
The third round is over!

Rocky didn't use his right fist!

Rocky didn't ko his opponent!

Rocky was not KO either!

Among the audience, those who bought Wu Long's victory in the third round began to curse!

"Fack! You cost me money!"

"Damn Rocky, why didn't you KO him in the third round, why!"

"Omaika, I lost a lot of money!"

"Shet! Shet! I'm going to kill you, Rocky!"

Qiao Dingding looked at Rocky, who was resting in the octagonal cage, without moving his eyes.What about the agreed third round KO?Why didn't it show up?

Of course, Rocky didn't say anything to him.Everything is his own guesswork.

"Boss, Rocky didn't have a KO opponent, and he didn't throw a right punch. Is his right hand really injured?"

Joe didn't answer.

"Boss, what should I do? I borrow money to buy Rocky to win. If his right hand is really injured, will he lose?"


"shut up!"

"Rocky was taught by Wu Long! He must have a way for Rocky to win! If Rocky loses this match, Wu Long will fall from the altar! He is no longer the Kung Fu King! No one believes in him anymore! "

"But..." Joe's subordinates felt aggrieved.

"No but! Rocky must not have found a chance. There are still two rounds, and Rocky will definitely win!" Joe was strong and calm.

Because Rocky is favored in this game, it is scheduled to play five rounds in the main event.As long as Rocky can win in the next two rounds, Joe can also win money.

However, because of the heavy betting, Joe's heart was a little messed up at this time.

Especially those around who bought Rocky to win the third round were yelling after losing money, which affected his mood even more.

At the beginning of the fourth round, Rocky and his opponent were cautious. After 1 minute, Rocky's opponent suddenly launched a round of fierce attacks, and Rocky retreated steadily.

Seeing that Rocky was forced into the corner of the cage, he suddenly swayed left and right, and flashed out from the other side.

This is a great opportunity!



"Right fist!"

Joe yelled along with the audience.

Rocky's flash is well positioned and timed well, as long as he throws a right punch, he's sure to hit the opponent.Even if you can't KO your opponent, you can still form a burst of attacks.

However, Rocky disappointed those who expected him to throw a punch.Rocky didn't punch, but kicked with his feet to prevent the opponent from coming up to attack.



"Oumaiga, Locke, you let me down so much!"

Both sides come and go.Rocky's opponents were both offensive and defensive, and they were no longer as strict on defense as they were in the third round.Rocky was always looking for an opportunity, but unfortunately his opponent was not weak, and Rocky didn't find a chance to KO him with his left fist.

At the end of the fourth round, those who bought Rocky to win began to scold Rocky.

At the beginning of the fifth round, the scolding gradually disappeared.This is the last round. If Rocky can't KO his opponent, he will count the points.

Every audience who bought Rocky to win silently prayed in their hearts that Rocky could KO his opponent.There are too many uncertain factors in counting points, so ko is reassuring.

Joe also prayed in his heart that Rocky would win.

He didn't dare to think about the consequences of Rocky's loss.All his property belongs to others.He has no status without money, and his enemies will let him know what fleeing is.

Regret it, Joe regrets not pledging all his assets to borrow money.

"Rocky, you can't lose!"

"If you lose this game, I will definitely kill you!"

Rocky's several attacks were ineffective, and the opponent's defense was still tight.The two are physically exhausted, and it takes time to hug each other from time to time.


The fifth round is over!

No one can ko each other.

Joe closes his eyes and prays, Rocky wins, Rocky wins!

There were also people in the audience following Rocky to win.

Many people also called Rocky's opponent to win.

The referee pulls up both sides to stand in the center of the octagonal cage.

He raised the hand of Rocky's opponent!

Rocky points lost to the opponent!

"No!" Joe, like many audience members, held his head and refused to accept such a result.

Joe's subordinates looked completely dull.

"It's over, it's over!"

The audience scolded Rocky!

Joe also scolded Rocky greatly.

"Rocky, you've lost Wu Long's face, you made me bankrupt!"

"I won't let you go!"

"Absolutely not!"

Joe was muttering to himself, something he didn't know himself.The voice of his subordinates came from the ear:

"Boss, I'm going to run away."

Joe looked hopelessly at his men.The men turned and left, leaving him with a back view.


He is going to run away too!

Locke came to see Wu Long with a heavy heart.

"Teacher, I feel the great pressure you said."

"Everyone scolded me, all the audience scolded me."

"I still have to deal with my own failures."

Wu Long smiled.

"Does it hurt?"

Rocky nodded.

"feeling bad."

"Taste this discomfort, taste the abuse from the audience. Do you know why they scold you?"

Rocky thought for a while and replied:

"They bought me to win, and I lost. They were going to lose money because I lost the game, so they scolded me."

"Look, you also know the reason. People who like you should like your punches. Even if you lose the game and they are sad, they will still like you."

"The people who scolded you liked you just because you win the game and they can win money. You are just a tool for them to win money. Slowly experience the taste of failure. This is the end of my lesson. The rest of the way, you walk on my own."

There is nothing undisclosed in the conversation between the two.The cameraman next to him turned on the camera and recorded faithfully.Reporters and notaries were also watching, feeling Rocky's depression and pain.

"Teacher, are you no longer teaching me?"

"I have taught what should be taught, including failure. As long as you can get out of failure and turn pressure into strength to beat your opponent, the golden belt of champion will definitely be worn on your waist."

"Rocky, it's time to face everything by yourself!"

Wu Long patted Rocky on the shoulder.

Joe knew where Rocky's home was, so he took a gun and planned to kill Rocky before fleeing.He dare not do anything to Wu Long, but Rocky is not Wu Long.

Opening the door, he held up his hands.

"How did you get here, where are my men?"

"Your men are the same as you. They borrowed money to buy Rocky to win. Now they are all running away."

"Listen, I have contacts and connections, as long as you give me time, I will definitely make money to pay you back."

"No problem, our boss said that you and him are old friends, and he will not embarrass you. As long as you complete all the mortgaged things to my boss, we will definitely not embarrass you."

"I didn't want to renege on the debt. I just went out to meet your boss and go through the formalities with him."

"It doesn't have to be so troublesome. Now that we are here, you can do it with us."

"Let me kill Rocky first..."

Puff puff!

Joe was shot and fell to the ground.

His fingers were picked up, pressing fingerprints on many documents.

"I said, it doesn't have to be so troublesome."

"Gladiator" is released.In the promotional video, there is a video of Wu Long and Fang Zhuming fighting with sword and shield.Scott told everyone that the film hired Wu Long as a martial arts consultant, and arranged duel moves in the arena according to Wu Long's instructions.

The box office on the first day was good, and then the box office gradually increased without falling back.

Soon, "Gladiator" was a hit.The audience was full of praise for the wonderful duels in it, and praised that the actions choreographed by Wu Long looked very real, much better than those action scenes that looked like street fights.

The movements designed by Wu Long are the movements of the real gladiator's life-and-death battle.Unlike the movies I watched before, those life-and-death duel actions are the same as street fights of ordinary people, without a sense of power, beauty, or reality.

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