to escape.

Wu Long's lion tail turned around and was caught by Luo Chang, and Luo Chang danced the lion tail.

Drumbeats and rhythms are the rhythm of lion dance drums at this time.The brothers of Wu Xing are holding flags and waving them in the background.

The lions of Wu Long and Luo Chang compete with the lions of Fang Zhuming and Qi Ke.

There are lion dance competitions, and kicking and fighting with each other.Wu Long and Luo Chang often jumped up and turned over in the air, which was very exciting.

After all, it is the Spring Festival Gala, not a lion dance performance.

Wu Long's performance can't take up too much time.

Finally, Wu Long sang while dancing the lion:

"Stand tall and stand tall, let's be the pillars,

Be a man!

Use my hundred points of heat,

Shine a thousand light.

be a good man

hot blood, hot intestines,

Brighter than the sun!

be a good man

hot blood, hot intestines,

Brighter than the sun! "

Wu Long's performance was so exciting that the audience couldn't calm down and watch the language programs that followed.


"Brother Long, this song is so good!"

"Hearing my blood surging!"

"My cat was lazily crawling beside me, but when Brother Long sang, my cat stood up!"

"My dog ​​howled, and when he saw the lion dance, he also learned the lion dance moves!"

"This song is better and more atmospheric than "Song of Heroes"!"

"I think I've heard this song before!"

"Have you heard of it? Did Brother Long plagiarize?"

"The song is adapted from "Order of the General", didn't you read the subtitle prompt?"

""General's Order" is an ancient song, which originated from the royal music of the Tang Dynasty."

"Brother Long is amazing. First he composed music for ancient poems, and now he writes lyrics for ancient songs!"

The music review of "Good Sound Surrounds the Ear" was also released soon.

"Long Ge's "A Man Should Be Self-Reliant" is as sunny, powerful, and full of positive energy as him.

Tian Xingjian, a gentleman strives for self-improvement.To be a pillar and a good man, a man will strive for self-improvement.

Use my 100% enthusiasm and enthusiasm to shine on others with a thousand points of light.

This is positive energy!

Adapted from the classic "Order of the General", the whole song is full of high-pitched and loud battle songs, and the momentum is high and heroic.

Good man, defend the family and the country!

Good man, brave and chivalrous when he sees righteousness!


After returning to the imperial capital after the new year, Xing Zhongfei asked him to watch the scenery side by side.

"Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon" and "Legend of the Condor Heroes" not only made him money, but also allowed his artists to rapidly appreciate in value and rise in popularity.

Of course he would like to thank Wu Long, and by the way, he would like to ask Wu Long what movie he will be filming this year.

""The Mighty Dragon of Fahai" and "Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon" are period films, but this year is a modern film?"

Facing Xing Zhongfei's question, Wu Long thought for a while and nodded.

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