I'm not just an action star

Chapter 320 He came from the sea

The first wonderful fight scene in the movie came out, Yujiaolong stealing the sword.

"Wow, Jiang Shuang'er is so powerful?"

"She can also fly over walls?"

"Didn't you see her practice in the Condor Heroes martial arts gym?"

In the cinema, the audience couldn't help talking.But because of the excitement, the discussion quickly died down, and everyone concentrated on watching the wonderful rooftop chase.

This scene can't help but remind people of the scene in "Drunk Caught" where Ye Ying, played by Wu Long, chases the sky monkey on the roof.

It's just that in "Drunk Catching", it was a rooftop chase during the day, but now it's a rooftop chase at night.Because of the light problem, chasing on the roof at night is extremely difficult and even more dangerous.

Especially when Yu Xiulian, played by Wu Long's stand-in Zhang Zhulin, grabbed the bricks in an upside-down position, fetched stones and ran down from under the wall, and at the same time threw stones at Yu Jiaolong played by Luo Chang's stand-in Jiang Shuanger, the cinema was full of exclamations.

It is impossible to shoot with this long shot.

Then through ingenious editing, Yu Xiulian played by Wu Long and Yu Jiaolong played by Jiang Shuang'er fought.Yu Jiaolong wanted to escape, but Yu Xiulian refused to let her escape. She pulled Yu Jiaolong down several times, which was really wonderful.

Especially when the camera is close several times, even though the face is covered, it can still be seen that the eyes are very similar to Jiang Shuang'er.

Some fighting moves were also seen by Jiang Shuang'er in the Condor Heroes martial arts gym.

When the movie ended, the audience applauded.


It can definitely be called the first wonderful costume martial arts movie in history!

It is indeed a work of conscience!

The action design and fighting are wonderful and smooth, and the moves are very beautiful in action.Everyone's boxing has its own characteristics, and it is enjoyable to watch.

Especially the sword fight between Li Mubai and Yu Jiaolong at the top of the bamboo forest, as if two immortals were fighting swords on the green ocean.

It feels like I want to ride the wind.

People who watched the premiere left comments on the Internet that it looked better than "Shaolin Bodyguard" and "Fa Hai Zhi Da Mighty Tianlong".

Movie reviews were also released.

"It's more real than "Fa Hai Zhi Da Wei Tian Long", and it's more chic than "Shaolin Bodyguard"."

"Unfortunately, it turned out to be a tragedy."

"The fights in "Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon" are all classics, and they are definitely classics in the history of martial arts movies and action scenes!"

"The action scenes of "Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon" can be surpassed by no one, except Wu Long himself."

The film review of "Shadows and Voices" focuses on the feelings and thoughts expressed in "Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon".

"It is said that the ending is buried in the beginning, and that is the case in Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon.

At the beginning of the movie, from the expressions of Yu Xiulian and Li Mubai, it is known that there is a problem between them.

With the development of the movie, Yu Xiulian's characters gradually enriched, and her relationship with Li Mubai was also shown in front of everyone.

The two couldn't get what they wanted, and couldn't break the shackles of the world at that time.

Li Mubai wanted to break it, Yu Xiulian would rather suppress her emotions than break it.

Some people may think that Yu Xiulian is pedantic and follows the rules in everything.Walking in the rivers and lakes is about loyalty and rules, and feelings are also about loyalty and rules.

Actually, I don't think this is right.

If she had really followed the rules, she would not have concealed the matter of Yujiaolong stealing the sword from Li Mubai, and would have taken it upon herself to say that she would retrieve the sword.


Because she saw herself in Yu Jiaolong!

Yu Jiaolong must obey the arrangement of her family and marry someone she doesn't love.

She wanted to marry the one she loved, but she couldn't.

Li Mubai didn't dare to confess and take action at first, but after entering meditation and seeking the way, he looked away instead.


During the daytime on Hong Kong Island, Wu Long performed sword dancing on top of bamboo.The bamboo was found locally on Hong Kong Island, and Wu Long went up to perform after making sure it was safe.

The same performance is different during the day and at night.During the day is natural light, so you can see more clearly than at night.A live broadcast was also made. Through comparison, netizens confirmed that the performance on Hong Kong Island was even more shocking.

After performing on Hong Kong Island, Wu Long immediately took the nearest flight to Angel City in Merrican Country.After getting off the plane, Tom picked him up and took him to the beach to board a boat.

"Dragon, are you really going to do this?"

"Of course, are the live news and webcasts ready?" Wu Long asked Tom.

These media promotions need to be handled by Weiner Pictures.

"It's all ready. But, Dragon, are you sure this will work?"

"It works!" Wu Long asked Tom to connect the live broadcast to his Youtu live broadcast room.

Seeing that Wu Long couldn't be stopped, Tom had to say: "You are so crazy."

Wu Long changed into his "Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon" costume, picked up a big bamboo and threw it into the sea.He grabbed another long and thinner bamboo, jumped from the boat into the sea, and landed steadily on the big bamboo that was undulating on the sea.


Wu Long's actions drew applause from the surrounding people.

At this time, Wu Long stood on the floating bamboo with his feet one in front of the other, floating on the sea like this.

He also used the long bamboo in his hand to control the balance and used it to paddle to the distant seashore.

Floating with a piece of bamboo on the water is a traditional Chinese folk stunt.

Wu Long performed in this way, pretending that he used a bamboo to cross the ocean, and traveled across the ocean to Angel City on the west coast of Merican.

Reporters and videographers sit in helicopters to film and broadcast live.

"Friends from the audience, our oriental kung fu king Wu Long will start from here to perform Duzhu Piao and head to Santa Monica Beach."

"Perhaps some people doubt that Kung Fu Dragon can really drive a bamboo and come to us through the vast sea."

"Can he get to the beach safely without falling off the bamboo?"

"Honestly, I'm really worried about him."

"I'm afraid no one in this world can do it."

Using bamboo as a paddle, Wu Long paddled the big bamboo and drove towards the beach.Gradually, a small yacht was discovering him and sailing towards him.

When they saw that Wu Long was floating on a bamboo, they were shocked and shouted that it was impossible.

The viewers who watched the live TV broadcast and live webcast were also shocked by Wu Long's wonderful performance.

"Oh my God, I can't believe that someone can sail the ocean on a bamboo stick!"

"How did he do that?"

"Is this magic?"

"I believe it must be magic!"

"Or is there something underwater?"

The closer to the beach, the more people I met. Some swimmers saw it and swam to the side in shock.

"Hi, hello, how did you do it?"

"What's your name? Who are you?"

"It's amazing, can you teach me?"

More and more people gathered to watch, and even those sunbathing on the beach were startled.

"Omega, what's that? Is that a piece of bamboo?"

"It must be fake!"

The people on the beach were taking pictures of Wu Long with their mobile phones. This was a scene they had never seen before.

"He's a Kung Fu Dragon!"

"Yes, he's an action star, I've seen his movies!"

"It's so handsome, it would be great to be with him!"

Wu Long went ashore and picked up the bamboo to go.

Everyone surrounded him, and someone asked him if he had floated here from the sea, how many days he had been floating, had he encountered sharks, and had there been any tsunamis or storms.

"No, this is just a performance. The content of the performance is that I can use a big bamboo to float in the sea. I hope that people who want to watch Chinese Kung Fu can go to my premiere performance. After watching the premiere performance, watch it again My movie Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon."

The ratings of the live TV broadcast are rising crazily, and the live broadcast on the Internet is also covered by dense bullet screens.

Wu Long's live broadcast in the Youtu live broadcast room also quickly gathered many Wu Long fans.

This live broadcast, as well as the video released afterwards, quickly spread around the world.

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