I'm not just an action star

Chapter 319 The Classic Premiere

The temporary bamboo placed in front of the premiere cinema in the Imperial Capital attracted many people to take pictures and check in.

In the trailer of "Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon", there is a shot of Li Mubai and Yu Jiaolong standing on the top of the bamboo forest.This reminds many people that Wu Long may perform on the top of the bamboo at the premiere.

According to Wu Long's practice, most of the performances at the premiere are related to the martial arts in the movie.

"Shaolin Bodyguard" performed flying knives.

"Tao Gao Yizhang" performs Taoism.

"Fa Hai Zhiwei Tianlong" performed to heaven.

"The God of Cookery: The House of Gold and Jade" performed cooking skills.

Therefore, it is only natural that "Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon" performs bamboo martial arts.

The pre-sale tickets of Imperial City, no matter which theater, have already sold out the tickets for a week.Such a result makes other films ashamed.

The wisdom of netizens is unlimited.Seeing the bamboo in front of the cinema, some netizens have already analyzed Wu Long's performance process.

"Brother Long must have jumped up, stepped on this slanted bamboo to the top, and then danced the sword on the top of the bamboo."

"It's the truth!"

"You put it that way, maybe Wu Long can only change his movements."

"Wu Long can't change it, otherwise he won't be able to go up."

Wu Long was very helpless when he saw the analysis of netizens, and this was exactly his plan.However, even if it is exposed by netizens, he can't change it.

This is the only way to get on the bamboo. Stepping on other objects is not as real as stepping on the bamboo directly.

At night, as the time for the premiere performance approached, the square where the performance was held was crowded with people.

In fact, this kind of performance at night is still difficult and dangerous.

This can be more attractive to watch.

When the time came, Wu Long appeared on time.

"Welcome everyone to join us, I'm Wu Long!" He waved to everyone, winning bursts of screams and shouts.

"I saw someone online writing about my performance."

"Everyone must want to know, is it correct to write on the Internet?"

"You must really want to see my performance tonight, is it the same as what is written on the Internet, isn't it?"

Wu Long handed the microphone to the audience.


"Brother Long, I love you!"

"Brother Long, I want to give you a baby monkey!"

Wu Long smiled at the madness of female fans.He is holding the microphone and making a gesture with the other hand.

"I can tell you very responsibly that what I write on the Internet is what I want to perform!"

"So, now that everyone knows what I'm going to do, I don't have to do it anymore."

"This is the end of tonight's premiere performance, friends, goodbye!"

Wu Long waved goodbye to everyone, then turned and left.

The audience was suddenly dumbfounded, and all fell silent.

This is?


Brother Long got angry, so he stopped acting?

People on the internet are so disgusting!

Random spoilers, but it made Brother Long angry and stopped acting!

As a result, Wu Long turned around and came back halfway.

"Is my joke funny?"


Wu Long is too hateful to play this trick!

The staff delivered the clothes, and Wu Long changed into ancient clothes in public.


Wu Long drew his sword in his hand, and danced a ball of sword flowers in front of him.

Start to dance a set of swordsmanship, this swordsmanship is Li Mubai's Xuanmu swordsmanship in the movie.


Those who were close could actually hear the sound of Wu Long's sword when he stabbed it.

"My God! I heard a squeak!"

"That's Jianming!"

After Wu Long danced the sword technique, he put the sword in his hand and rushed towards the slightly slanted bamboo.

Take off!

Two meters!

When you step on the bamboo, you can clearly see that the bamboo is a little bent.

Wu Long walked up quickly stepping on the bamboo.

After a few steps, Wu Long really stood on the top of the bamboo, bending the bamboo.

Bamboo has toughness, and raw bamboo is even tougher. A bamboo with a big mouth can actually support the weight of a person!

The bamboo bounces up and down, and Wu Long undulates up and down on the bamboo, fluttering like a fairy.

At this time, the sound of music sounded, it was the original soundtrack of "Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon".

For the original soundtrack of the film, Wu Long did not change it.After all, it was the soundtrack of the movie that won the grand prize, so he was stupid to change it.

When it stabilized, the bamboo did not shake so much, and Wu Long began to dance his sword on the top of the bamboo.

It was still the same Xuanmu swordsmanship that was danced on the ground just now, now careful people began to notice the difference.This difference is an adjustment made according to the shaking of the body.

The top of the bamboo is not compared to the ground, the ground is not moving, but the top of the bamboo is shaking.Wu Long had to consider the balance to prevent himself from falling, and he also had to dance sword moves, so naturally he had to change his moves.

As the swordsmanship continued to dance, Wu Long suddenly jumped up by the elasticity of the bamboo and landed on the top of another bamboo.

The bamboo is straight, but still bends at the top.Wu Long couldn't stand on the top, not because he was afraid of the bamboo breaking, but because the bamboo was too thin and curved, he would slip out of the bamboo.

If you don’t stand on the top, step on the less curved part of the bamboo first, so that when you step on it, you can use your body weight to bend the bamboo and support your whole body.

Dance the sword, and then use the power of the bamboo to jump up and land on another bamboo.

There were bursts of exclamation and screams at the scene, and the women covered their mouths and screamed, or covered their eyes, leaving a gap to see.

It was too thrilling!


"Damn it, absolutely!"

"Bungee jumping on bamboo tips!"

"Good guy, if you didn't watch the live broadcast, you would really think that Brother Long hanged Wia!"

"Brother Long changed his clothes on the spot to prove that he didn't hang on to Wia!"

"Awesome, my brother Long!"

"This is the real light work!"

"Parkour, who will try it?"

"Actually, it's the same as a trampoline."

"It should be a walking rope, or a sling."

"I want to know how Brother Long got down?"

That's right, how Wu Long got down is a suspense.

Don't think that you can lower the bamboo to a certain height, then jump off, and let the bamboo bounce back by itself.This is only possible in theory, but very difficult to do in practice.

Because when the bamboo is bent by the weight of the body, the elasticity of the bamboo is extremely high.Once you let go and jump up, the bamboo will bounce back quickly without the weight to suppress it. If you don't have time to dodge at this speed, you will be hit by the bamboo bullet.

After Wu Long danced his sword on the top of the bamboo, he jumped onto a bamboo and pressed the bamboo down.After this pressure, he didn't press too much and immediately jumped to another bamboo, which was lower than before.

This time, I no longer press on the bamboo, but use the power of stepping on the bamboo to move my body sideways, and step on another bamboo to cushion my fall.

In the same way, Wu Long stepped on two bamboos with his feet separated from the left and right, using the force of lateral movement from side to side to buffer his descent, and finally flipped and landed safely.

Thunderous applause!

Not long after the performance ended, everyone enthusiastically rushed into the cinema to watch "Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon".

The pace was a bit slow at the beginning, but Yu Xiulian, played by Zhang Zhulin, appeared on the stage and received a burst of praise from everyone.

Age through makeup, older than the actual age.But it shows a bit of unique familiarity, which makes people more flavorful the more they look at it.

When she heard Li Mubai coming, her eyes flickered.Doubt and joy, hesitation and anxiety, just those few twinkling eyes and subtle changes in the mouth, immediately express the complex heart vividly.

He went out very fast, but when he saw Li Mubai, he immediately slowed down.The meaning behind it is thought-provoking, but it can be seen at a glance by those who have experienced it.

There must be a problem between Yu Xiulian and Li Mubai!

When Li Mubai looked at Yu Xiulian and said affectionately something that he couldn't let go of, at this time Li Mubai expressed it implicitly but clearly.

But Yu Xiulian received Li Mubai's expression, her expression changed several times, and she finally bowed her head to avoid it.

Let people reaffirm that there is absolutely absolutely a problem between the two!

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