I'm not just an action star

Chapter 315 You Can't Use Your Right Fist


The audience around the ring was outraged!Excited!Excited!

Shouting, cursing, everything.

"Fake, I bought you to win the third round, why did you KO at the beginning!"

"Xie Te, I buy you to lose, why do you want to win!"

Joe's men wailed.

"My money! All my wealth is gone!"

Joe's heart was actually very excited.He originally wanted to buy Rocky to win the third round, but when he bought it, he temporarily decided to only buy Rocky to win.

Buy Locke to win, win less.But no matter which round Locke wins, he can win money.

Buy the third round to win, win more, and risk more.Even if Rocky wins this game, as long as he doesn't win the third round, he will be considered a loser.

"Sure enough, I am the only one who knows Wu Long best!"

"A person who can hypnotize has a cunning and changeable mind!"

"Rocky has been steadily winning in the third round. This is a deliberate illusion! People think that Rocky's style of play is to defend first, consume the opponent's physical strength, and then counterattack in the third round."

"But, I'm the only one who saw through Wu Long's trick!"

"Wu Long wanted Rocky to do this because he wanted to create momentum for Rocky's fight in the UFC. The sudden change showed his strength, which made boxing fans go crazy, and also made UFC value him!"

Joe was triumphant.

After the game, Rocky and his opponent were interviewed separately.

"Rocky, you were able to KO your opponent in the opening ten seconds and end the fight, how did you do it? For a rookie like you who has no experience in the UFC boxing ring, your first fight in the UFC is so amazing. Is there any luck in the results?"

Lodge replied:

"It's not luck. Before the game, I carefully watched the opponent's game video. I studied his style of play and found out where I can attack. I made sufficient preparations before I was confident to seize the opportunity and knock him out. .”

Reporter: "But, don't you think it's risky?"

"We saw through replays that he was already kicking your foot. Once he hits your foot first, your attack will miss, and he can take the opportunity to attack you. And your foot is kicked. , The pace is disordered in a short period of time, and it is likely to be KO by his onslaught."

Lodge replied:

"You asked a very good question. But in the boxing ring, either you KO your opponent, or you are KOed by your opponent. If you are afraid of being KO, you will hesitate to fight. This will make it easier to lose the game."

"I'm not afraid of being KO. If I get KO today, I'll KO others tomorrow. This is the cognition a boxer should have."

After interviewing Rocky, he interviewed Rocky's opponent.

"May I ask how you were KO'd by Rocky in ten seconds? Did you imagine such a result before the game?"

"I watched the replay, and I can only say that he was very lucky. If it was a little later, he would be the one who was KO, not me."

"But, it's you who is being KO'd now."

"Because his fist speed is very fast, which is faster than what I thought when I watched his game video for analysis. Only when I face him can I really feel how fast his fist is."

To put it simply, Rocky's opponent thought that he had misjudged Rocky's punch speed, and because Rocky was lucky enough to seize the opportunity, he would KO him within the first ten seconds.

Or to put it another way, because it was Rocky's first UFC fight, he thought that Rocky would not attack so soon, so he was careless.Rocky was lucky and happened to seize the opportunity on the first attack.

Rocky became famous, and the relevant media began to tout him.

A rookie, in the UFC's first fight, can KO his opponent within ten seconds of the opening game, and his strength is strong.

Can he continue like this in his second game?

Boxing fans are attracted by Rocky, which can also drive the popularity of UFC.

Resting and adjusting, Wu Long continued to guide Rocky and analyze his second opponent with Rocky.

Time passed while waiting, and Rocky learned to adapt to his own pressure while waiting.As Wu Long said, use pressure as a motivation to increase your strength.

The second game came as scheduled, and Rocky's opponent was stronger than the previous one.

The ufc has a record of eight wins and three losses, and has ko opponents four times, but has not been ko.

"Boss, I will follow your example in this game. I only buy Rocky to win, and if I don't buy Rocky, what round will I win?"

Hearing what his subordinates said, Joe became curious.

"Didn't you lose everything last time? Why do you still have money to buy?"

"I borrowed money."

Joe is not happy.

"Did you take out a high-interest loan?"

"Yes, boss. I didn't borrow money from the company, so even if I lose, it won't make the company lose money." The subordinate hurriedly explained.

Qiao scolded: "Are you stupid? You have done debt collection work yourself. This kind of loan is a scam. You repay it?"

"Boss, last time I lost all my money. Only when I win money can I have food and support my family."

Joe said no more.

"Boss, do you think Rocky is still KO opponent at the beginning of the game?"

"It should be the third round."

"Why?" The subordinate didn't understand. "Didn't you say that Rocky wants to prove his worth?"

"Because he has already proven it. If he is still so strong in the second game, the opponents arranged for him in the third game will be stronger, and he will be more difficult to fight."

"In that case, boss, why don't you buy him to win the third round?"

"I'm not sure either."

The game was as Joe expected, and Rocky won the opponent in the third round.Although it was the third round win, it was still a KO opponent.

Rocky's third opponent still KO'd his opponent in the third round.

Joe also guessed that Rocky was the KO opponent in the third round, but he still wanted to be safe and only bought the win, not the specific round to win.

"Rocky, the fourth opponent, you can't use your right fist." Wu Long made a strange request to Rocky.

At this time, there were only him and Rocky, and no one knew about their conversation.

"Why?" Rocky asked.

"As I said, a good boxer can't distinguish between left and right punches. And you, you use more right punches than left punches. So, the next opponent you can't use right punches. You have to remember my words, you can't use them, You can’t use it. Just tell the outside world that you injured your right hand during training.”

"However, if I use one less fist, I will most likely lose this match." Rocky didn't want to lose.

"Why, you can't afford to lose?" Wu Long stared at Rocky. "Your pressure is not great enough. Losing a game will let you know how to face adversity, how to stand upright in the most difficult environment, and move forward in the face of various pressures."

"You can choose not to do what I do. Or, you can't..."

Wu Long didn't continue talking, but Rocky understood what he meant by what he didn't say.

If he doesn't resolutely follow what Wu Long said, Wu Long will stop teaching him.

Even if Wu Long no longer teaches him, he thinks that with his current strength, he is already qualified to compete for the UFC championship.

However, if he doesn't follow what Wu Long said, it means he will lose Wu Long from now on.Of course, the cooperation with Weiner Pictures will continue, after all, the contract has been signed.

In Chinese, it is ungrateful for him not to listen to Wu Long.He didn't want to be an ungrateful person.If it weren't for Wu Long, his mother's illness might not be cured, and he wouldn't have such a chance to win the championship, earn a lot of money, and live a rich life.

"Teacher, don't worry, I will definitely do as you say."

Rocky, who agreed to Wu Long's request, began to avoid using his right fist in the next training.This was discovered by others.

His partner trainer asked him, and the answer he gave was what Wu Long said. His right arm was injured during training and he couldn't use his strength.

This is very bad news, everyone is not optimistic about Rocky's next game.

"Long, can Rocky win the next round? His right fist can't be used." Tom hurriedly asked Wu Long.He needs to know the definite result so that he can make a bet.

"I don't know. Maybe I can win, maybe I can't."

"How should I bet?"

"You can play as you want, and I can't help you. If you lose money after listening to me, you will definitely blame me."

"What about you?"

"I don't bet."

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