I'm not just an action star

Chapter 313 Beef Wellington on the tip of the tongue

"Long, don't worry, I have learned photography." Tom took pictures of Wu Long seriously.

Wu Long faced the camera with a handsome smile.

This made the chef curse inwardly, are you making a movie or cooking?

When Wu Long spoke, everyone was stunned!

It's a very masculine, magnetic voice.A little muffled, but bright.It seems that with the vicissitudes of life, it floats into the ears with the sound.

"Most food is a fission spectacle produced by the collision of different ingredients. If you look at the reunion of ingredients from the perspective of people-to-people interactions, some are amazing combinations made in heaven, some are touching encounters, and some are shocking. It's too late to know each other."

Wu Long's hand indicated the ingredients and seasonings.

"The food in front of me may come from the distant sea, or it may come from the majestic mountains."

His hands brushed over sea salt and mushrooms.

"Obtaining delicious food requires a lot of hard work and patient waiting. This rule also applies to life and work."

"Beef Wellington needs to be marinated before it is made."

Wu Long picked up a few pieces of filet mignon from the tin box.

"The combination of different seasonings makes the taste of the ingredients show ever-changing reactions. What kind of people and emotions are poured on the ingredients with the help of seasoning. It gives our food a unique soul."

"All tastes are inseparable from salt. Sea salt is unique in the world of salt. It can bring the taste of the sea. Put a grain in your mouth. Close your eyes, and you can feel the sea breeze blowing our hair. The waves are gently Tap our ankles."


"Omaiga, listening to Chef's voice, I feel that this is not cooking, but walking on the beach."

"It's a unique live broadcast of gourmet cooking. It feels like poetry."

"The voice is so nice, like whispers in a dream, it makes me relax."

Wu Long sprinkled sea salt on the filet mignon.

"The history of mankind is always smelling the smell of salt. This is the smell of salt, mountains, sea, wind, sunshine, time, and life."

"These tastes have been mixed into our lives, emotions and thoughts for a long time. Tasted on the tip of the tongue, aftertaste in the heart, we can hardly tell which one is the taste and which one is the feeling."

He picked up the black pepper again.

"In the kitchen, the best way for all kinds of flavors to exist is not to make one of them stand out, even if salt is the most basic taste, it is no exception. The harmony and balance of flavors are not only the perfection pursued by chefs , It is also the perfection that is constantly sought in life and the relationship between people. Even in the governance of the country and the relationship between countries, it is also an ideal state to pursue."

"The incorporation of black pepper takes away the fishy smell of meat and stimulates our taste buds. Together with sea salt, it brings out the umami taste of the sea. Together, we can change the taste of filet mignon and make it more fragrant and charming."

Wu Long began to knead and pat the filet mignon coated with sea salt and black pepper, like giving a massage.The marinated filet mignon was put aside first, and Wu Long started to make the ingredients for the mushroom sauce.

"Onion is a special plant. It is wrapped layer by layer, as if wrapped in years. It can remove the fishy smell and enhance the freshness of the meat."

After dicing the onion, dice the mushrooms.

"Mushroom, the essence of the mountain. Its umami taste is called the soul of all freshness. It has a more natural taste than the freshness of chicken essence."

Add the diced mushrooms and smash them into a puree.

"Let the essence of umami taste become more delicate, so that it can penetrate into the meat of every filet steak, forming the soul of flavor of Wellington steak."

Turn on the heat and melt the butter in the pot.

"Butter, let us maintain our fascination and anticipation for a certain taste. Then this taste, and the belief in life that is inseparable from it, will definitely guard tribes that cannot be copied, and fascinating secrets everywhere."

Add the diced onion to the pan and sauté over medium heat until soft.

"The collision of ingredients started our food journey. The exploration of freshness requires the fusion of spirits."

Wu Long added brandy.

"The aroma of the wine takes away the unwanted smell in the mushrooms, leaving only the deliciousness."

"Stir fry for eight to nine minutes to let the sweat dry."

"Let it cool, add foie gras, and take our umami on a special journey."

Stir well and set aside on a plate.

Turn on the fire and heat up the pan.

"Frying is a collision between oil and temperature. The purpose of frying steak is to lock in moisture, so we must use high temperature. Putting oil at high temperature can't make the oil smoke. Once it smokes, harmful substances will be released."

"So, choosing a good oil is the key to frying a good filet mignon."

"The first choice is avocado oil, which has no disadvantages except that it is more expensive."

"There's avocado oil, but I don't choose to use it because it's not available in many households' kitchens."

“Followed by unflavored grapeseed oil and olive oil. Note that we are going to use refined olive oil, not virgin olive oil.”

After rinsing with refined olive oil, Wu Long began to fry the filet mignon.

"Frying steak is to lock in moisture and color, so the cooking time should not be too long. Make sure to fry all sides. The time is about 15 seconds to 1 minute for each side. Note that the cooking time for each side should be the same."

Soon, Wu Long put the fried steak aside to cool.

Lay plastic wrap flat and top with ham slices.

"There must be no gaps between slices of ham. Just like our days, one day after another, there are some overlaps in a trance."

Spread the mushroom sauce evenly over the ham slices.Wu Long's serious attitude is like a craftsman carefully crafting a rare treasure.

Put the fried filet mignon in the middle, wrap the ham slices with plastic wrap, wrap the filet mignon tightly, and put it in the refrigerator.

"Put it in the fridge for ten to 15 minutes, this is to set the steak."

Take out the meringue and spread it out, sprinkle some dry flour, and poke holes for ventilation.Take the egg yolk from the egg, beat it into a liquid, and brush it on the puff pastry.

Remove the plastic wrap from the filet mignon, wrap it in puff pastry, seal side down, and place it on a baking tray lined with parchment paper.

Brush a layer of egg yolk on the surface of the puff pastry.

Like a sculptor, make embellished patterns on the leftovers and refrigerate for 15 minutes.

Preheat oven.

Place the steak in the oven.Bake at 10 degrees and bake for [-] minutes.

During this period, Wu Long boiled the sauce.


There was a sound from the oven.

time up.

Everyone watched Wu Long walk to the oven expectantly.The chef followed closely behind Wu Long, and behind the chef was the restaurant manager.Behind the restaurant manager are other chefs.

Tom held up his mobile phone on the other side of Wu Long and followed him to shoot.

He was so excited that his hands were shaking a little.

Was Wu Long's Steak Wellington a success?He was a little worried and scared again.

As soon as the oven was turned on, the aroma wafted out.

"Ah, it smells so good!"

"It's so fragrant!"

"It's the aroma of Wellington steak!"

When Wu Long took out the baking tray, the aroma became more intense.The sound of swallowing saliva resounded in the kitchen, it was so delicious, it was completely an instinctive reaction.

In the grill pan, pieces of Wellington steak are wrapped in gold, exuding heat and fragrance.

The chef's expression changed drastically.

Wu Long grilled several Wellington steaks at the same time, and none of them were burnt or burnt.Look closely, none of the slices are overcooked.

Just looking at the color, one can feel that this Wellington steak must have been a success.


"A beautiful piece of art!"

"Looking at it gives you an appetite."

"But, I can't bear to eat it."

"Across the screen, you can't eat."

After standing for 10 minutes, Wu Long cut the Wellington steak.

Pink cross-section, medium rare!

Coupled with crispy but not burnt meringue, the heat is perfect!

As far as looks go, Chef knew he was losing.More importantly, Wu Long made several at a time, and all of them were so perfect.

The chef's heart can only be pinned on the bad taste.

Wu Long arranges and garnishes.

"I cook steak Wellington, please taste it."

"Manager, please give these Wellington steaks to the two girls and the guests of the restaurant just now. I treat them."

The restaurant manager asked the waiter to deliver the food, and he and the chef tasted the Wellington steak made by Wu Long.

It's really better than what the chef made, the restaurant manager looked at the chef.You failed, but I can't say.

The chef closed his eyes and savored carefully.

When he opened his eyes again, he said seriously:

"Your Steak Wellington is better than mine. It has a delicious soul and delicate feelings."

"Thank you for letting me do a live broadcast in your kitchen, allowing my fans to taste a visual delicacy through the screen."

Wu Long and Tom took their steak Wellington and went out.

"Long, you are amazing!" Tom praised sincerely.

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