I'm not just an action star

Chapter 310 Eating Steak

At Weiner Pictures, Wu Long is watching Rocky's training documentary.He is the director of this documentary, deciding the direction of the documentary and the selection of materials.

Wu Long didn't interfere too much in Rocky's game.What should be taught has already been taught.The rest is for Rocky to absorb and form Rocky's own style.

If Wu Long interferes too much, it will cause Rocky to fail to follow the development of his heart and nature.This is not good for Rocky, Rocky is not Wu Long's machine, he is a human being.

Wu Long will only point it out when he finds that Rocky has not corrected or formed some problems after many boxing matches.

However, Rocky is indeed a genius in this area, and there is no need for Wu Long to point out his faults.Rocky is like a sponge, constantly and frantically absorbing the experience of fighting in the ring.Including how to deal with some small moves of the opponent, how to face the dissatisfaction of the referee and the audience.

He played very patiently and strictly followed Wu Long's plan, playing three rounds before knocking out his opponent in the last few seconds.

During the game, you must have your own concept of time. This is what Wu Long emphasized to Rocky.

A good fighter and mixed martial artist has a very precise control over time.Only by accurately grasping the passage of time can a more effective strategy be formulated.

The timing of the entire game can be reflected in the timing of the opponent.You can observe the ups and downs of the opponent's excitement, physical energy consumption, rhythm and so on.It can even observe the frequency and speed of the opponent's punches, when the opponent is used to punching, and when the combination will repeat.

Rocky gradually became involved.

It can be said that laymen watch the excitement, while insiders watch the way.However, apart from Wu Long, not many people could tell that Rocky was already performing and teasing his opponents.

Wu Long said that Rocky will use competitions instead of training.Therefore, although he plays the game very frequently, he does not need to use his full strength in the game.

In this way, a day's rest and recovery, and a day's state adjustment are enough.

"Dragon, haven't you finished? Let's go, it's time to get off work. You need to relax. I made a reservation at the Michelin Restaurant. It's a Michelin two-star restaurant, and I want to celebrate for myself."

Wu Long started to pack his things.

"Michelin, is it expensive?"

"It's a bit expensive, and I don't eat it often."

Tom drove Wu Long to Milinxiang Restaurant.The environment here is elegant and quiet amidst the hustle and bustle.No one was talking loudly or making noise inside, and the waiters spoke softly and had a great attitude.

"You can order whatever you want. I've won money again."

No wonder this guy wanted a treat, he should have been buying Rocky to win.

Wu Long has no love for Western food, nor does he read the menu.Waiting for Tom to finish ordering, he also asked for the same dish.

The waiter even recognized Wu Long as the king of oriental kung fu, and quietly asked Wu Long if he could take a photo with him and sign his name, and Wu Long agreed.

"Sir, your Wellington steak." The waiter put two steaks in front of Tom and Wu Long.

Steak Wellington is a traditional Chinese dish, and it is also known as the most elegant Chinese dish.This dish is very troublesome to make, and it is extremely exquisite to the chef's craftsmanship.

The outside is a layer of golden and attractive meringue, under which is a layer of ham and mushrooms.The inside is the fried filet mignon.

Filet means beef tenderloin.

If someone serves you a simple pastry-wrapped steak and says it's a Wellington, it's trying to fool you.

Among Western dishes, most of the dishes with "Wellington" in their name are basically a layer of meringue wrapped in the shell and a large piece of meat inside.

For example, a pork chop is Wellington pork chop.Pack a salmon, it's Wellington salmon.Pack a chicken chop, it's called Chicken Wellington.What's more, it is wrapped with mushrooms, called Wellington mushrooms.

Many people think that Wellington steak is to fry the steak, wrap it in puff pastry and put it in the oven, and it will be out of the oven when the time is up.

However, this is not the case.

Wellington steak is definitely a dish to test a western chef.

Like the Chinese dishes of sweet and sour pork and dry fried beef river, it is called the kitchen nemesis.

Wellington steak is the kitchen nemesis in Western food.Especially in some culinary shows, if it is specified to cook Wellington steak, many chefs will turn their heads on this dish.

Because this dish is a test of the chef's control over the heat.

The filet mignon is covered with a layer of mushroom sauce, and the mushroom sauce is wrapped with a thin layer of ham.The ratio and thickness of these two layers of ingredients are very particular.

The ham layer should not be too thick, too thick will affect the rawness of the innermost filet steak and the texture of the steak.Because it was steak and not ham.Too much ham will take away the flavor and texture of the steak.

Too little mushroom sauce and not rich enough flavor.Too much and it will affect the meaty taste of the steak.

The role of the ham layer is not only to increase the freshness, but also to effectively block the juice of the mushroom sauce and steak from wetting the puff pastry.If the puff pastry becomes soggy, it will not be crispy, and the steak Wellington is considered a failure.

Because it is baked in the oven and wrapped in puff pastry, it is impossible to directly observe the degree of rawness of the meat with the eyes. This is extremely difficult for Western cooking requirements that emphasize the degree of cooked beef.It can only be judged by the experience of having done it many times, so Wellington steak is the nemesis of western kitchens.

The finished Wellington steak will not be loose when it is made and cut. The puff pastry, mushroom sauce, ham layer, and filet steak are tightly bonded together, which is considered to be in good condition.

"This dish is my favorite, Steak Wellington." Tom introduced happily. "You must taste it well, it is definitely not inferior to your Chinese food."

Later, he noticed that Wu Long's eyebrows were wrinkled.

"Why, don't you like it?"

"Ah, I see, you guys like cooked meat."

"I know you should have learned some culinary skills when filming "The God of Cookery: Gold and Jade", but what you know is only superficial. Especially Western food, you may not know much."

"The filet steak is the tenderest part of the steak. Medium-rare is the best way to keep the tenderness of the filet steak. At this time, the meat has a rich texture, soft, smooth and tender, and the original sweetness of the steak. Very flattering!"

Wu Long couldn't help but think of a TV series "Mr. Good" that he had watched in his previous life. There was a scene about Wellington steak in it.It's just that according to the real Wellington steak, the Wellington steak in that play is not the authentic Wellington steak, but puff pastry steak.

Not only did the Wellington steak on TV have no mushroom sauce and ham layer, but the meringue was not crispy at all, it was loose, loose and soft, and the meringue and meat were separated from each other, and even almost fell off.

Wu Long explained: "It's not that I dislike this raw filet mignon, but haven't you noticed? The meringue on the outer skin of our Wellington steak is hot, but the steak inside is cold."

Tom froze for a moment.

"Ah? Isn't it like this? The Wellington steak I eat has always been like this. It's delicious?"

"Beef Wellington is not a cold dish. Whether it is Chinese or Western, as long as it is not a cold dish, it should not be served cold." Wu Long further explained.

"Is that so? But if it's hot, it won't be medium rare, right?" Tom is actually not sure.

Wu Long laughed.

"Forget it, I'm just here for dinner, not to make trouble. I just frowned just now, and didn't want to say anything. I didn't expect you to find out and ask me." Wu Long shook his head. "It's not supposed to be made by the chef. Forget it, eat it. Go buy ingredients tomorrow, and I'll make it for you."

"You really know how to do it?" Tom couldn't believe it.

Which actor really went to learn cooking in order to act in a movie?Besides, Wu Long made a Chinese cooking movie, not a Western cooking movie, so how could he cook Wellington steak?

"Is it true, you will know if you eat it tomorrow?"

Tom suddenly felt that the Wellington steak in front of him was not tasty.Thinking about it carefully, what Wu Long said seemed to make sense.

"Hi, you are Master Chef Kung Fu Dragon, aren't you? I have watched your "Master Chef: All the Gold and Jade", and your cooking skills are too good. Can you really cook? Can you really cook Wellington Steak ? Is this Wellington steak really bad? But, this is a two-star Michelin restaurant!"

Next to it was a girl with freckles, about nineteen or twenty.Immediately behind her was another girl of similar age who looked at Wu Long shyly.

The eyes of the two girls looking at Wu Long are the eyes of their idols.It turned out that just now the waiter asked Wu Long to take a photo and sign, which attracted the attention of the two girls at the next table.Seeing that Wu Long seemed to be arguing with Tom, he quietly came over to eavesdrop.

Now, he sent a series of inquiries to Wu Long, hoping to get Wu Long's answer.

Wu Long glanced at the dining table of the two, and there was also Wellington steak on it.

Such a coincidence?Wu Long thought to himself.

At this time, the situation here attracted the attention of other people in the restaurant. Although the waiter still had a smile on his face, he was a little embarrassed.

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