I'm not just an action star

Chapter 321 New Film Confirmed

The video of Wu Long floating alone on the west coast quickly spread around the world.

Someone knew Duzhu Piao, and immediately brought some pictures and videos of Duzhu Piao in China, and made scientific records.

"This is called solo bamboo drifting, and there are still many people who know it."

So, the reviews were shocked.

"My God, does everyone in China know kung fu?"

"Are these people able to do light work?"

"They don't need a boat, and they can sail on water?"


"too frightening!"

Wu Long's bamboo top performance, because of the video of him floating alone on the sea, attracted many people to watch.

He chooses to perform during the day, and the way to get on the bamboo roof is not to step on the bamboo directly.

Still in the ancient clothes, facing the speeding car, Wu Long jumped high at the right time.A somersault, landed on the roof of the car, and stood firmly on the horse.

The car carrying Wu Long turned around and accelerated towards the bamboo.

When rushing in front of the bamboo, the car braked suddenly.Wu Long jumped up by inertia, stepped on the slanted bamboo, and then jumped with his strength, and he stood on the top of the bamboo.


The audience applauds!




"My God, how did he do it!"

In the live broadcast room, netizens spoke one after another, not believing it was true.Many people think that Wu Long is the hanging Wia.But I have shown the camera before, there is no crane in the sky, no wire.

Swords danced and jumped on the top of the bamboo, and the audience burst into screams.


When the audience saw the scene of Li Mubai and Yu Jiaolong fighting swords on the bamboo roof in the movie theater, everyone believed it and thought it was true.

On the Internet, netizens who have watched the movie have acclaimed "Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon".

"It's amazing, it's unbelievable, without computer special effects, without CG animation, such a thrilling action can be shot."

"The picture is beautiful. From the beginning to the end. Even if Yujiaolong jumped off the cliff, he chose a place with beautiful scenery."

"The roof chase reminds me of parkour. But even our best parkour masters wouldn't dare to run like that at night."

"That's not parkour, that's Chinese light work! Some movements are different from parkour!"

"See the shot of Li Mubai hanging upside down from the corner of the wall and grabbing broken bricks? Parkour is absolutely impossible."

"That's from Diao Weiya!"

"No, that's a long shot, Diao Weiya can't do it!"

"Is there no one who praises Yu Jiaolong? It's amazing that she beat so many people in the restaurant!"

"I think Yu Xiulian is more beautiful and stronger, she can use any weapon!"

"Yu Jiaolong can't beat Yu Xiulian, and even took advantage of Yu Xiulian's unpreparedness to attack Yu Xiulian!"

"Why did Yujiaolong jump off the cliff?"

"Because Yu Jiaolong fell in love with Li Mubai, but it's a pity that Li Mubai died because of saving her, and she jumped off a cliff to die in love. God, it's so romantic!"

"Yu Xiulian didn't love Li Mubai enough to die with Li Mubai!"

"Li Mubai is too great, he would rather die himself to save Yu Jiaolong!"

"Great romance!"

Scott was very depressed after watching "Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon", so he could only drink to relieve his worries.

He originally thought that Wu Long's movie would be the same as the previous ones, with a simple plot and no deep meaning.However, the plot of "Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon" is not simple, but also has deep meaning!

"Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon" talks about love, but it doesn't just talk about love, nor does it simply talk about love.

There are many things hidden in it.In terms of implication and profundity, there are many profound things in humanities, society, ethics, morality, and thought than his "Gladiator".

In terms of the picture, the color scheme of "Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon" makes people feel comfortable and in line with ancient oriental culture and customs.

The scenery is beautiful, even a landscape film or a travel film will do.

In terms of shooting, the use of the lens, the design of the camera position, and the language of the lens are all perfect.

Even the soundtrack that Scott is proud of, "Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon" is not inferior to him.

"Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon" is not an oriental film at all, but a film that tells a Western story in an oriental aesthetic cloak.

It is not different from Western films like other foreign language films.Its aesthetics and narrative are very Westernized, and it seems to be a film shot according to the requirements of the awards.

Wu Long and his "Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon" are strong competitors of his "Gladiator"!

In terms of action design, even with Wu Long as his martial arts consultant, guiding the duel movements of the gladiators, compared to the actions of "Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon", "Gladiator" is still much worse.

I want to say that the action of "Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon" is not realistic, but it cannot be done in reality.But Wu Long did a bamboo top performance on the spot.There is no need to hang the wire, to prove that such an action can be done in reality.

In box office comparison, except for the box office of "Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon" which lost to "Gladiator" on the first day, the box office of "Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon" was higher than that of "Gladiator" on other screening days.

It can be said that "Gladiator" is not as good as "Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon" at the North American box office.Looking at the global box office, "Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon" is still higher than "Gladiator".

This is not only because of Wu Long's single bamboo drifting and bamboo top sword dancing performances, but also because the audience has never seen such beautiful action fighting.

As far as the fighting scenes are concerned, the pictures of "Gladiator" are not as beautiful as "Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon", and the fighting scenes are all in the arena, without much change.

The fighting scenes in "Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon" include chasing on rooftops, night battles at city gates, multiple people fighting one person, one person fighting multiple people, indoor one-on-many chaotic fighting, and sword fighting on top of bamboo.

Different weapons, different fighting methods, coupled with long action shots with a strong sense of substitution and experience, it can be said that "Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon" is much higher than "Gladiator" in terms of action scenes.

"Wu Long, if it weren't for you and those long action shots, your box office would definitely not be as high as my "Gladiator"!"

In fact, Scott knew that even if "Gladiator" grossed more than "Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon", he couldn't beat "Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon".Because the production of "Gladiator" exceeded 500 million yuan, while the production cost of "Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon" was only [-] million yuan.

Weiner Pictures, Wu Long and their executives drank champagne to celebrate.

"Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon" has a domestic box office of 1.72 million and a global box office of 5.2 million!

This is an astonishing number, and it is also an astonishing box office result.

"Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon" is a foreign language film, and it has achieved such a great success and such a high box office, setting a foreign language film box office record.

More important is the input-output ratio.Although the box office of those special effects films is high, the investment is also high. Computer special effects and cg animation have greatly increased the cost.

In terms of profits, "Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon" made more money than those high-grossing films.

"Long, this is the script, do you want to shoot it?"

After celebrating, Wu Long got a script.

"Blood Battle at Hot Spring Pass", a war-themed movie.It tells the tragic battle between ancient Persia and Greece: the Battle of Thermopylae.

After reading the script, Wu Long felt very ordinary.Weiner Pictures valued Wu Long's action design, and the script obviously absorbed some styles from "Gladiator".

However, "Gladiator" is a duel in the arena, and "Blood Battle at Thermopylae" is a duel on the battlefield.

He returned the script.

"I can make this type of film, it's still the Battle of Thermopylae, but I write the script myself."

Weller Pictures only needs Wu Long to make films, they don't care how or what kind of films they make.The best choice is to give Wu Long the greatest authority.

"In principle, yes, but we still need to look at the script for evaluation."

A few days later, Wu Long gave Weiner Pictures a script.

"300 Spartans".

Weiner Films evaluated the script after receiving it, and unanimously agreed to shoot the film.

Invest 7000 million!

Cheaper than Gladiator!

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