I'm not just an action star

Chapter 318 "Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon" is about to open

After seeing it, the senior executives of Weiner Pictures began to discuss the matter of Wu Long directing the film.

"I don't think it's a problem to let him shoot. As far as the standard is concerned, next year's Golden Hill Awards or Hauska are eligible to be nominated or even awarded."

"The action scenes are really exciting, obviously higher than those previous films."

"It can be seen from this that Wu Long can not only design perfect oriental action scenes, he can also design perfect actions in our action scenes."

"It stands to reason that it should be fine for Wu Long to direct. But let's prepare for the screening, why not wait for the screening to make a decision?"

"Well, it's safer to make a decision after the screening. We also have a chance to change."

"If the grades are good, and then sign a contract with Wu Long, you can create a wave of enthusiasm."

"How's Rocky's film going?"

"I read it, it's pretty good. In the fighting circle and the gaming world, Rocky is now a celebrity, and many people are clamoring to kill him."


"He lost the last game, and many people who bought him to win lost all their property. However, there was news before the game that Rocky injured his right hand. Under such circumstances, there are still people who bet heavily on him to win, in the words of the bookmaker Said, the gambler is too stupid, the sickle is not enough."

"Didn't the gaming company make a lot of money?"


"Yes, there are ups and downs when there are wins and losses, and the plot will have ups and downs. I am also worried that Rocky will win all the way, and the film will not be sensational enough."

Rocky is adjusting his mentality.

Even if he knew that his injury was fake, if he used his right fist, he would definitely win, but the defeat in the match was real, and he really lost in the match.

The pressure of public opinion is also real, he has felt it and is bearing it.

Wu Long said that what should be taught has been taught, including failure.

That's the point, Wu Long taught him to fail.

Judging from the current feelings, if he was defeated with both fists intact, he should stand at a higher position at that time, and the pressure and public opinion he would face would be many times greater than now.

Feeling the pressure ahead of time is like practicing a fight.And he knows his true situation, which gives him the confidence to bear the pressure.

But is this what Wu Long wanted to tell him?

No, Wu Long said that the next step depends on himself.This should be a hint that he needs to think for himself.Instead of Wu Long telling him everything.

What you think of is your own.

There is no right fist, no KO, and even the points are not much different, what does this mean?

It means that even without a right fist, he still has a chance to win.

The reason why he didn't win was because he wasn't strong enough!

That's right, that's what Wu Long wanted him to think for himself.

If it were Wu Long, even if he didn't use his feet, he would be able to KO the current UFC champion with only one hand!

Rocky firmly believed in this.

You can know this from the fact that Wu Long beat Barrett for a second.

Just becoming a champion and winning the gold belt is not Wu Long's request.Such requirements are too low.

Wu Long should want him to become the king of ufc, the eternal king!

Everyone has accidents.

If he is strong enough to KO his opponent with one hand, even if he has an accident in the future and his hand is injured, he can still defend his golden belt and guarantee that the golden belt will not be taken away by others.

You can't avoid a fight because of an injury.

Champions can find reasons to avoid fighting.

The king can't!

Wu Long saw that he had won consecutive victories during this period and was all KO opponents. Unknowingly, he became proud and ignored the people of the world, thinking that he could easily win the championship gold belt.

That's why Wu Long let him lose a game, calm down.

"Teacher, I understand!"

Rocky raised his head to the sky and screamed.

The videographer next to him carried a camera to truly record Rocky's transformation. He, the reporter, and the notary all felt the changes in Rocky.

It seems that there is a power emanating from Rocky, making Rocky more confident and determined!

"He has changed! It's like a different person!" the notary sighed.

The reporter nodded in agreement:

"He's evolving. He's figured out something, he's withstood the pressure of failure, and he's transforming!"

The cameraman said: "Yes, I feel it too. His mental outlook can be seen on the monitor."

Rocky decided to practice his left hand wildly, and he will still fight with only one hand in the next game!

He wants to KO his opponent with one hand!

The failure of the last round made him disqualified from the main competition after finally accumulating results.In his next match, there will only be three rounds.

He wants to KO his opponent in the third round!

To adjust the state, not only to adjust the mental state, but also to adjust the physical state.Allow the body to adapt to the style and tactics of only the left fist, and increase the power of the left fist!

After formulating the plan, Rocky devoted himself to training with great enthusiasm.

Wu Long returned to the imperial capital to prepare for the premiere performance.

"What? You want to perform bamboo light kung fu live?" Qiu Ya was taken aback when she heard Wu Long's thoughts. "Do you want to use real bamboo?"

"It's too dangerous!" Qiu Ya was worried about Wu Long's safety.

"I have gone up three-foot-high plum blossom piles and steel wire ropes, and the bamboo is much lower than these two."

"Plum blossom stakes are fixed, so there is a place to step on. The wire rope is also fixed, like walking a tightrope. But the bamboo bounces back and forth, and you don't fasten a safety rope, just in case..."

"Trust me, no. I'm not going to take my own life as a joke. I'm rich and famous, and I don't want to lose it, do I?"

Basically, Qiu Ya couldn't persuade Wu Long to decide.

First, find a good pile of bamboo.The bamboo should be beautiful, and the bamboo should be evenly distributed, so that Wu Long will have room for others after he goes up.

There is also a bamboo that is inclined, so that Wu Long can directly step on the bamboo to the top.The angle of inclination does not have to be too oblique, because bamboo can be bent.Give Wu Long an angle to go up, and he can use the weight of his body to bend the bamboo, making it easier for Wu Long to go up.

The bamboo branches at the top of the bamboo should also be trimmed, and some branches that hinder Wu Long from standing on the bamboo need to be cut off.

Bamboo is always found in piles. Wu Long will dig out the whole pile of bamboo with roots and soil, and put them in a square container made of welded steel plates.Cover it with a steel plate to prevent it from falling over.

After the performance is complete, these bamboos can be put back and continue to live forever.

There are a bunch at the Imperial Capital Premiere, and there are also a bunch on Hong Kong Island. Merricken has entrusted Tom to help.Wu Long will fly directly to Hong Kong Island after performing in the imperial capital, perform during the day on Hong Kong Island the next day, and then fly to Merikan to perform in Merikan.

On the Internet, with the upcoming release, there are more and more topics.

This is a movie that breaks the traditional martial arts movies. Many action scenes are done by the actors themselves, and the doubles should not be used as much as possible.

The video of the Condor Heroes training in the martial arts gym still has a lot of hits.Fans of those actors will click in to watch from time to time, to see the sweat and hard work their idols put in for filming.

Which drama is there now, which actor will study hard to make a good martial arts scene like them?

And it's not posing to take photos, but a real record live broadcast.

Everyone knows that many of the moves learned in the Condor Heroes Martial Art Museum can be used and used.Even Wu Long said at the opening of the studio that the moves he practices are decomposed from the movements in filming.

Only by practicing these movements well can you get good results when filming.

Everyone already knows the strength of an actor by watching the actors' training in the Condor Heroes Martial Arts Academy, so naturally they look forward to it.

I have to say that Wu Long's trick of opening the Condor Heroes Martial Arts Hall is really an excellent operation method, absolutely perfect!

Many operating companies use this as a case and write it into their textbooks.

The Condor Heroes Martial Arts is like a hook, which slowly lifts the audience's appetite. Until the film and television broadcast, everyone follows the inertia of watching the Condor Heroes Martial Arts and wants to see the comparison between training and performances, so they naturally walk into it. Watch it in the cinema, lock the TV channel to watch it.

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