I'm not just an action star

Chapter 311 2 Star Chef

"Thank you for watching my movie. If I do it, I will record a video and you can watch it then." Wu Long said to the two girls with a smile.

Then he took a photo with the girl and signed autographs for both of them.

Because there was too much movement here, the restaurant manager was attracted.

"What happened?" he asked the two girls.After all, it causes movement and affects others and the entire dining environment.

"We know him, we just want his autograph. His name is Wu Long, and he is the Master of Chef Kung Fu. Don't you know him?" the girl explained.

The manager of the restaurant looked at Wu Long and shook his head: "I'm sorry, if there's nothing else, please go back to your seats. Please don't make any noise, it will affect other guests."

The girl knew that she had done something wrong, but for the sake of face, she immediately sold Wu Long out.

"He is a chef, he said your Wellington steak is not good." The girl didn't think she had betrayed Wu Long.It's to prove that the idol I like is very powerful, otherwise I wouldn't behave like this just because I saw the idol.

Wu Long didn't want to cause so much trouble.It's just a meal. As for it, it's not his money.

Facing the gaze of the restaurant manager looking at him, Wu Long said with a smile:

"It's nothing, it's just a personal feeling. It's okay, let's continue to eat."

The two girls also went down the steps and returned to their seats.

Unexpectedly, the restaurant manager did not let Wu Long go.This is a Michelin two-star restaurant. If Wu Long says that the food here is not good and spreads the word, it will not only affect the reputation of the restaurant, but may also be awarded a Michelin star.

"Sir, I don't care what star you are. If you think our Wellington steak is not good, please point it out. If our Wellington steak is okay, I need your apology. I don't want to affect our restaurant's reputation because of something like this .”

Wu Long was stunned, and I said it's okay?

Tom believed that his future depended on Wu Long, that's why he invited Wu Long to dine at the Michelin two-star restaurant today.Now that the manager of the restaurant is attacking Wu Long, Tom doesn't want Wu Long to feel troubled by this, so he can take his anger out on him.

"I think there is nothing wrong with what he said. When your Wellington steak was served, it was hot outside, but the steak was cold. He didn't take the initiative to say it. He said it after I asked him. He also indicated that it was nothing, no Going to pursue it."

Tom stared at the restaurant manager.

"I want to ask you, since you have two Michelin stars, should the Wellington steak you make be cold?"

Some people discriminate against oriental faces.Tom didn't know if this restaurant manager was like this, so he had to stand up.At least let Wu Long know that he is standing beside Wu Long and protecting Wu Long.

The restaurant manager was stopped by Tom's words.As a restaurant manager, he naturally knows everything about the dishes.He can't say that Wellington Steak is like this, otherwise the restaurant will definitely get a star if it spreads out.Since steak Wellington is not supposed to be cold, his answer like that only shows that his professional level is not up to par.

However, he didn't want to admit that it was the restaurant's problem.

He looks at the waiter.

"Is that right?"

The waiter nodded.

The restaurant manager looked at Wu Long.

"Since you think that the cold steak is not to your liking, we will make another one for you. You are a star and have influence among your fans. I don't want this to spread among your fans and cause bad news to our restaurant Impact."

"No need, it's too troublesome to do it again. With this time, I'm full." Wu Long didn't want to waste time here.

"No, I am responsible for the service and reputation of our restaurant. Please wait a moment." The restaurant manager asked the waiter to remove Wu Long and Tom's steak Wellington.

"I'll have the chef do it again for you."

When the restaurant manager left, Wu Long sighed.

"It's really troublesome."

When the Wellington steak was served again, Tom found that not only the manager of the restaurant followed, but also the chef.

After Wu Long ordered, the waiter told the restaurant staff that Wu Long was here.Not all the waiters in the restaurant or those in the back kitchen know Wu Long, only a few know Wu Long, and they have also watched "The God of Cookery: The House of Gold and Jade".

Those who know Wu Long will inevitably have some discussions when they hear Wu Long's arrival.There were speculations in the discussion, such as whether Wu Long knew how to cook, whether he knew Western cooking, and so on.

These comments spread to the chef's ears, and the chef had some thoughts in his heart.What kind of chef is just an actor, why don't you think about whether the other party can cook?He can cook, but what kind of actor is he?

As a result, the Wellington steak was actually returned by the actor who is known as the chef.Although he did not cook the two Wellington steaks, he is the chef, and he is also responsible for his subordinates being returned.

After listening to the description, he knew where the problem was.Sometimes I estimate the amount of dishes, and fry a few more steaks at the same time when frying steaks.Or fry the steak, then wrap the puff pastry and bake it in the oven, the time in between is too long.There was not enough time in the oven to heat the steak inside.

There are more people eating Wellington steak in a certain period of time. If the number exceeds a certain amount, the quality will inevitably decline.

This also happens in Chinese restaurants.

He cooked two Wellington steaks himself, and came out with the waiter to see the so-called chef.

For the title of "God of Chef", the chef does not admit it.

He can't judge Chinese dishes.For western dishes, if he can become the head chef of a Michelin two-star restaurant, his culinary skills must be outstanding.

"Sir, this is our chef." The restaurant manager introduced the chef to Wu Long and Tom.

The chef asked Wu Long: "I cooked this Wellington steak myself, and I hope to satisfy you."

Wu Long said perfunctorily, "Not bad, not bad."

Tom touched the steak Wellington in front of him with his finger, this time it was really hot.When he was thinking about the difference between the hot Wellington steak and the cold one, he heard the chef question Wu Long.

"No, what you said doesn't match your expression. Since you are known as the God of Cooking in the East, you should express your true opinion. This is the respect for me and the dish in front of you."

The chef believes that Wu Long is just boasting about his superb cooking skills because he has made food movies.So I want to pretend to be in front of Tom to improve my status.

He believes that Orientals like this, which is actually a kind of inferiority complex.Since he was offended today, he wanted Wu Long to know that this was his territory and no one was allowed to provoke him.

Wu Long looked at the restaurant manager.

"Isn't it necessary?"

The restaurant manager also felt that Wu Long's statement that the steak was cold was a deliberate criticism, in order to show off the image of the God of Cooking in his movie.This is related to the reputation of the restaurant, not to mention the chef's request, he can only support the chef.

"Mr. Wu, I hope you can respect our chef's opinion."

Wu Long thought of the drama "Mr. Good" again.Of course, in the West, there is no such thing as a steak that is too dry.Because they don't eat well cooked.As Tom said, the filet mignon tastes best medium rare.Even if it has been fried, it will only be medium or medium.

There is no problem of drying out.If the steak is dried out, the puff pastry will probably burn.

And the filet steak, from medium to medium rare, is within the allowable range.It's not too chewy, according to Seya.

The piece of Wellington steak in front of me has indeed been grilled.In a normal restaurant, it's nothing.But a restaurant with two stars certified by Michelin is a bit unreasonable.

Looking at the Wellington steak in front of him, Wu Long said in a mild tone as much as possible:

"Maybe the chef is worried that we waited too long, and the cooking process is a little anxious. You see, the meringue is actually baked. Look here, it's a little burnt. Look here again, it's a little mushy."

The chef and restaurant manager took a closer look and it was true.Sweat dripped from the chef's forehead, he was indeed careless.The whole kitchen didn't just cook this dish for Wu Long, and they didn't know the timing well.

However, as far as this burntness is concerned, it is normal in ordinary restaurants, so diners usually don't care about anything.

If he didn't force Wu Long to say it, Wu Long wouldn't say it either.Now, because I am too...

Can you admit it?


Can't insist!

Once you admit it, you are smashing your own brand.

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