I'm not just an action star

Chapter 314 Rocky's Journey

The video of Wu Long making Wellington steak quickly spread on the Internet, and the number of hits rose rapidly in units of thousands.

There has never been an anchor who cooks live in this way.

There are live broadcasts of western food cooking. There are handsome guys like Wu Long, and there are anchors with a handsome and magnetic voice like Wu Long, but at the same time, there are no anchors who are good at making Wellington steak!

There is no one like Wu Long who uses poetic and philosophical narration to describe the relationship between food and people.

Watching this video can whet your appetite.Listening to Wu Long's voice and commentary is like drinking a bowl of chicken soup for the soul.

The whole person, physically and mentally relax.

Except for a little regret, after watching the video, I desperately want to eat a steak Wellington.

A food master commented on Wu Long's Wellington steak, saying that at least a three-star Michelin chef can make such a good Wellington steak.

Three-star Michelin chef, this is the highest compliment for Wu Long.

Wu Long's fans increased rapidly.Especially those housewives who cook at home have become Wu Long's fans regardless of their age.

Many housewives sent explicit private messages to Wu Long. As long as Wu Long nodded, any housewife would send them to their door.

Don't get me wrong, they just sent the Wellington steak that they made themselves, and asked Wu Long to taste and comment.By the way, ask Wu Long for his cooking knowledge and exchange cooking experience.

Yes, it is really such a simple request.

Wu Long also sent this video back to Douyin in China, which attracted praise from fans.

"Teacher, UFC found me, I'm going to fight UFC!" Rocky came to Wu Long happily.

"very good."

Wu Long dug out the video of Rocky's game and pointed out where he needs to improve in the game.The cameraman faithfully recorded the communication between the two.Journalists and notaries also looked on.

There is no need to avoid these corrections, but it can show that Wu Long's teachings are serious and correct.

"In the first round, I want you to try to win the first game. Knock out the opponent in the fastest time!"

Hearing Wu Long's request, Rocky's eyes widened.

He wanted to do this a long time ago!

Wu Long's KO of Barrett in a second is the one thing Rocky most wants to learn to do.

He has been asked by Wu Long to win the third game, and he has been suppressed for such a long time, so that he is pressed to the limit like a spring.

Pressing it down again, he felt that he would definitely be like a volcano, erupting suddenly at some point.

Now Wu Long let go of the restriction, just like unlocking the lock on him.Just thinking about it can make Rocky even more excited.

However, Rocky remained calm.

"Teacher, why?"

"Because of momentum!"

"You have to enter the UFC with the momentum of a king, so that people can feel your sudden and powerful strength, and people's expectations of you will increase exponentially."

"Also let ufc see your value and get a better contract and price."

Rocky nodded in understanding.In fact, he thought that what Wu Long said was that he had been suppressed for too long and needed to be released.Wu Long didn't say that, obviously he didn't expect his physical and mental condition.It seems that Wu Long is not a god, and not everything can be predicted.

In this regard, Rocky was a little disappointed.

Wu Long saw his disappointment.

"Why, I'm not right? What do you think, you can say it. We need to be honest, otherwise it will affect our cooperation. I don't want to teach someone I don't trust, and I don't want to teach someone who doesn't trust me. "

Rocky thought Wu Long was angry, so he quickly explained.

"No teacher, I didn't distrust you. I just thought that you asked me to use the fastest time to KO the opponent, because you knew that I had been suppressed for too long and would explode at any time, so you let me release the suppressed bad emotions and pressure."

"Hearing that your explanation is different from what I thought, that's why I'm a little disappointed. But I understand that the teacher is true, because you can't see my inner thoughts. If you can see my inner thoughts, That's really scary."

Wu Long smiled, shook his head and said:

"No, you are wrong. Rocky, your thinking like this is wrong."

"Wrong?" Rocky didn't quite agree. "That's what psychologists say."

"Yes, the psychologists are not wrong. But they are only talking about ordinary people. For the strong, such a statement is wrong."


Even Tom, the notary, the reporter, and the cameraman at the side all looked at Wu Long curiously, waiting for Wu Long's explanation.

If the repression cannot be released, there will be psychological problems.Many perverted crimes or mental illnesses come out in this way.

Wu Long is not an expert in psychology, can there be a better explanation?

"Do you like weapons?" Wu Long asked Rocky back.

Rocky nodded.

"I like knives."

"Do you know how a good knife is made?"

"It was forged and forged by artisans." Rocky replied.

"You see, when a good knife is beaten, a thick piece of steel is forged into a thin piece of knife. The impurities are beaten out, leaving only the toughest steel."

"A real strong man is like a good knife. How can you release the pressure? Release the pressure, wait for the pressure to increase again, and release the pressure again? That is not a knife, nor is it a strong man, it is a balloon or an inflatable doll."

The analogy of the inflatable doll made Rocky blush with shame.

"You should turn pressure into motivation. Just like forging a knife into steel, use pressure to compress your body into fine steel and become a strong man!"

"If you can't even bear this pressure, you have to release it. How can you become a champion? Do you know how much pressure you have to face to become a champion?"

"Adjust your own mentality. Of course, if you just want to be an ordinary person, then I have nothing against you to release the pressure."

Rocky suddenly raised his head, puffed out his chest, and said loudly:

"No! Teacher! I want to become a strong man like you!"

"I don't want to be an ordinary person!"

"I want to be strong!"

Wu Long nodded.

"Very good, just use your momentum to play. Pressure will only make your fists stronger!"

Rocky raised his fists and roared:

"Pressure will only make my fists stronger!"

In the ufc field, Rocky and his opponent are about to play.

"Boss, why didn't you buy Rocky to win the third game? You used to buy him to win the third game, wouldn't you win more?"

Hearing the bottom of his men, Joe shook his head.

"UFC is the highest competition, and it should also be the goal of Wu Long and Rocky. Rocky may not wait until the third round to win like the previous games. Think about it, Wu Long KOs his opponent in a second, and replaces it with his students. If you have to wait until the third round to win, how can you be worthy of being his student? How can you show Wu Long's difference?"

"Rocky should use the shortest time to win his first UFC fight, so that he can show his strength and value, and then he will be favored and sought after by the UFC, and the UFC will give him a big price ,Understand?"

"Oh my God, boss, I regret it. I bought him to win the third game." The subordinates hugged their heads regretfully.

Joe smiled contemptuously.If you can think of it, you are the boss.This is also good, if you lose money, you can feel at ease as my subordinate.All of you have become rich, who is willing to be my subordinate, work for me, work for me, and help me block bullets?

&n, using Wu Long's original intention when he beat Barrett.

The opponent is a veteran of the ufc boxing field. UFC has a record of six wins and five losses, one KO opponent, and no KO.


At the start of the match, the two sides did not bump fists.

Approaching each other, Rocky saw the opponent's boxing specifications.However, the opponent's fists were up and down making interference movements, which revealed a gap instead.

Rocky studied the opponent's game.This gap time is extremely short and not easy to grasp.In the eyes of ordinary boxers, this flaw is not considered a flaw.

And by doing this, the opponent is actually covering the little foot and kicking low.

Rocky's key step is a little bigger, taking a step ahead of the rhythm, and pulling the opponent into the attack range of his fist.

The opponent is quite experienced in controlling the distance, and immediately kicked Rocky's front foot in a low position.

Unexpectedly, Rocky's fist penetrated through the middle of his boxing frame first, and hit his chin with a punch.

Rocky then hit the opponent with a fist, followed by a left fist.It's a pity that the opponent was knocked down with one punch, and Rocky's second punch passed over the opponent's fallen head.

The opponent fell to the ground, and Rocky did not go up to continue the attack.He was very sure that the opponent had been KO, and he raised his hands to celebrate in advance.


Ten seconds into the first round, Rocky KO's opponent won!

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