I'm not just an action star

Chapter 316 Don't worry

In the pre-match interview, the reporter asked Rocky:

"Rocky, you have played three games in UFC, won three games and won three times, and KOed your opponent three times. May I ask if you are sure to KO your opponent again in today's game?"

Rocky shook his head, his expression showing that he lacked confidence.

"Today's game, I guess, is the most difficult game I have participated in."

The reporter seemed to have got a hot spot, with surprise on his face.

"Oh? Can I ask why?"

"Because shortly after the opponent for this game was determined, my right arm was injured in a training session, and I have not recovered until today. Therefore, facing a strong opponent, I am not sure that I can KO the opponent."

"So, the recent rumors are true. Your right arm is really injured, so you can't strike with your right fist?"

"Yeah, those rumors were right. I thought I'd be able to recover before the game... But, the thing is, my right hand hasn't recovered."

"Oh, that's really worrying. I heard a detail. You said that you were injured after deciding the opponent for this game. Can I understand that, the strength of the opponent makes you feel pressure, so that it affects Did your training lead to injury?"

Rocky shook his head.

"No, that was just an accident during normal training."

The reporter interviewed Rocky's opponent again.

"It is rumored that your opponent Rocky has not recovered from his right arm injury during training. In the upcoming match, he will not be able to throw a right punch. Excuse me, is this beneficial to you, giving you a chance to KO your opponent? "

Rocky's opponent sneered twice.

"If you really think so, then you have fallen for his trick."

The reporter was stunned.

"What do you mean? Do you think Rocky lied?"

"I'm not going to lie, he knows it. But in the game, I don't think his right fist can't strike. Whether his right arm is injured or not, I will treat him as a strong opponent."

Rocky's opponent saved Rocky's face by speaking.But everyone could feel from his answer that he didn't believe the rumors that Rocky's right arm was injured at all.

"Boss, is Rocky's right arm really injured?" Joe's men asked Joe.

Qiao shook his head: "Absolutely impossible! Rocky's psychological warfare must be Wu Long's trick!"


"Let's put it this way, Rocky won three games in a row, which is nothing. But he won three games in a row with KO opponents, which shows a lot of problems. So this time, his opponent is very strong. Ten wins and one loss, Five KO opponents, three tko opponents."

"Boss, his opponent is so strong, why do you still buy Rocky Victory? Oh my god, I also bought Rocky Victory with you, what should I do?"

"Idiot, listen to me! It's because Rocky's butt is too strong in this game. Wu Long played psychological warfare in order to ensure Rocky's victory. He is a master of hypnotism, and a hypnotist is best at playing psychological warfare. Otherwise, he How do you hypnotize someone?"

"So, Rocky's right arm was not injured at all!"

"He said that just to confuse his opponent!"

The subordinates looked at Joe with admiring eyes.

"Boss, you are too wise to see through Rocky's trick. If I buy Rocky and lose, I will lose all my property. However, in the interview just now, Rocky's opponent seems not to believe Rocky's right arm Will be injured. Does this mean that Rocky's tricks have no effect? ​​Can Rocky still win?"

"I will definitely win. You have to know that Rocky was trained by Wu Long. If he can't win, how could Wu Long let Rocky out to play? Wouldn't that ruin his reputation?"

"The right arm is injured, this is a psychological warfare. Even if his opponent doesn't believe it, the fact that Rocky's right arm is injured has been buried in his opponent's heart. At first, his opponent will be careful about Rocky's right arm and remind himself Don't believe the rumours. But as the game goes on, the physical and mental exertion takes place, and the mind slackens."

"When Rocky's opponent slacks off, there's going to be a moment when you think Rocky's right arm is actually hurt. I bet, from the beginning of the fight, Rocky will refrain from throwing his right punch and give him Opponents are delusional."

"So, when Rocky's opponent relaxes and thinks that Rocky's right arm is really injured, he will definitely show his flaws. At this time, Rocky will definitely seize the opportunity to throw a right fist and KO his opponent. And according to Wu Long and Luo Qi Oddly expects this result to appear in the last few seconds of the third round."

"Why?" Joe's subordinates didn't expect his boss to analyze so much, and it seemed reasonable.

"Because, the third round is the most critical round. Both sides consume a lot of physical and mental energy and need buffer recovery. Especially in the last few seconds of the third round, it is the time when the mind and body are most likely to relax. Have you forgotten ? Rocky's previous games were all KO opponents in the last few seconds of the third round."

Joe's subordinates felt that they finally understood, and patted their heads hard.

"Boss, I finally understand. This time because of the rumors that Rocky's right arm was injured, Rocky's odds of winning are very high. I not only invested all my money in it, but also borrowed a large sum of money to buy Rocky Win. After listening to your words, boss, I must win more money than I lost last time!"

After the subordinate finished speaking, he clenched his fist hard.

Joe frowned.

"You borrowed money again? Idiot! I told you last time that we are in this business and you have collected debts. How many people have you seen who borrowed money and can pay it off?"

"Boss, I paid it back last time. And didn't you also buy Rocky to win? A steady win is a steady profit, why don't you borrow money to invest in it?"

Joe was speechless by his subordinates.

In fact, buying Rocky won this time.Joe not only invested all his property, but also borrowed money to buy Rocky with assets as collateral to win.

He knew that as Rocky continued to KO opponents in the UFC boxing ring, Rocky's odds would become lower and lower.Taking advantage of the slight increase in Rocky's odds this time, he will earn more if he buys Rocky a lot of money to win.

When Rocky gets the championship gold belt, he will be on the rich list!

I feel proud when I think about it, and there must be many people who envy him.He is the first rich man to rely on gambling to climb into the rich list.

The owner of the bookmaker must hate him.so what?He deserves it.He bets normally, no bad rules.

Besides, he is not afraid to hire more bodyguards if he has money!

He is also a famous person, besides Wu Long, who has he been afraid of?


Game start.

Both sides are testing each other.Rocky's opponent seemed to hit Rocky's right hand on purpose during the trial.

During the match, the two sides came and went. In the first round, Rocky didn't use a single right punch, only using his left hand and leg to attack. It seemed that the offensive was not weaker than the opponent.

At the beginning of the second round, Rocky's opponent launched a fierce attack as soon as he came up, and was careful to watch out for Rocky's right fist.However, Rocky's right was still a no-punch in this round.

At the beginning of the third round, everyone watched the competition on the stage nervously.Because according to Rocky's habit, he will KO his opponent in the third round.

Even Rocky's opponents also paid attention to defense, dealt with Rocky carefully, and did not rush to attack.

Time passed by second by second.Everyone looked at Rocky nervously and anxiously, all eyes were on Rocky's right fist.

Rocky's right fist still didn't strike.

"Boss, the situation doesn't seem right. The third round is almost over, and Rocky's right fist hasn't struck yet. His right hand isn't really injured, is it?"

"Don't worry, didn't you see that Rocky is looking for an opportunity? You all know that Rocky will KO his opponent in the third round, won't Rocky's opponent know? Look at this round, his opponent has been defending, just because of scruples Rocky suddenly throws a right fist."

Joe was actually very nervous.If it was watching Rocky's game before, he would not be nervous.But this time is different!

This time, he invested all his assets!

Since he became a big boss, he hasn't had sweaty palms like today for a long time.


"Rocky, KO him!"

"Use your right fist, I know your right hand injury is fake!"

"Kill the guy in front of you, Rocky! I bought your KO opponent in the third round, don't let me down!"

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