I'm not just an action star

Chapter 312 You Came For The Real?

The chef stared at Wu Long and asked:

"Can you cook steak Wellington?"

"If it were you, could you make a better steak Wellington?"

"I've been cooking steak Wellingtons here for years and you're questioning me now?"

The girl next to him had already quietly surrounded him.Hearing the chef's question, Wu Long opened his mouth and said first:

"He can, he is the master of cooking and kung fu! There is no dish in the world that he can't cook!"

Wu Long looked at the girl.Understand what is called the power of fans.You said she deliberately provoked?

No, looking at her eyes, she was full of enthusiasm for him.

I'm afraid there is no need to express it, all you need is to hook your fingers, and this girl will definitely be willing to give.

In a girl's thinking, her idol should be omnipotent.Let alone show weakness in front of ordinary people.

They like to see their idols invincible.In this way, they can get a happy feeling.

"Do you want me to cook steak Wellington in your back kitchen?"

"But I'm a star and an actor. If I want to make steak Wellington, I have to broadcast it live and let my fans see it."

Wu Long's words, in the eyes of the chef and restaurant manager, are a sign of guilt.

An excuse to live stream so they would say no and he wouldn't have to cook a steak wellington.

Even if you are a formal professional chef, there are times when you can't do Wellington steak well.How dare an actor cook Wellington steak live?

The manager of the restaurant didn't want to make any further trouble, so he was ready to let it go.

In the end, the chef agreed to Wu Long's request.

"No problem, the kitchen is right there, and you can cook steak Wellington live."

The chef wants those who worship Wu Long as the servant of the God of Cooking, to see clearly how the idols they worship are exposed by him.

Actors can act?

I will give you the stage, and you continue to act!

The chef looked at Wu Long with a half-smile.I really thought that if you wanted to broadcast live, I wouldn't dare to let you live broadcast in the back kitchen?

My back kitchen is clean and there is absolutely nothing wrong with it.

This is not your Chinese restaurant, where no one is allowed to enter the back kitchen.

Of course, in order to ensure food safety in places like the back kitchen, guests and unrelated people should not be allowed to enter casually.

The fiery eyes of the two girls who watched the excitement became brighter.

Wu Long at this moment is their sun!

"Kung Fu Dragon, you must do it!"

"We believe in you!"

"With our support, you will surely succeed!"

"You have to defeat them and prove that you are really a kung fu chef!"

The two girls just cheered Wu Long up, one of them stood beside Wu Long, took Wu Long's arm, and leaned his body tightly against Wu Long's body.

"My hero, I want to send you a blessing kiss, I wish you victory!"


"My warrior, I want to send you a kiss of victory to welcome you back from victory!"


Tom watched, swallowing hard.

These two girls, young and enthusiastic, are really great!

I really want to push Wu Long away and stand between the two girls instead of Wu Long.Let these two kiss, kiss on his face.

Wu Long asked the two girls.

"Do you know my Fez?"

The two girls nodded.

"Summon your friends, and any fans you know of me, and tell them I'm cooking steak Wellington live. Can you help me?"

The two girls let go of Wu Long's arms excitedly, and quickly took out their mobile phones to call someone.

Wu Long turned on Feisi live broadcast on his mobile phone, and entered the title "Beef Wellington on the Bite of Tongue".

"How is the kitchen going? Please lead the way."

Restaurant manager, huh?

Chef, huh?

Really go?

Dare to go?

The two were a little dumbfounded.

The chef said this because he thought that Wu Long would not dare to go to the back kitchen to make Wellington steak on site.Now that Wu Long said he would go, he hesitated again.

Should Wu Long be allowed to cook Wellington steak in the back kitchen?

"You are a Michelin two-star restaurant, so you can't speak and trustworthy, right? Don't worry, the ingredients I use will be included in my bill."

Wu Long suddenly felt that it was a good idea to make Wellington steak live.

The previous image here was just an action actor.Coupled with the impression the tour gave to everyone, it is even more so.

Then, he was a singer.It's just that singing is only famous in the music industry, and ordinary people don't know it.

He wants to be famous, and to open up the global market, he must also be famous in front of more ordinary people.

Kung Fu and fighting have too few audiences.

Food is undoubtedly a major breakthrough.

As the saying goes, food, clothing, housing and transportation, no one can live without food.

Steak Wellington is a delicacy in the West.If he cooks Steak Wellington live, he will definitely gain more fans and expand his popularity!

Hehe, I have to make this Wellington steak today!

This is much better than performing kung fu everywhere!

The restaurant manager looks at the chef.The back kitchen is the domain of the chef and can only be decided by the chef.I blamed the chef in my heart, why did I provoke Wu Long?

The chef looked at Wu Long and thought of a possibility.Maybe Wu Long was just creating momentum, trying to scare him and confuse him.As long as he backs down, Wu Long doesn't have to cook Wellington steak on the spot.And the responsibility falls on him.

Yes, it must be so!

Wu Long is just an actor, it is impossible for him to know how to cook.Even if they can, they only know Chinese cooking skills.

Western food, he will definitely not!

"Go!" The chef turned and led the way.

So far, the restaurant manager can only keep up.

Wu Long gave Tom his mobile phone and asked him to help take pictures.

The two girls tried to follow but were stopped by the restaurant manager.The two of them could only sit back at their desk in resentment.

Afterwards, the surrounding diners immediately gathered around and asked what happened.

The two girls immediately felt that they were the center of the world, and everyone started turning and begging for them.

The originally shy girl also became outgoing at this time, and boldly told everyone what happened just now.

They feel that they have done a great thing for their idols and made great contributions.

Soon, diners in the entire restaurant turned on their mobile phones, entered Wu Long's Feisi space, and watched Wu Long's live broadcast.

It is also a good conversation material to watch a celebrity cook Wellington steak live, and to experience it by your side.

When Wu Long entered the kitchen, the first thing he had to do was wash his hands.

This surprised and disappointed the chef a bit.Surprised that Wu Long knew how to wash his hands after entering the kitchen. Disappointed, he wanted to use this to accuse Wu Long and stop Wu Long before he made Wellington steak, directly saying that Wu Long was not worthy of cooking Western food.

Now, Wu Long didn't give him a chance.

Wellington Steak Wu Long would not have done it originally, but he would have done it after exchanging it from the exchange system.The incomplete version of kung fu cooking still includes western cooking.

After washing his hands, he asked the chef, "Where is the clean chef uniform?"

Foreign clothing has the potential to contaminate food in the kitchen.When entering the kitchen, you must change into a chef's uniform and wear a chef's hat. This is basic kitchen hygiene common sense.

The chef's eyes showed surprise and disappointment again.

He pointed to the cabinet next to Wu Long.

"Thank you."

Wu Long was still very polite.Wearing the chef's uniform and chef's hat, Wu Long immediately caught the eye.

Even the chef couldn't help admiring the handsome man in his heart, he was still so handsome in the chef's uniform.Even if Wu Long is not wearing the chef's clothes, it still gives people the feeling that he is the chef.

The imposing manner, just revealed so casually, convinced the people in the kitchen.

"Where is the sea salt? Black pepper?" Wu Long asked one by one where are the seasonings and ingredients needed.The chef asked his staff to tell Wu Long that he didn't want to talk to Wu Long.

He could tell that Wu Long had been very professional so far.The more professional Wu Long is, the more likely he is to make a better Wellington steak than him.

A trace of regret arises, why should I let him in for steak Wellington?

What a Shet!

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